Bethesda hat heute das angekündigte Update 1.4 für die PC Spieler auf Steam veröffentlicht. Wie man auf Twitter mitgeteilt hat, gibt es derzeit keine Infos zu einem Datum, wann dieses Update die Konsolenspieler erreichen wird.
Fallout 4’s 1.4 update is now live and public on Steam. When we have more info on the console update, we will share info.
— Bethesda Game Studios (@BethesdaStudios) February 29, 2016
PC Patchnotes:
New Features
- Support for add-ons
- Additional art customization added to Workshop
- Super Mutant clutter including meat totems, meat bags and meat cart
- Raider clutter including raider poles, cages and tents
- Abstract and portrait paintings
- Variety of new signs
- More metal and wood doors variants
- General stability and performance improvements
- During „Getting a Clue“ quest, Kellogg’s desk will remain a -working container
- During „Rocket’s Red Glare“, resolved issue where companions could not be dismissed after completing the quest
- Fixed an issue with „Kremvh’s Tooth“ quest item not spawning properly
- Settlements under attack will now display an updated message with the results of the attack if player does not respond
- Fixed an issue with screen effects not clearing away properly after using a scope
- Fixed an issue with trying to sprint while in third person with a minigun equipped
- Rank 4 of Demolition Expert perk now properly increases the area effect of explosives
- The Scrounger perk now includes additional common ammo types Fixed an issue where Calvin Whitaker would disappear in Vault 81
- Fixed an issue where Ninja and Sandman perks combined would apply the incorrect damage bonus
- Fixed an issue where Rank 3 of Grim Reaper’s Sprint did not fill critical meter properly
- Fixed an issue with key cards not spawning correctly in Vault 75
- Fixed an issue where enemies would stop spawning during „Airship Down“
- Being in first person while wearing power armor and quickly switching weapons will no longer cause the Pip-Boy to be stuck
- Fixed an issue with the autosave counter getting incorrectly reset
- Fixed issue that would cause the Pip-Boy menu to turn invisible while swimming
- Fixed an issue where scrapping larger quantities of a single item would inadvertently scrap a legendary item
- Fixed issue where exiting workbenches would cause third person to stop working properly
- The Scribe can now be assigned consecutive settlements properly
- Fixed issue with duplicating scraps shipments
- Fixed issue with vendors not properly exchanging caps after several consecutive transactions in a row
- Fixed issue with the quicksave and autosave message persisting through loading screens
- Fixed an issue where updating to the latest patch would cause Options settings to reset back to default (Xbox One)
- Fixed an issue with loading save with a placed object in water, not properly floating
How to access the 1.4 update beta
To get the Beta, you need to do the following:
- Log into Steam
- Right Click on Fallout 4 in your Library
- Select Settings
- Select Betas
- A drop down menu will appear. Select Beta Update
- Select OK
- Wait a few minutes and Fallout 4 should update
- When done, Fallout 4 should appear as Fallout 4 [beta] in your Library
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