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Season 7 Episode 1 „Into The Storm“ ist heute in The Crew 2 mit dem Update 1.27 gestartet

Heute startete in The Crew 2 die Season 7 Episode 1 „Into The Storm“, die neue Events und den Performance-Modus auf der PS5 & Xbox Series X/S mit sich bringt!

Ubisoft gab bekannt, dass das neueste kostenlose Update für The Crew 2, Season 7 Episode 1: Into the Storm, ab sofort für Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 sowie Windows PC über den Ubisoft Store, Epic Games Store und Steam erhältlich ist. Spieler können auch Ubisoft+ auf PC und Amazon Luna abonnieren.

Motorflix hat für die erste Episode von Season 7 seine bisher größte Show zusammengestellt. In dieser brandneuen Serie nehmen Spieler an einem spannenden Untergrundrennen teil, das von einer Seite der USA zur anderen führt. Dieses Rennen wird spektakulären und unvorhersehbaren Ereignissen begleitet. Von einstürzenden Gebäuden, über Straßensperren der Polizei, bis hin zu einem gewaltigen Sandsturm. Spieler werden direkt zu Beginn der neuen Season auf eine harte Probe gestellt. Insgesamt stehen in der Into The Storm-Kampagne fünf Events bevor, die ab sofort zur Verfügung stehen. Wenn Spieler die komplette Serie abschließen, schalten sie eine exklusive Belohnung frei: den Mitsubishi 300 GT VR-R No Rules Edition.

?Season 7 bringt außerdem zahlreiche Verbesserungen der Spielqualität mit sich. Unter Berücksichtigung des Feedbacks der Spieler ist nun eine neue Performance-Modus-Option (1440p bei 60FPS) auf PlayStation 5 und Xbox Series X verfügbar. Zudem wurde ein Performance-Modus mit 60fps-Unterstützung auf der Xbox Series S sowie visuelle Verbesserungen und Bugfixes auf allen Plattformen bereitgestellt.

Ein brandneuer Motorpass mit 50 Rängen neuer exklusiver, kostenloser sowie Premium-Belohnungen wurde mit Season 7 Episode 1: Into The Storm in das Spiel gebracht. Dazu gehören der McLaren P1 Gold Line Edition (Hypercar), der Pontiac Firebird T/A Golden Wings Edition (Street Race), der Mitsubishi FTO GP Version R Nebula Edition (Street Race), der Porsche 918 Spyder – Silvery Edition (Hypercar) sowie Prestige-Objekte, Outfits, Währungspakete (Crew Credits und Bucks) und vieles mehr.

Weitere Fahrzeuge wie der Pontiac Firebird T/A 1077 (Street Race) oder der Mitsubishi FTO GP Version R (Street Race) sind ab sofort im Shop erhältlich. Im Laufe der Episode werden zudem auch noch weitere Überraschungen hinzukommen. Für neue Fahrer, die in The Crew 2 einsteigen, gibt es pünktlich zum neuen Update neue Fahrzeug-Starter-Pakete zu kaufen, die neue exklusive Auto-Editionen (Porsche Cayman GT4 Carbon Edition oder Mazda RX-8 Pearl Edition) mit einem Währungs-Starter-Paket (45.000 Crew Credits) zu einem reduzierten Preis kombinieren.

Schließlich wird das LIVE Summit-Erlebnis auch in Season 7 mit einer neuen wöchentlichen Herausforderung fortgesetzt. Bei den LIVE Summits gibt es nur ein Ziel: die Rangliste so weit wie möglich zu erklimmen. Jede Woche werden die besten Spieler, basierend auf ihrer jeweiligen Platzierung, mit exklusiven Gegenständen und Fahrzeugen belohnt.

Patch-Notes zum Update 1.27:

Zuguterletzt haben wir für euch die englischsprachigen Patch-Notes zum ca. 29-32GB großen Update:

Season Events

  • [Added] 10 new events across 2 Episodes with unique intro and outro videos.

