Heute ist für das Spiel von Bethesda Fallout 4 ein weiterer Patch erschienen. Wir haben die Patchnotes des 2,417 GB großen Patch 1.09 für euch:
The 1.7 Update is live for PC, Xbox One and PS4.
- Support for Nuka-World
- New store art type for Workshop settlements
- Ability to delete Add Ons without doing a full uninstall (PS4)
- General optimization and stability improvements
- Jun and Marcy Long are no longer essential after completing „Sanctuary“
- Vendors can offer large shipments of Ceramic, Copper, Rubber, Steel and Wood
- Improvements to accuracy and control with picking up and placing objects (not Workshop mode)
- Grenades and molotov cocktails can now be used with the Junk Mortar (Contraptions)
- Fixed issue with companions unequipping clothing when fast traveling with player
- Fixed an issue with player animations not loading properly after reloading a saved game
- Fixed issue where certain dog armors would not equip properly on Dogmeat
- Fixed an issue where objects from Add Ons would not scrap correctly or would not be stored properly
- Fixed infinite load that would occasionally occur while logging off while downloading a mod
- Fixed a crash related to investing in a store while trading
- Fixed issue where „Quartermastery“ would send player to erroneous locations
- Fixed performance issues related to dropping certain weapons
- Fixed issue where melee weapon would not properly after dying and reloading the save
- Fixed a rare issue where Sturges and Mama Murphy would stop moving
- Fixed snapping issue with Surgery Center in Workshop mode
- Fixed an issue with falling through moving platforms when pausing the game
- Fixed rare performance issue when equipping certain items in Pip-Boy
MODS FIXES(PC and Xbox One only)
- Fixed issue where Mods images would stop displayed while scrolling through Mods menu
- Disable All Mods now works properly when offline
- NPCs that are changed in a Mod will update changes like hairstyles properly
- Fixed animation error related to NPCs changed in Mods who have died, and reloading the save without the Mod activated
- Fixed issue where sneaking would turn player invisible while running with Mods
- Localization strings moved to Interface archive
- Minor UI improvements to Mods menu and Mods Detail menus