Rockstar Games hat heute das Cunning Sunts: Special Vehicle Circut Update für GTA Online veröffentlicht. Außerdem haben wir für euch noch die Patch-Notes.
Ihr habt jeden Looping und jeden Sprung, jede Kurve und jede Steilabfahrt in wirklich jedem Stuntrennen gemeistert. Und ihr habt den Raketenantrieb, den Gleitschirm und die Fahrtüchtigkeit auf Wasser eines jeden Spezialfahrzeugs ausgereizt, das Platz in eurer unterirdischen Garage hat. Dann schlüpft jetzt in euren Stuntanzug und macht euch mit GTA Online Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit bereit für 20 neue, elektrisierende Stuntrennen, die speziell für den Rocket Voltic, den Ruiner 2000 und den Blazer Aqua erstellt wurden.
Wie der heutige neue Trailer zeigt, sind Spezialfahrzeuge und Stuntrennen perfekt füreinander geschaffen. Macht Bunny Hops über Gegner hinweg, schießt raketengleich durch Stuntröhren oder meistert das kühle Nass in den eigens für den Ruiner 2000, Rocket Voltic und Blazer Aqua erstellten Rennen, die auf die jeweiligen einzigartigen Fähigkeiten der Fahrzeuge zugeschnitten sind. Sucht auf der Karte nach den Symbolen für die Spezialrennserie, um euch direkt ins Getümmel zu stürzen, oder markiert über die folgenden Links jetzt gleich diese Rennen für Spezialfahrzeuge im Social Club:
Blazer Aqua: Strandparty | In den Damm | Inselspringen | Flutkanal | Surf and Turf | Wasserrutsche
Rocket Voltic: Aufstieg | Atmosphäre | Hummelflug | Impuls | Redneck | Der Looping | Zebra II
Ruiner 2000: Kreuz & quer | Verflucht | Pas de Deux | Nacht-R.I.T.T. | Hürdenlauf | Ziel | Guck in die Röhre
Als zusätzlichen Bonus könnt ihr euch eine Woche lang mit den neuen Spezialfahrzeugrennen vertraut machen und dabei bis Mittwoch, dem 22. März 2017, doppelte GTA$ & RP auf allen 20 haarsträubenden Strecken kassieren.
Ihr habt eine Schwäche für kurvige Konzeptfahrzeuge, skurrile Roadster-Prototypen und stark modifizierte Rennwagen. Und irgendwie habt ihr immer noch nicht genug. Stellt euch den Tatsachen: Ihr seid bereit für einen gesetzteren Lebensstil. Und da gibt es nur eine Lösung: Den Progen GP1. Jetzt in GTA Online erhältlich bei Legendary Motorsport.
Euer Fahrzeugarsenal ist einfach nicht komplett ohne einen HVY Insurgent, aber ein Einbruch bei Humane Labs ist doch nicht so einfach, wie es aussieht. Dann gibt es gute Nachrichten, denn ab sofort können alle Fahrzeuge, die bislang durch Raubüberfälle freigeschaltet werden mussten, sofort gekauft werden. Und weil man einfach nie genügend gute Dinge haben kann ist auch zum Kauf eines Rhino, Annihilator, Buzzard und Dubsta 6×6 kein Mindestrang mehr erforderlich.
Ab heute und noch bis zum 22. März 2017 könnt ihr von 25 % Rabatt auf folgende elementare Ausstattungsgegenstände profitieren:
- Stelzenhäuser
- Penthouse-Apartments
- Progen T20
- Motor-Modifikationen
- Turbo-Modifikationen
- Auspuffe
- Spoiler
- Maschinenpistolen
- Körperpanzerung
- Import/Export-Bekleidung
Diese Woche gibt es zum ersten Mal ein Spezialfahrzeug-Premiumrennen. Redneck mit dem Rocket Voltic erhält dafür die Premium-Behandlung: Die drei Sieger erhalten riesige GTA$-Prämien und alle Teilnehmer dreifache RP. Ihr könnt dieses Premiumrennen über die Schneller-Job-App auf eurem Smartphone im Spiel oder den gelben Auslöser am Legion Square starten.
Haltet in den kommenden Wochen die Augen nach weiteren Updates für GTA Online offen, wie zum Beispiel Erweiterungen für den Creator, darunter neue Stuntrennen-Zusatzelemente und die Möglichkeit, euch selbst Spezialfahrzeugrennen für den Rocket Voltic, Ruiner 2000 und Blazer Aqua auszudenken. Dazu gibt’s verrückte neue Modi wie Resurrection und Top Down sowie eine Sammlung viel gewünschter klassischer GTA-Fahrzeuge – auch ein ganz besonders krankes Muscle-Car.
Zu guter letzt haben wir noch die Patch-Notes (zurzeit nur auf Englisch verfügbar) und der Patch 1.22 hat eine Größe von 890,3MB.
