Warner Bros. veröffentlichte am gestrigen Mittwoch für ihr Beat’em up Mortal Kombat XL mit dem Patch 1.04 ein umfangreiches Balancing-Update.
Der Patch ist 154,6MB groß und wir haben für Euch wie immer die Patch-Notes:
General Gameplay fixes
- Many move list corrections
- Increased energy cost to start running to 25 (up from 15)
- Increased energy cost to cancel into a dash (where applicable) to 25 (up from 15)
- Getting hit while running will now drain 50 energy
- The increased hurt regions when you perform an air attack now activate one frame before the hit region activates
- Kounter message added when a hit lands as a counterattack or punish
- Delayed Wakeup will no longer activate if the block button is pressed or held while holding down
- You are no longer able use specific timing to avoid recovery frames on some jump attacks which used weapons
- Reduced the victim blockstun along with the attacker block recovery on many moves (keeping the same +|- on block advantage)
- WBID unlocks no longer have additional requirements
Character Specific Fixes
- Alien – while attacking with the tail Alien will have an extended hurt region
- Alien – fixed an issue with Alien’s ducking hurt regions not resizing properly
- Alien – Towards+BK now has 19 startup frames (up from 17)
- Alien – adjusted the increased hurt regions during the active frames of jumping attacks
- Alien – Tail Slam no longer has armor
- Alien – Tail Flip & Tail Slam now have 20 startup frames (up from 18), 2 active frames (down from 4), & had the hit region adjusted
- Alien – Tail Flip is now -10 on block (down from -7) and Tail Slam is now -28 on block (down from -17)
- Alien – Xeno Strike is now +14 on hit (down from +22)
- Alien – Tail Snag is now +14 on hit (down from +20) and Tail Grab is now +18 on hit (down from +48)
- Alien – adjusted the hit region of Tail Snag & Tail Grab to hit more consistent
- Alien – fixed a bug which could allow Alien to cancel out of miss recovery of a jump attack into a special move or combo string
- Alien (Acidic) – adjusted the air reaction of Acid Blood to prevent an opponent from being otg-juggled during it
- Alien (Acidic) – fixed an issue where Acid damage over time was not stacking properly
- Alien (Acidic) – Acid Blood now self-inflicts 3 damage (up from 1) & Erosive Blood now self-inflicts 3 damage (up from 1.5)
- Alien (Konjurer) – Fixed an issue which could cause Drone Drop to hit multiple times on the same frame Alien was in block pause
- Alien (Tarkatan) – Chop Chop Shop now has 2 hits of armor
- Alien (Tarkatan) – Spinner no longer has armor
- Alien (Tarkatan) – Tarkatan Rush can no longer be delayed (Tarkatan Fury can still be delayed)
- Bo Rai Cho – dash forward now takes 26 frames (down from 33)
- Bo Rai Cho – run startup is now 13 frames (down from 15)
- Bo Rai Cho – back dash recovers 2 frames faster and travels slightly further
- Bo Rai Cho – fixed a bug which would allow an opponent to block after Fart Cloud if it hit late on the same frame Bo Rai Cho exited the attack
- Bo Rai Cho – Fist Flurry, Monkey Flips, & Bump n Dump now have 2 hits of armor
- Bo Rai Cho – fixed a bug where damage scaling was being reset after Tumble Kicks & Monkey Flips
- Bo Rai Cho – adjusted the hit region of Tumble Kicks & Monkey Flips to hit more consistent
- Bo Rai Cho (Dragon Breath) – Up Fire Spit & Up Fire Breath now destroy most incoming basic projectiles
- Bo Rai Cho (Dragon Breath) – fixed a bug where Up Fire Breath could trade with Shinnok’s (Necromancer) Summoned Fiend from far away
- Bo Rai Cho (Dragon Breath) – Up Fire Spit now recovers 5 frames faster
- Bo Rai Cho (Drunken Master) – Spinning Hammers now has 2 hits of armor
- Bo Rai Cho (Bartitsu) – Spinning Kane & Spin and Slam now recovers 10 frames faster on miss
- Bo Rai Cho (Bartitsu) – Spinning Kane & Spin and Slam now destroy most incoming basic projectiles
- Bo Rai Cho (Bartitsu) – Snag and Bump & Kane Strike now have 2 hits of armor
- Bo Rai Cho (Bartitsu) – Bo Rai Cho can now perform the Kove brutality while using this variation
- Cassie – Towards+FK now has 20 startup frames (up from 15)