Vanity Items

  • [Added] 86 new vanity items, 58 of those items are available in the Motorpass. These new items will be released throughout the Season in the shop, as LIVE Summit rewards, or in the Motorpass.
    • 10 Horns
    • 13 Nitros
    • 2 Suits
    • 3 Outfit Parts
    • 8 Rooftops
    • 8 Smokes
    • 18 Tires
    • 17 Underglows
    • 7 Window tints
  • [Added] Season 1 Motorpass vanities are returning to the shop throughout the Season.
  • [Added] New type of vanity tires: Contrasting Tires that have different visuals between the front and rear wheels.
  • [Fixed] The Green Sparks Smoke vanity was producing low poly smoke when equipped on drift vehicles rather than the intended green sparks.
  • [Fixed] The Ski Underglows Spanish translation was incorrect.
  • [Fixed] Removed an unintentional fog effect on window tints when raining.
    [Fixed] The Flying Eagle rooftop is now visible when applied to the Proto Alpha Mark II in vehicle customization.


  • [Added] 17 LIVE Summits including 8 Premium LIVE Summits:
    • 4 new Premium LIVE Summits rewards
    • 4 returning Premium LIVE Summits rewards
    • 1 mooded LIVE Summit


  • [Added] 2 new Motorpasses.
  • [Added] Option to purchase the Motorpass and the Premium Motorpass in bucks.
  • [Fixed] Followers based challenges can now be completed by Icon 9999 players.

Game Mode

  • [Fixed] Season 5Stories game mode steps text is no longer displaying code when in-game language is set to Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese.

Starter Packs

  • [Added] 2 Starter Packs.


New Vehicles

  • [Added] 22 New Vehicles
  • [Fixed] The KTM 1290 Super Duke R ABS is no longer missing its RPM needle.
  • [Fixed] The Kawasaki Ninja H2 digital gauge no longer clips through the plastic housing.
  • [Fixed] The BMW S1000RR gauge no longer clips through the plastic housing.
  • [Fixed] The nitro should now come out the two central exhaust pipes on the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+.
  • [Fixed] The Proto Buggy half shafts are now correctly reaching the wheelbase in the open world.
  • [Fixed] The Mitsubishi Eclipse Star Edition is no longer missing the rooftop vanity option.
  • [Fixed] On the Citroën GT, some rooftop vanity items that were clipping are now correctly displayed.
  • [Fixed] On the Mazda RX-3 and the Nissan Fairlady Z 432 (PS30) Under the Stars Edition, the camera is no longer clipping below the ground when using the underglow tab in the customization menu.


  • [Fixed] Some cars that were not correctly affected by the ice handling penalty are now doing so.
  • As a result, we are resetting the leaderboards on the Dominion Frozen events in the Street Race & Hypercar categories:
    • Dominion Frozen #1
    • Dominion Frozen #2
    • Dominion Frozen #4
    • Dominion Frozen #6
    • Dominion Frozen #8


  • [Fixed] Under certain conditions, the wheels of a limited number of cars would clip through the tarmac. Some edge-cases can persist.


  • [Added] New main menu.
  • [Added] New landing page and start menu videos.
  • [Added] New HQ Bus and new world billboard posters.
  • [Improved] Reworked events and HQ icons on the Global Map for better legibility.
  • [Improved] Reworked icons in free roaming to offer better accessibility.

World (Visual & Audio)


  • [Added] New 3D props available in the open world.
  • [Improved] The arrows indicating a turn have been made brighter.
  • [Fixed] Building missing its bottom texture in North Chicago.
  • [Fixed] Group of floating and submerged NPCs at Malibu beach.
  • [Fixed] Ground clipping and chaotic movement when using small vehicles at the base of the platform of Ski Jump next to the American Petrol Race event.
  • [Fixed] Players can no longer clip through the wall in the Maine Highlands cave system.
  • [Fixed] Unreachable Live Crate due to the addition of the Eagle Falls Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] Building floating in the air near the Magnificent Mile Speedtrap in Chicago.
  • [Fixed] Players can no longer walk out of the Offroad HQ.