New Content – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Special Vehicle Races have been added to GTA Online. Special Vehicle Races are a new set of Stunt Races that utilize the Special Vehicles from Import/Export. These can either be launched via the Pause Menu Job list or by entering one of the new Special Race Series triggers in Freemode.
- A new vehicle has been added to GTA Online, available for purchase from Legendary Motorsport.
- Progen GP1
New Features / Updates – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Three new Special Race Series triggers have been added to GTA Online. These use the same functionality as the Stunt Series triggers added with Cunning Stunts but feature the new Special Races.
- A new “Aggregate Position” option has been added to the Races. When active, every player in the race is presented with a bar that fills at different speeds depending on which position the player is in. When this option is enabled in a Lap Race, the Race ends when one player has completely filled their bar; in a Point to Point Race, the player with the most filled bar at the end of the Race is the winner.
- Changes have been made to the Dynasty8 Executive website. Players are now presented with a button that reads “Add 2nd Garage Floor”, “Add 3rd Garage Floor” and “Add Custom Auto Shop” when attempting to buy any of the three. Previously, players had to check a small box to add any of these to their total.
- Heist vehicles now have a ‘Buy It Now’ This option works similarly to that offered with the Import/Export Special Vehicles. If players do not want to complete each vehicle’s associated Heist and wish to buy the vehicles immediately, they can use the new “Buy it Now” option and purchase the vehicle at an increased price. This includes the following vehicles:
- Karin Kuruma
- Karin Kuruma (Armored)
- Lampadati Casco
- Jobuilt Velum
- Prison Bus
- Mammoth Hydra
- Valkyrie
- HVY Insurgent
- HVY Insurgent Pick-Up
- Nagasaki Dinghy
- Karin Technical
- Maibatsu Mule
- Brute Boxville
- Savage
- Declasse Gang Burrito
- Heist equipment is now no longer locked behind the requirement of completing each item’s relevant Heist. This includes the following gear available for purchase at Ammu-Nation:
- Rebreather
- Night Vision
- LCD Earpiece
- The following vehicles are no longer locked behind Rank requirements:
- Rhino Tank
- Annihilator Helicopter
- Buzzard Helicopter
- The camera when riding the Blazer Aqua now retains whatever it is set to before going on water. Previously, the camera was forced to change into third person from first person when going onto water.
- The amount of Stunt Series triggers has been reduced from 8 to 3.
- Secondary Checkpoints in Stunt Races are now yellow, these were previously orange.
- A new “Parachute” option can be found in Ruiner 2000 Special Race lobbies that lets players choose their Ruiner 2000 parachute. These new parachutes cannot be applied to personal Ruiner 2000s and are only available with the stock Ruiner 2000 made available in Special Races.
- A new “No Livery” option has been added to the “Livery” section of the car selection screen in Races.
- The weekly active Time Trial update now occurs every Tuesday. This previously updated every Monday.
- Players can now change the color of a prop in the Creator with L1 / R1 (PS4) or LB / RB (Xbox One).
Rockstar Creator Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Fixed an issue that caused the model memory to not reset after the player used the option “Delete all Props” in the Creator.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in confusing alert screen text when loading a corrupt job in the Creator.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to receive a broken „Completed“ screen after attempting to use the “Retry” option when joining a friend whilst in the Race Creator.
Rockstar Editor Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after selecting their Online Character in the Director Mode Casting Trailer menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused Crew Emblems on open vehicle doors to not display correctly when viewing previously recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
Story Mode Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Fixed an issue in the Story Mode Mission “Big Score Prep” where quitting out of the “Gold Preparation” or “Extras” menu in the Mod Shop exits the shop completely.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to pause the game during a Taxi journey when using a keyboard.
General / Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Ongoing improvements have been made in GTA Online to prevent crashes, improve the quality of matchmaking, and reduce the number of network connection issues such as disconnections and split sessions.
- Reduced the accuracy and attack angle of the Buzzard Helicopter in certain Vehicle Cargo missions.
- Fixed issues with players incorrectly receiving the “Insufficient Funds” alert screen.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect positioning of the rear bumper of the Progen Itali GTB Custom when damaged.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect dials displaying on the stock dashboard of the Dewbauchee Specter.
- Fixed an issue with the brake caliper clipping through the front-left wheel of the Ruiner 2000.
- Fixed an issue with the properties of the bandana clothing items that added extra protection against damage.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in box trailers in some Missions to be immovable.
- Fixed an issue that caused players’ Special Vehicles to be replaced with a normal vehicle.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ Office Decor changing to “Old Spice: Warm”.
- Fixed an issue in the Heist Humane Labs – EMP mission that caused players to be attacked by missiles after quick restarting.
- Fixed an issue that caused the radar to not update after a player left the Adversary Mode – Collection Time.
