Heute ist für Fifa 16 ein neuer Patch erschienen. Wir haben die Patchnotes des 1.05 Updates für euch.
- Improvements to the Rules and Physics systems to have better referee decisions and help address penalty decisions.
- Behavioral changes in ‘Secondary Contain’ and ‘Interceptions’ to help balance high-pressure situations.
- Improvements in how quickly fatigue effects occur for players using ‘Aggressive Interceptions’ and ‘Secondary Contain’. This could, in turn, have an impact on your ability to apply high pressure as the game progresses and your players become increasingly fatigued.
- Instances where no auto tackle launched even when positioned properly.
- Improvements in the positioning system to allow for better attacking runs and support.
In addition to the above, we have made minor changes to attribute boosts provided by Chemistry in FIFA Ultimate Team, which affects passing, interceptions, and long shots.
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