- Cassie – Getaway Flip now has 45 miss recovery frames (up from 36)
- Cassie (Hollywood) –
- Cassie (Brawler) –
- Cassie (Spec Ops) –
- D’Vorah – fixed a bug causing her head collision to get smaller while running
- D’Vorah – Spawning Puddle is now +12 on block (down from +22) and has reduced pushback
- D’Vorah – Spawning Pool is now +27 on block (down from +47) and has reduced pushback
- D’Vorah – Towards+BP now hits mid
- D’Vorah – increased the hit advantage and cancel advantage of Towards+FK
- D’Vorah (Brood Mother) – reduced the recovery of Bug Blast, Bug Bomb, & Enhance Bug Bomb by 4 frames
- D’Vorah (Brood Mother) – increased damage scaling on Bug Blast, Bug Bomb, & Enhance Bug Bomb
- D’Vorah (Brood Mother) – reduced the block stun on Bug Blast, Bug Bomb, & Enhance Bug Bomb by 10 frames
- D’Vorah (Brood Mother) – reduced the damage of Bug Bomb by 1
- D’Vorah (Brood Mother) – reduced the damage of Crawler by 1
- D’Vorah (Brood Mother) – Enhanced Bug Bomb no longer sometimes visually stays on screen when blocked
- D’Vorah (Swarm Queen) – Vortex Swarm is now +3 on block (down from +22)
- D’Vorah (Swarm Queen) – Infestation is now +1 on block (down from +20)
- D’Vorah (Venomous) – replaced Bug Spray (enhanced) with a new attack called Bug Burst
- D’Vorah (Venomous) – Venomous brutality requirements changed
- Ermac – Force Port when done as a wakeup attack no longer has armor
- Ermac – Towards+BK now has 16 startup frames (up from 12), is -25 on block (down from -22), and does 5 damage (down from 7)
- Ermac – increased combo damage scaling on Force Lift & Tele-Lift
- Ermac – reduced the blockstun of Air Soul Blast by 10 frames and reduced the pushback
- Ermac – Up Soul Blast is now +22 on hit (down from +27)
- Ermac – Away+FP,BP is now +15 on hit (down from +23)
- Ermac (Mystic) – reduced the pushback on Levitate
- Ermac (Mystic) – fixed a bug where if Ermac was hit on a certain frame after connecting with Levitate, the life gain and meter drain could be active longer than intended
- Ermac (Mystic) – increased combo damage scaling on Tele-Hang, Tele-Hold, Tele-Choke, & Levitate
- Ermac (Master of Souls) – increased combo damage scaling on Soul Ball & Soul Trap
- Ermac (Spectral) – Spectral Charge now has 2 hits of armor
- Ermac (Spectral) – Force Port & Soul Blast while hovering no longer has armor
- Erron Black – Towards+FP now has 23 startup frames (up from 16)
- Erron Black – Slide Shots now has 2 hits of armor
- Erron Black (Gunslinger) –
- Erron Black (Outlaw) – Sand Throw (pocket sand) no longer has armor
- Erron Black (Outlaw) – Sand Throw is now -5 on block (up from -20) with increased pushback and does 4 more damage
- Erron Black (Marksman) –
- Ferra/Torr – reduced the blockstun of Ferra Toss by 10 frames and reduced the pushback
- Ferra/Torr (Ruthless) –
- Ferra/Torr (Vicious) –
- Ferra/Torr (Lackey) – Torr Up no longer has armor
- Goro – BP,FP,BK is now -2 on block (up from -5)
- Goro – Towards+BP now has 17 startup frames (down from 22)
- Goro – Increased the range of Towards+FK
- Goro – removed 5 recovery frames from Away+BK
- Goro – Shokan Bolt now has 16 startup (down from 23) and has 5 less recovery frames
- Goro – Shokan Blast now has 21 startup (down from 27) and has 5 less recovery frames
- Goro – Fist Flurry now does all 6 hits on block and is now -12 on block (down from -5)
- Goro – Fist Flurry & Punch Walk now cause the same air reactions making combos more consistent
- Goro – Shokan Slam & Krush now have 2 hits of armor
- Goro – Fist Flurry no longer pops up the opponent but can still be enhanced
- Goro (Kuatan Warrior) – Chest Charge now has 2 hits of armor
- Goro (Dragon Fangs) – Piercing Fang is now +7 on block (down from +12)
- Goro (Dragon Fangs) – Dragon Spin no longer has armor
- Goro (Dragon Fangs) – Piercing Fang now has 2 hits of armor
- Goro (Dragon Fangs) – Shokan Massacre now has 2 hits of armor
- Goro (Tigrar Fury) – removed 5 recovery frames from Flame Ball
- Goro (Tigrar Fury) – Dragon Torch now has 30 frames of armor (up from 20)
- Goro (Tigrar Fury) – Dragon Breath is now +7 on block (down from +12)