- Fixed an issue that caused matchmaking in UGC Last Team Standing jobs to not auto-balance teams correctly.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being charged for the repair cost of a target vehicle upon delivering it to their Vehicle Warehouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving a white Technical Aqua despite it being black on the Warstock Cache & Carry website.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to fall through the map after choosing to “Exit via Roof” in the Office.
- Fixed an issue that caused Steal and Export Missions to not end correctly if the CEO left the session while delivering the vehicle.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ vehicles not being correctly delivered after requesting them.
- Fixed an issue that caused players’ cars to become invisible to other players in the Custom Auto Shop.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck on a black screen after exiting their car before entering their Custom Auto Shop.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck on a black screen when launching a Steal Mission.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck on a black screen after changing the TV channel from TV to CCTV in the Office.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck on a black screen after attempting to respawn during a UGC Race.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in passengers being stuck on a black screen if the driver exited the Custom Auto Shop and entered the Office Garage.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Technical Aqua to float when above certain bodies of water.
- Fixed a crash that may occur when attempting to use the Ruiner 2000 at a car wash.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck on a loading screen when starting GTA Online for the first time.
- Fixed an issue with the camera of the Blazer Aqua flicking between modes when driving in water.
- Fixed an issue with the camera clipping through vehicles and objects when driving through loop props.
- Fixed some minor clipping issues when combining certain vehicle modifications on the Pfister Comet Retro Custom.
- Fixed some minor clipping and naming issues with vehicle modifications on the Progen Itali GTB Custom.
- Fixed some minor geometry and livery issues with the Annis Elegy Retro Custom.
- Fixed some minor lighting issues with the interior of the Truffade Nero Custom.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to have limited functionality after accepting an invite to an Organization while launching a Mission.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck when trying to re-enter their Office after leaving it.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck after launching the Special Vehicle Mission – Asset Seizure.
- Fixed an issue that caused blips in Export Missions to disappear after the player driving the target vehicle left the session.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck in the sky at the end of the round after a player joined and chose to spectate during the Adversary Mode – Turf Wars.
- Fixed an issue that caused tiles and props to disappear after a player left the game during the Adversary Mode – Turf Wars.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in “The Beast” player in the Adversary Mode – Power Play to not have increased melee damage.
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect button prompts to display during the Adversary Mode – Deadline.
- Fixed an issue that that caused players to be removed from the lobby after playing the Adversary Mode – Vehicle Vendetta within a playlist.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no gun audio in the Adversary Mode – Vehicle Vendetta.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the payouts for the Adversary Mode – Juggernaut to be incorrect.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck in the sky after finishing the first job in a playlist if the player who left the playlist re-joined on the playlist leaderboard screen.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning outside their Vehicle Warehouse without the vehicle during Export Missions.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck after spectating another player via the TV in the Custom Auto Shop.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players falling through the map when exiting a Special Vehicle in the Vehicle Warehouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck on a black screen after accepting an invite to a CEO’s Vehicle Warehouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to renovate their Office.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in button prompts failing to display when the VIP Work – Executive Search is active in session.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in objective text disappearing during the VIP Work – Haulage.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Sanchez Motorcycles to be invisible during the VIP Work – Ramped Up.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to lose functionality after spawning in the vehicle during an Export Mission.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ Meth Businesses not generating any product.
- Fixed an issue that caused vehicle blips to not appear on the map in UGC Captures.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to access the laptop inside the Vehicle Warehouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access the laptop inside the Office.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck in the sky after trying to join a full lobby of the Lowrider Mission – Community Outreach.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving the objective “Repair the funeral car at a Mod Shop” but be unable to access Mod Shops in the Lowrider Mission – Funeral Party.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in spectators encountering connection issues during the Lowrider Mission – Peace Offerings once the Buccaneers were delivered.
- Fixed an issue that caused target vehicles to set on fire after stealing them from a Rival.
- Fixed issues that resulted in players losing all functionally after their CEO quit the game while launching a Steal / Export Mission.
- Fixed an issue that caused the 3 minute timer for Rivals to deliver the stolen target vehicle to not initiate during Steal Vehicle Missions.
- Fixed issues that resulted in players being unable to enter their Office, Clubhouse, or Apartment.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to not have any supplies after successfully completing a Resupply Mission.
- Fixed an issue that caused the drugs on the trolley to vanish in the Special Vehicle Work – Asset Seizure.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to lose all functionality after entering the Custom Auto Shop while in the pause menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to lose all functionality when approaching the MC hierarchy wall in the Clubhouse.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to experience a significant frame rate drop after accessing the clothing menu in their Clubhouse.
- Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to get on their Motorcycles in the Clubhouse.
- Fixed an issue that caused the mural in the Clubhouse to not change from being the default option despite choosing another when purchasing a Clubhouse.
