Ubisoft bringt weiteren Patch für Far Cry 4 heraus.
- Fixed some random crashes on all game modes.
- Fixed host migration edge random & case issues
- Fixed custom match stability issues
- Fixed join-in-progress edge case issues
- Fixed progression page issues in Story missions
- Fixed functionality issues in the shop menu
- Fixed several localization issues (cut-off text, subtitles)
- Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks
- Fixed host migration random issues specific to coop
- Fixed minor gameplay functionality issues
- Fixed aiming issues with the machine gun weapon
- Fixed minor and low repro QTE issue with specific animals
- Fixed Map Browser issues
- Fixed occlusion and navmesh issues
- Fixed some missing audio in radio calls
- Coop will no longer cause users to hang on the main menu and with the second player unable to progress to the lobby.