- Goro (Tigrar Fury) – Flame Chain has increased pushback on block, has 4 less recovery frames, and the last two projectiles now hit mid
- Jacqui – BP,FP,BP is now -2 on block (down from -7)
- Jacqui – Forces Charge now has 2 hits of armor
- Jacqui – Away+BP now has 5 less block cancel advantage
- Jacqui (Full Auto) – increased combo damage scaling on Towards+BP,UP+BP,BP+BK
- Jacqui (Full Auto) – Up Rocket is now -3 on block (down from +5)
- Jacqui (Full Auto) – Rocket Power is now +7 on block (down from +28)
- Jacqui (Full Auto) – increased combo damage scaling on Up Rocket & Rocket Power
- Jacqui (Shotgun) – Double Barrel is now -1 on block (up from -5)
- Jacqui (Shotgun) – Low Blast is now -11 on block (down from -6)
- Jacqui (Shotgun) – increased combo damage scaling on Low Blow & Low Blast
- Jacqui (Shotgun) – Low Blow is now +9 on hit when done a second time in the same combo (down from +39)
- Jacqui (Shotgun) – Low Blast is now +19 on hit when done a second time in the same combo (down from +39)
- Jacqui (High Tech) – Quick Burst has an additional 3 recovery frames
- Jacqui (High Tech) – Quick Burst is now -1 on block (down from +2)
- Jacqui (High Tech) – Quick Burst level 2 is now +8 on block (down from +11)
- Jacqui (High Tech) – Quick Burst level 3 is now +7 on block (down from +10)
- Jason – Down+FP is now -4 on block (down from -2)
- Jason – Choke Slam & Temple Slam now have 2 hits of armor
- Jason (Slasher) – Bloodlust & Shoulder Charge now have 2 hits of armor
- Jason (Slasher) – added 5 recovery frames to and increased combo damage scaling on Shoulder Push
- Jason (Relentless) – Blood Mist now has 3 hits of armor
- Jason (Unstoppable) – Jason will now properly resurrect when killed by the second hit of Predator’s Scimitar Stab
- Jason (Unstoppable) – Fixed a bug where an opponent could lose a round if they had a damage over time effect which cannot kill active on them while Jason resurrected
- Jax – Dash Fist cannot be changed into Downward Dash Fist if its armor is hit
- Jax – changing Dash Fist into Downward Dash Fist will remove its armor
- Jax – Gotcha Beatdown no longer has armor
- Jax – FP, FP is now +1 on block (down from +2)
- Jax (Heavy Weapons) – Fixed bug where Jax could be holding the rocket launcher in his hand during his X-Ray attack and cinematic
- Jax (Pumped Up) – Gotcha Extreme now has 2 hits of armor
- Jax (Wrestler) –
- Johnny Cage – Nutcracker & Ultra Flipkick no longer have armor
- Johnny Cage – Eclipse Kick now has 2 hits of armor
- Johnny Cage – Ultra Flipkick is now -1 on block (up from -16) and has increased pushback
- Johnny Cage (Fisticuffs) – Fist Bump can now be enhanced after activation which can then be cancelled into any attack or special move
- Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) – Eclipse Kick while Mimics are activated will no longer lose its armor
- Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) – reduced the blockstun Shadow Kick while Mimics are active by 10 and reduced the pushback
- Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) – reduced the blockstun of the first hit of Shadow Dropkick while Mimics are active by 20 and of the second hit by 10
- Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) – Fixed a bug that was preventing Eclipse Kick from being cancelled into during Mimic activation
- Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) – Double Straight Forceball now does 12 damage (down from 16)
- Johnny Cage (A-List) – added 5 frames before a dash cancel is active if a move is charged during the opponents block stun
- Kano – Black Dragon Ball no longer has armor
- Kano – reduced the blockstun on Multi Blades by 5 frames
- Kano (Cutthroat) – Fixed a bug which could cause Kano to lose the round if he had Power Up or Charge Up activate while Jason (Unstoppable) resurrected
- Kano (Cutthroat) – Away+FP can no longer be cancelled when blocked and is now -15 on block (down from -10)
- Kano (Cutthroat) – Charge Up no longer has armor
- Kano (Cutthroat) – Power Up & Charge Up now have 10 more recovery frames when done while the opponent is blocking
- Kano (Cutthroat) – Away+FP,BP,FP is now -10 on block (down from 0)