  • [Fixed] The Dominion Forsberg #1 event SAS gate is no longer floating in the air.
  • [Fixed] At 19% in the Dominion Forsberg #2 event, players are no longer getting an „Out of arena“ message when driving in the tunnel.
  • [Fixed] A rock that shouldn’t be on the event path in The Monuments Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] The concrete pavement is floating in the air of the Five Kings Casino Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] A light pole is clipping with the direction arrows at 4% progression in the Dominion Forsberg #6 event.
  • [Fixed] A small patch of grass is clipping through the road in the Second Track drift event.
  • [Fixed] A pole is clipping through the fence in the Dominion Frozen #2 event.
  • [Fixed] A rock is floating in the air of the Five Kings Casino Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] A sponsor pillar is clipping through the barricades at The Monuments Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] The collision is missing for the dustbin and garbage bag in the parking lot of the Five Kings Casino Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] A light pole is clipping through the barricade of the Five Kings Casino Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] A light pole is floating in the air in the Five Kings Casino Motorsport Park
  • [Fixed] Yellow parking lines are floating in the air in the parking lot of the Five Kings Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] A plastic bag is floating in the air in the parking lot of the Five Kings Casino Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] Trash and trash bins are floating in the air in the Black Rift Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] Several NPCs are clipping through the ground in the Black Rift Motorsport Park.
  • [Fixed] On the Global Map, the Dominion Forsberg #1 event cannot be found using the Motorflix tag.
  • [Fixed] Multiple NPCs are on the racetrack on the Stage 02 East event. They have been removed to ensure their safety.


  • [Fixed] Players should now correctly receive their Crew Credits in all situations after their purchase.
  • [Improved][PS5] Performance mode on PS5.
  • [Added][XSS] Performance mode on Xbox Series S.
  • [Fixed][XSX] The Thrustmaster VG TX should now work correctly on the Xbox Series X.


  • [Fixed] Typo in the description of the Fmae Mgnaet* set.
  • [Fixed] The crew is no longer disbanded when the crew leader and a member quit the game simultaneously while playing any event in a crew.
  • [Fixed] Unable to quit the game when using a keyboard and a mouse and trying to exit via the settings menu.

Known Issues

  • [Game Mode] After the Final Call event, the vehicle of the player can appear to be lagging in the victory video.
  • [Game Mode] The navigation ribbon can go missing for the rest of the event when the player misses the checkpoints during all Season 7 events.
  • [Game Mode] Moving police cars can have their sirens turned off during the Final Call event.
  • [Motorpass] The back button can lose its functionality when the player re-enters the Motorpass after skipping the buy „Premium Motorpass“ sequence rapidly.
  • [Motorpass] The Premium Motorpass Bundle rewards are not greyed out when the player accesses the purchase tab while at tier 50.
  • [Summit] An infinite loading screen can occur when a crew member leaves the crew after accepting an event invitation in LIVE Summits.
  • [UI] Outfits that are LIVE Summits rewards are displayed as „EQUIPPED“ even if not in the customization menu, instead of the „SUMMIT EXCLUSIVE“ tag.
  • [UI] The HUB (News) tab screen can go black after quitting the vehicle customization menu. Switching tabs can solve the issue.
  • [UI] A „STORIES“ tab can be displayed when opening the Main Menu from the LIVE Summit menu.
  • [UI] Powerboats are floating mid-air in the Main menu, forgetting the fact that they are not Powerplanes.
  • [Vanity] Previous rooftop shadow can be seen for a few seconds after switching between rooftops in the customization menu.

*Fame Magnet.

The Crew 2 ist seit dem 29. Juni 2018 für die PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC erhältlich. Unsere Review zum Game könnt ihr hier lesen.