- Fixed an issue that caused MC members Motorcycles to remain present in the Clubhouse Mod Shop after the player is removed by the Clubhouse Owner while modding their Motorcycle.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to use the Gun Locker in their Clubhouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to purchase any ammo in a job lobby or the Interaction Menu.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ vehicles to not appear correctly in the Vehicle Warehouse.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to be presented with the incorrect Décor in their Office.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to lose functionality when attempting to start a playlist of UGC Races.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to enter any of the vehicles in their Office Garage.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to drive their active Special Vehicle back into their Vehicle Warehouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to launch any Rockstar Verified Jobs.
- Fixed an issue that meant the Vehicle Warehouse laptop could not be accessed after the player got out of the chair then sat back down.
- Fixed an issue that caused players’ custom rear wheels to not remain on the Principe Diablous or the Pegassi FCR after upgrading them.
- Fixed an issue that gave players the option to choose their Special Vehicle as their vehicle despite their Special Vehicle not actually spawning in Heist lobbies.
- Fixed an issue with Heist – The Pacific Standard Job that caused the dinghy to not appear at the end of the mission for all players.
- Fixed an issue that caused players’ Special Vehicles to remain present outside Vehicle Warehouses after the owner drove into their Vehicle Warehouse with a passenger.
- Fixed an issue that caused players’ cameras to be automatically switched to the direction the character is facing while another player is modifying their vehicle in the Custom Auto Shop.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no Special Vehicle ability bar under the radar.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to receive incorrect HUD info on screen after picking up a Special Vehicle in the Cargobob.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to be removed from the Vehicle Warehouse while standing on a Ramp Buggy that was being driven out by another player.
- Fixed an issue that caused players’ Garage interiors to be missing.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in passengers of target vehicles appearing under the map after it was delivered to the Warehouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to equip Body Armor when a CEO Style was set.
- Fixed multiple issues with the “Request Special Vehicle” option cooldown.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being given the incorrect cooldown time after failing an Export Mission.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in target vehicles being destroyed by waves during particular Steal Missions.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the current value of players’ Vehicle Warehouse stock to display as “$0” despite them having vehicles.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to jack other players from their personal vehicles despite the driver having their access set to “No One”.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Fenders” option to be missing when in Benny’s Original Motorworks.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being placed into a lobby for a Special Vehicle Mission after completing a Contact Mission despite none of the players being eligible to play.
- Fixed an issue that caused some racked vehicles to be misaligned in Vehicle Warehouses.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being given the incorrect Office when trying to purchase a new Office while already owning an Office.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ UGC jobs to not load correctly after playing another player’s UGC race and bookmarking it.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving the message about destroying their impounded personal vehicle after leaving their Garage in another personal vehicle.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the host of an on-call lobby to be changed to a player that was joining.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being presented with the message “You have not unlocked this Office Garage” when trying to buy a Garage from Dynasty8 Executive.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ personal vehicles not being visible when in the Clubhouse Mod Shop.
- Fixed an issue that caused extra blank text spaces to appear in the Pegasus menu after purchasing multiple Pegasus vehicles.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving incorrect HUD information during Last Team Standing missions.
- Fixed multiple clipping issues with various outfits.
- Fixed several minor issues with Bikers and Import/Export player clothing.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving the incorrect position message at the end of a UGC Race.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving the correct rewards after destroying a Rival’s packages during their Resupply Missions.
- Fixed an issue that caused players’ vehicles to noticeably spawn a few seconds after entering the Vehicle Warehouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being presented with a second 3 minute “Time to Deliver” timer after failing to deliver the vehicle during Export Missions.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the CEO Vehicle menu to be unavailable when it should be.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being changed into MC clothing after the CEO set a CEO Style.
General / Miscellaneous – PS4 Only
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players ending up in a solo session instead of the session they were invited to if they accepted a PS4 “Play Together” session invite then accepted the GTA Online policies.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck on Export Missions if the CEO launched the Mission and then closed the application.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck in the sky after signing out then signing immediately back into PSN whilst deleting their Online Character.
General / Miscellaneous – Xbox One Only
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck in the sky after signing out of their profile while on the screen “You must enter the Character Creation screen before entering GTA Online.”.
- Fixed an issue that meant non-friended players were able to communicate via in-game email despite players having their “Others can communicate via Text, Voice and Invites” permissions set to “Friends”.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being shown a misleading error message after signing out while on the “Rockstar Games Online Policies” alert screen.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck in the sky after signing out while the application is suspended.
- Fixed an issue that caused voice chat muting to persist when unmuting a player in Story Mode and re-joining that player in GTA Online.
General / Miscellaneous – PC Only
- The length of the boost ability on the Rocket Voltic is now the same on all platforms and no longer varies by framerate.
Grand Theft Auto V erschien am 18. November 2014 für die PlayStation 4.