- Kano (Cybernetic) – Eye Blast no longer has armor and is now +4 on block (up from -11) and has 10 less recovery frames
- Kano (Commando) – Strangle, Power Bomb, & Rib Breaker now have 2 hits of armor
- Kenshi – Away+BP recovery reduced by 5 frames
- Kenshi – Towards+BK is now +4 on block (up from +2)
- Kenshi – BK, BK, FP, BP now does 7 damage (up from 5)
- Kenshi – various combo damage scaling adjustments
- Kenshi – Sword Dance & Blade-Nado no longer has armor
- Kenshi – Blade-Nado is now +47 on hit (up from +42)
- Kenshi – Sword Dance is now -7 on block (up from -12)
- Kenshi (Balanced) – Spirit Push is now -10 on block (up from -15)
- Kenshi (Balanced) – Spirit Charge now has 2 hits of armor and increased recovery frames by 5
- Kenshi (Balanced) – Spirit Charge is now +3 on block (up from -2)
- Kenshi (Balanced) – Telekinetic Slice & Telekinetic Slash have 4 less recovery frames on miss
- Kenshi (Balanced) – Telekinetic Slash has a different reaction which can allow for combos afterwards
- Kenshi (Balanced) – fixed a bug which could cause Tele-Flurry & Tele-Beatdown hit regions could be misaligned
- Kenshi (Balanced) – Karma Eruption no longer has armor and is now -2 on block (down from -17)
- Kenshi (Balanced) – Tele-Beatdown is now +1 on block (up from -9) and has increased pushback
- Kenshi (Balanced) – Karma Eruption recovers 10 frames faster on miss & hit
- Kenshi (Possessed) – Demonic Slice & Soul Charge now have 2 hits of armor
- Kenshi (Possessed) – Sickle Strike no longer has armor and is now 0 on block (up from -10) with increased pushback
- Kenshi (Possessed) – Towards+BK has 10 less recovery frames on block & miss
- Kenshi (Possessed) – Soul Charge is now +3 on block (up from -9)
- Kenshi (Possessed) – adjusted the hit regions of Demonic Strike & Demonic Slice
- Kenshi (Kenjutsu) – Tele-Suspend no longer has armor
- Kenshi (Kenjutsu) – Tele-Blast now has 2 hits of armor
- Kitana – Away+BP now has 18 frames startup (down from 25)
- Kitana – increased the range on Towards+BP
- Kitana – FK,Down+BK is now -5 on block (down from -15)
- Kitana – Rising Blades can no longer be cancelled into regular air special moves on hit
- Kitana – Rising Fan & Rising Blades can be cancelled into air enhanced special moves on hit, block, or miss
- Kitana – Throat Slice is now -16 on block (up from -30)
- Kitana – Throat Slash now has 2 hits of armor and is now -8 on block (up from -30) with increased pushback
- Kitana – increased fan projectile damage by 1
- Kitana – Square Boost & Square Wave now recover 25 frames faster on miss
- Kitana – Square Wave now has 2 hits of armor
- Kitana – After Air Float & Princess Flutter you can hold Towards to perform directional jumping attacks instead of neutral jumping attacks
- Kitana (Royal Storm) – Air Square Boost & Air Square Wave now recover 10 frames faster on miss
- Kitana (Royal Storm) – Air Square Wave now has 2 hits of armor
- Kitana (Royal Storm) – BP,BK is now -1 on block (up from -11) with increased pushback
- Kitana (Royal Storm) – Fan-Nado & Fan Vortex have increased pushback on block
- Kitana (Assassin) – Assassin Impale now has 2 hits of armor
- Kitana (Mournful) – Staff Smash & Eclipse Kick now have 2 hits of armor
- Kitana (Mournful) – Increased glaive projectile damage by 1
- Kotal Kahn – Away+FP now hits high
- Kotal Kahn – Sunstone is now 0 on block (down from +5)
- Kotal Kahn – Burning Sunstone is now +6 on block (down from +15)
- Kotal Kahn – Towards+FP is now -2 on block (up from -6) and had the pushback increased
- Kotal Kahn – Towards+FP,BP is now -1 on block (up from -6)
- Kotal Kahn – Away+FK,BP is now +2 on block (up from -3) and had the pushback increased
- Kotal Kahn (Blood God) – Obsidian Totem now lasts for 240 frames (down from 400)
- Kotal Kahn (War God) – Sword Takedown & Sword Quake now have 2 hits of armor
- Kotal Kahn (War God) – Overhead Sword Smash no longer has armor
- Kotal Kahn (War God) – Sword Toss is now +13 on block (down from -+18)
- Kotal Kahn (War God) – Spinning Sword Toss is now +10 on block (down from +20)
- Kotal Kahn (Sun God) – Moon God Choke now has 2 hits of armor
