Naughty Dog hat dem preisgekrönten Spiel Uncharted 4 – A Tief´s End einen weiteres Live Update spendiert. Mit diesem Update wurden einige Änderungen im Multiplayer und dem Überleben-Modus vorgenommen.
Wir haben wie immer die Patch Notes in englischer Sprache für Euch:
- King of the Hill no longer has treasure pickups
- Re-balance of score & cash for King of the Hill
- Survival Weapon balance changes
- Decrease Agarwal .40 headshot damage
- Increase ARX-160 damage on non-boss NPCs
- Increase DSHK (minigun) accuracy, damage and fire rate
- Reduce M14 Custom base damage
- Increase Mazur LDR base reload speed, zoom in time and clip capacity
- Increase Harbinger Sniper base damage for non-boss NPCs
- Increase RPG damage
- Changed Disciple Boss to teleport less often when at low-health
- Balance change to gear earns – C4 is now earned at the same rate as Grenades and Mines.
- Fixed a bug where a player’s weapon will suddenly change its clip size when another Ally drops their weapon
- Fixed blindfire for some Level 1 that were not using correct blindfire settings
- Fixed a bug where Gear would stop charging when Gear Master 3 is equipped while in a game of 3 players
- Fixed Gifting charge resetting when failing a wave or transitioning to the next Stage
- Fixed the level 2 & 4 Pak-80 not granting the proper additional ammo amount when purchased from the arsenal
- Text fixes
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End erschien am 10. Mai 2016 exklusiv für die PlayStation 4.