Naughy Dog hat am gestrigen Tage den Patch für den Survival-Modus veröffentlicht. Wir haben die detailierten Patchnotes für euch.
New DLC Content
- 2 New Maps:
- Prison
- Train Wreck (Flashback map)
- 5 Flashback Weapons:
- M4 Assault Rifle
- PAK-80 Light Machine Gun
- Micro 9mm automatic pistol
- Para 9 pistol
- Desert 5 pistol (Heavy Weapon)
- Classic Uncharted 2 & 3 music added to in-game & menus
- 48 Character Skins
- 40 Vanity items
- 10 Taunts
- 25 new color options for every skin!
- 10 new levels (81 – 90 for competitive), with two new vanity unlocks
- 12 New Co-op Trophies
- New Challenges for new items & Survival challenges
- You can now set your challenge preference to Multiplayer, Survival, or a mix of both
- Separate MP and SP executables, the game will now load you into the last section you were playing
Welcome to Economy 2.0!
- Permanent Price Reductions:
- Vanity DLC chest price reduced from 2000 to 300 Relics
- Premium Vanity DLC chest price reduced from 3000 to 1500 Relics
- Gameplay DLC chest price reduced from 3000 to 2500 Relics
- All Uncharted Point prices reduced to Summer Sale levels (25 – 40% off)
- VIP Bonus
- Purchasing any Uncharted Points pack now awards VIP status, which gives you a permanent 20% bonus to all Relics earned from challenges within Uncharted 4
- Anyone who previously purchased an Uncharted Points pack will also have VIP status
- Any Uncharted Points pack over 300UP now comes with a set of one-use Relic Boosters.
- Relic Boosters give you a 300% increase to the Relics earned from completing a Multiplayer match, plus a stacking shared bonus, which all players in the match receive
- The more players activate a booster in a match, the bigger the reward for everyone!
- Chests are now purchasable with Uncharted Points
- Chest prices are less than purchasing the items they drop individually
- All Multiplayer matches now award 15 Relics regardless of win or loss
Balance and Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with not loading into games properly
- Saviors no longer stand idle while their owner is being choked by a Hunter
- Fixed an issue with being unable to activate some Mysticals after purchasing while dead
- Plunder spawn weight adjustments
- Team colors now appear properly for all clients in a Private Match
- Fixed the Radar image for Village
- Fixed Radar when spectating a teammate
- Fixed an issue with sounds persisting after a game has finished
- Fixed an exploit on the level Auction