- Kung Lao – Towards+FP is now -2 on block (up from -5) and has reduced recovery
- Kung Lao – Away+FP now hits high, has 7 startup frames (down from 12), and is 0 on block (up from -11) and has reduced recovery
- Kung Lao – Away+FP,BP,BP+BK is now -3 on block (up from -13) and has increased pushback
- Kung Lao – Towards+BP,FP is now -3 on block (up from -8)
- Kung Lao – Towards+BP,FP,Down+FP is now -7 on block (up from -14)
- Kung Lao – Towards+FK is now +1 on block (up from -4) and has reduced recovery
- Kung Lao – Towards+FK,BK is now +2 on block (up from -4) and has reduced recovery
- Kung Lao – Down+FP now has 7 startup frames (down from 8)
- Kung Lao – Vortex no longer has armor
- Kung Lao – Advance Teleportation now has 2 hits of armor and disappears 10 frames faster
- Kung Lao – Hammer Punch will knock the opponent down if it is done on the way up after Advance Teleportation’s armor is hit
- Kung Lao (Tempest) – Cyclone no longer has armor
- Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) – increased damage on hat projectiles by 1
- Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) – Upward Buzz Saw now hits overhead
- Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) – Upward Grinder recovers 4 frames faster
- Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) – Low Grinder has increased pushback on block
- Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) – Low Buzz Saw has 5 less blockstun frames
- Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) – Hat Grinder & Buzz Saw now recover 4 frames faster
- Kung Lao (Hat Trick) – Adjusted the hit regions on Hat-A-Rang & Hat Call Back to hit more consistently
- Kung Lao (Hat Trick) – Slightly easier to combo after Hat Call Back & Heavy Call Back
- Kung Jin – added 8 miss recovery frames to Cartwheel Smash
- Kung Jin – Towards+BP now has 24 startup frames (up from 19) and is -7 on block (down from -10)
- Kung Jin (Ancestral) – Low Shot now fires 1 frame faster
- Kung Jin (Ancestral) – Quiver activations now last 420 frames (up from 360)
- Kung Jin (Ancestral) – Frame Data for arrow types are now shown in the movelist
- Kung Jin (Ancestral) – Fire Arrows cause 10 more block stun frames and have increased pushback
- Kung Jin (Ancestral) – Vampiric Arrows cause 10 more block stun frames and have increased pushback
- Kung Jin (Bojutsu) – Bo Flame & Bo Inferno now have 12 startup frames (down from 18) and have reduced recovery
- Kung Jin (Bojutsu) – Bo Strike, Bo Spin, & Low Bo Spin no longer have armor
- Kung Jin (Bojutsu) – Bo swat is now -12 on block (down from -20) and does 7 damage (down from 9)
- Kung Jin (Bojutsu) – Bo Strike is now +3 on block (up from -20)
- Kung Jin (Shaolin) – Up Kick & Rising Strike are now -24 on block (down from -7) with adjusted pushback
- Kung Jin (Shaolin) – Up Kick & Rising Strike now do 7 & 12 damage (down from 9 & 13)
- Kung Jin (Shaolin) – Shaolin drop & Shaolin Slam now do 5 & 9 damage (down from 6 & 10)
- Kung Jin (Shaolin) – Shaolin drop & Shaolin Slam are now -24 & -17 on block (down from -7) and now gain additional block stun frames the longer it is delayed
- Kung Jin (Shaolin) – Low Chak-A-Rang no longer returns when blocked and is now -5 on block (down from 0)
- Leatherface – Spin-Sanity no longer has armor
- Leatherface – Low Grinder & Psycho Slasher now have 2 hits of armor
- Leatherface (Killer) –
- Leatherface (Butcher) – Mallet Slam no longer has armor
- Leatherface (Pretty Lady) –
- Liu Kang – Down+FP now has 7 startup frames (down from 9)
- Liu Kang – Flying Dragon Strike & Dragon’s Wrath now have 2 hits of armor
- Liu Kang (Flame Fist) – Windmill Flurry’s cancel window now starts 5 frames later
- Liu Kang (Flame Fist) – Away+FK,BK,BP now hits overhead and is -15 on block (down from -5)
- Liu Kang (Flame Fist) – BK,BK,BP now hits overhead and is -13 on block (down from -7)
- Liu Kang (Flame Fist) – Windmill Flurry no longer has armor
- Liu Kang (Dragon’s Fire) – added 3 additional frames before you can dash cancel out of Dragon Fire if the opponent is blocking
- Liu Kang (Dualist) – activated Soul Spheres now do proximity damage to the opponent when activated and prevent the opponent from running through it
- Liu Kang (Dualist) – activated Soul Spheres can now be ignited by Solar Blast & Solar Flare
- Liu Kang (Dualist) – getting hit while charging Yang will now activate the current level of the buff
- Liu Kang (Dualist) – Solar Blast has 5 less frames of blockstun and increased pushback
- Mileena – combo damage scaling adjustments and increases
- Mileena – Away+FP now hits high and starts up in 10 frames (down from 15)
- Mileena – Flip n‘ Roll no longer recovers in time to juggle the opponent
- Mileena – Flip n‘ Roll can now be enhanced to roll backwards allowing for a juggle
- Mileena (Piercing) – Away+FP now hits high and starts up in 10 frames (down from 11)
- Mileena (Ethereal) –
- Mileena (Ravenous) –
- Predator – Down+FP is now -4 on block (up from -6) and had a hit region adjustment
- Predator – Scimitar Slam no longer automatically bounces the opponent for a combo
- Predator – Scimitar Stab & Scimitar Slam can now be enhanced to juggle the opponent
- Predator (Warrior) – Dread Launch now has 11 startup frames (down from 13) and is +6 on block (up from -14)
- Predator (Warrior) – Dread Launch now has 2 hits of armor and no longer allows for a followup afterwards
- Predator (Warrior) – Away+FK, Down+BP does 4 more damage
- Predator (Warrior) – Destruct Sequence now activates and recovers 5 frames faster
- Predator (Warrior) – Self-Destruct now activates 5 frames faster and recovers 12 frames faster
- Predator (Hunter) – Trap & Snag will now properly damage scale when done twice in the same combo
- Predator (Hunter) – removed 19 recovery frames from Medi-Kit & Quick Healing
- Predator (Hish-Qu-Ten) –
- Quan Chi – Towards+FP is now -5 on block (up from -13), +9 on hit (up from +1), and have 20 recovery frames (down from 28)
- Quan Chi – Towards+FP,BK,BP is now -5 on block (up from -14) and has increased pushback
- Quan Chi – Away+BP now hits mid
- Quan Chi – Towards+BK now hits overhead, does 7 damage (up from 5) and is -11 on block (down from -5)
- Quan Chi – Demon Skull is now +6 on block (down from +16)
- Quan Chi – adjusted the timing of being hit by trance while airborne to be more consistent with the grounded reaction
- Quan Chi (Sorcerer) – Fixed an issue where armor from Dark Curse would not always have a fresh timer on a new activation
- Quan Chi (Warlock) – Portal Stab now has 3 hits of armor, is -2 on block (up from -6), and has 11 less recovery frames
- Quan Chi (Warlock) – Portal Slam no longer has armor
- Quan Chi (Warlock) – Fixed a bug where an opponent could momentarily be floating in the air after being hit by Portal Stab
- Quan Chi (Summoner) –
- Raiden – BK, BK is now +2 on block (up from -5) and can now be special cancelled
- Raiden – Down+FK is now -4 on block and adjusted the hit region
- Raiden – Vicinity Burst now has 2 hits of armor, hits mid, is -2 on block (down from 0), does 9 damage (up from 5), and no longer knocks down
- Raiden – Vicinity Blast now does 8 damage (up from 5) and has 10 less recovery frames
- Raiden – Electrocute & Shocker now hit mid
- Raiden – Thunder Strike & Shocker no longer has armor
- Raiden – Thunder Fly & Air Thunder Fly now have 2 hits of armor
- Raiden – Electric Fly & Thunder Fly (air & ground) now recover 15 frames faster on miss
- Raiden (Thunder God) –
- Raiden (Displacer) –
- Raiden (Master of Storms) – Directional Static Trap startup and recovery is more consistent now
- Raiden (Master of Storms) – Static Trap passive damage is now 0.5 (up from 0.2)
- Raiden (Master of Storms) – Static Trap now activates in 14 frames (down from 16)
- Raiden (Master of Storms) – Full Trap now activates in 11 frames (down from 12)
- Reptile – Acid Spit now has 16 frames startup (down from 17), does 7 damage (down from 8) and has 6 less recovery frames
- Reptile – Acid Puddle now prevents the opponent from running over it
- Reptile – Klaw Pounce now does 9 damage (up from 7)
- Reptile – Klaw Bounce no longer allows for a combo juggle afterwards, is now -6 on block (up from -19), and does 12 damage (up from 7)
- Reptile – Klaw Slash no longer has armor
- Reptile – Slippery Slide now has 2 hits of armor and is +37 on hit (down from +40)
- Reptile (Deceptive) – Invisibility no longer has armor
- Reptile (Nimble) –
- Reptile (Noxious) –
- Scorpion – Flameport no longer has armor as a wakeup
- Scorpion – Takeout now has 2 hits of armor
- Scorpion (Ninjutsu) –
- Scorpion (Hellfire) – added 2 additional frames before you can dash cancel out of Fire Ball if the opponent is blocking
- Scorpion (Inferno) – Minion Slam is now +2 on block (up from -21)
- Scorpion (Inferno) – Minion Strike is now +3 on block (up from -27)
- Shinnok – Towards+FK now has 13 startup frames (down from 16), is -1 on block (up from -6) and has slightly extended range
- Shinnok – Hell Sparks & Hell Blast enhanced is now +5 on block (down from +14) and has reduced pushback
- Shinnok – Krushing Shoulder now has 2 hits of armor & no longer does the ground burst automatically afterwards
- Shinnok – Charging Shoulder & Krushing Shoulder can now be enhanced on block or hit to perform the ground burst which has a modified reaction
- Shinnok – Amulet Strike is now -6 on block (up from -11) and has 5 less recovery frames on miss
- Shinnok (Impostor) – adjusted the timing of being hit by Mimicry while airborne to be more consistent with the grounded reaction
- Shinnok (Impostor) – Mimicry is now +17 on hit (down from +104)
- Shinnok (Bone Shaper) – Scepter Launch no longer has armor
- Shinnok (Bone Shaper) – Dark Beam is now -9 on block (up from -12) and has increased pushback
- Shinnok (Bone Shaper) – Dark Blast is now 0 on block (up from -3) and has increased pushback
- Shinnok (Necromancer) – Devil’s Flick has increased pushback
- Shinnok (Necromancer) – Judgment Fist & Judgment Smash can now be dash cancelled out of before the drop
- Sonya – Away+FP now has 19 startup frames (up from 12) and 2 active frames (down from 4)
- Sonya – Away+FP,BK now has 16 startup frames (down from 14)
- Sonya – Leg Slam now has 2 hits of armor
- Sonya (Covert Ops) –
- Sonya (Demolition) – adjusted the hit region on Bake ’n‘ Wake and it now has 5 additional recovery frames
- Sonya (Demolition) – Only 1 of each type of Grenade can now be used in the same combo
- Sonya (Special Forces) –
- Subzero – Towards+FP now has 10 startup frames (down from 15)
- Subzero – Towards+FP,BP is now -2 on block (down from +2)
- Subzero – Down+FP now has 7 startup frames (down from 9)
- Subzero – Icy Slide now has 2 hits of armor
- Subzero – Frost Bomb no longer has armor and has 10 less recovery frames on hit and miss
- Subzero – Ice Burst is now -5 on block (up from -10)
- Subzero – Down+BP now has 11 startup frames (down from 12) and 4 active frames (up from 3)
- Subzero – fixed a bug where an opponent would drop out of a frozen reaction if Subzero blocked an attack on the same frame
- Subzero (Cryomancer) – Crushing Hammer no longer has armor
- Subzero (Cryomancer) – Towards+BK,BP,FP+FK now does the same animation and damage as the other variations
- Subzero (Cryomancer) – added new special move Polar Puncture & Arctic Assault which functions as a command grab which can be special cancelled out of on hit
- Subzero (Cryomancer) – Frost Hammer & Crushing Hammer do 2 less damage
- Subzero (Cryomancer) – Towards+FP,BP is now -7 on block (down from 0)
- Subzero (Cryomancer) – Towards+FP,BP,BP is now -14 on block (down from -9)
- Subzero (Unbreakable) – Barrier Of Ice now has 25 less recovery frames
- Subzero (Unbreakable) – Barrier Of Frost now has 15 less recovery frames
- Subzero (Unbreakable) – Ice Burst & Frost Bomb have increased pushback when Ice Aura or Frozen Aura are active
- Subzero (Grandmaster) – Ice Statue no longer has armor
- Takeda – combo damage scaling adjustments and increases
- Takeda – Towards+FP,BP,BP+BK & Towards+FP,BP+BK is now -24 on block (down from -21)
- Takeda – Tornado Strike no longer has armor
- Takeda – Fist Whirlwind now has 2 hits of armor and no longer automatically launches the opponent without being enhanced
- Takeda – Tri Kunai has 10 less blockstun frames and reduced pushback
- Takeda – Away+BP now has 25 startup frames (up from 24)
- Takeda – Towards+BK is now +4 on block (down from +9)
- Takeda (Shirai Ryu) – Shirai Ryu Phase no longer has armor on wakeup
- Takeda (Lasher) – Whip Flurry now has 2 hits of armor and no longer automatically launches the opponent without being enhanced
- Takeda (Lasher) – Whip Flip no longer has armor
- Takeda (Ronin) – Away+BP now has 20 startup frames (up from 15)
- Takeda (Ronin) – adjusted the hit region of Away+FP
- Takeda (Ronin) – Away+FP,FP is now -2 on block (down from 0)
- Takeda (Ronin) – Blade Summon no longer has armor
- Takeda (Ronin) – added 5 additional recovery frames to Quick Kall if the opponent is blocking
- Tanya – combo damage scaling adjustments and increases
- Tanya – Low Drill Kick no longer has armor
- Tanya – fixed a bug that would allow Tanya to cancel the recovery of a Teleport into a special move
- Tanya – removed 5 recovery frames from teleports
- Tanya (Kobu Jutsu) – Tonfa Strike now has 1 hit of armor
- Tanya (Kobu Jutsu) – Tonfa Swipe can no longer be delayed (Tonfa Strike can still be delayed)
- Tanya (Dragon Naginata) – Spinning Kick now has 1 hit of armor
- Tanya (Pyromancer) – Devil’s Dust now has 2 hits of armor and does 10 damage (up from 7)
- Tanya (Pyromancer) – Dark Shroud now does 7 damage (up from 5)
- Tanya (Pyromancer) – Air Fireball now does 8 damage (up from 6)
- Tanya (Pyromancer) – Fireball now does 8 damage (up from 7)
- Tanya (Pyromancer) – Surging Blast now does 12 damage (up from 10)
- Tanya (Pyromancer) – Air Surging Blast now goes 15 damage (up from 12)
- Tremor – Towards+FP now has 6 startup frames (down from 7)
- Tremor – Away+FP now has 14 startup frames (down from 19)
- Tremor – Down+FP now has 8 startup frames (down from 9)
- Tremor – Towards+BP now has 26 startup frames (down from 30), is +2 on block (up from -6), and has 11 less miss recovery frames
- Tremor – Towards+BK is now +6 on block (up from -14) and now hits high
- Tremor – Stone Slam cannot be changed into Stone Kut or Stone Hammer if its armor is hit
- Tremor – changing Stone Slam into Stone Kut or Stone Hammer will remove its armor
- Tremor – adjusted the hit reaction Rock Blast (Up Shatter) to reduce the combo potential
- Tremor (Aftershock) –
- Tremor (Metallic) – Gold Launch no longer has armor
- Tremor (Metallic) – Magma Blast now has 2 hits of armor
- Tremor (Crystalline) – Fixed a bug where a summoned Krystal could be invisible while thrown
- Tremor (Crystalline) – Krystal Blast no longer has armor
- Triborg – Away+FP now has 22 startup frames (up from 18) and 4 more hit cancel advantage
- Triborg – Towards+FP,FK is now -8 on block (down from -4), +8 on hit (down from +12), has 4 additional miss recovery frames, and has 4 more hit cancel advantage
- Triborg – Away+FK now has 16 frames startup (down from 15) and is -6 on block (up from -8)
- Triborg – Slide And Strike now has 2 hits of armor
- Triborg – fixed a bug where an opponent would drop out of a frozen reaction if Triborg blocked an attack on the same frame
- Triborg (LK-9T9) – Flame Thrower now has 2 hits of armor
- Triborg (LK-9T9) – Straight Missile has 5 less recovery frames, 5 more blockstun frames, & some slight pushback
- Triborg (LK-9T9) – Flame Burner has some additional pushback
- Triborg (LK-4D4) – fixed a bug where an opponent would drop out of a net reaction if Triborg blocked an attack on the same frame
- Triborg (LK-4D4) – fixed a bug where Scatter-Port would sometimes have extended recovery after you hit with a Shrapnel-Port
- Triborg (LK-4D4) – fixed a bug which would allow an opponent to block after Net if it hit late on the same frame Triborg exited the attack
- Triborg (LK-4D4) – Shrapnel-Port now has 2 hits of armor
- Triborg (LK-7T2) – will no longer get stuck if Cyber Initiative gets interrupted on a specific frame after it hits
- Triborg (LK-7T2) – Smoke Cloud & Smoke Bomb can no longer hit airborne opponents outside of a combo
Mortal Kombat XL ist eine Collection, die alle Zusatz-Charaktere und Skins von Mortal Kombat X beinhaltet, die bis zum Release von Mortal Kombat XL erschienen sind.
Mortal Kombat XL erschien am 3. März 2016 für PlayStation 4.