Rockstar Games hat für Grand Theft Auto V den Patch 1.24 veröffentlicht und spendierte GTA Online mit neuen Inhalten des „Gunrunning Update„.
Dominiert den illegalen Waffenhandel im südlichen San Andreas mit Gunrunning, dem neuesten Update für Grand Theft Auto: Online. Eure Karriere als erfolgreicher Waffenschieber beginnt mit dem Kauf eines Bunkers. Diese unterirdischen Festungen dienen als Operationsbasis für alle Aktivitäten rund um den Waffenschmuggel. Jeder Bunker ist mit einem Computer-Terminal ausgestattet, über das man auf das „Disruption Logistics“-Netzwerk zugreifen kann.
Startet als CEO, MC-President oder VIP eine Vorbereitungsmission, um Rohstoffe zu beschaffen. Anschließend könnt ihr eure Angestellten mit der Produktion von Waffen oder der Erforschung von Verbesserungen beauftragen oder sie anweisen, sich mit beiden Bereichen gleichermaßen zu beschäftigen. Euer Lagerbestand wird mit der Zeit wachsen (mit Personal-Verbesserungen auch schneller) und wenn ihr soweit seid, könnt ihr die Gewinne eures Unternehmens einfahren, indem ihr eure Ware an interessierte Käufer in Los Santos und Blaine County verkauft. Um allen neuen Möchtegern-Unternehmern den Einstieg in dieses Untergrundnetzwerk zu erleichtern, wurde das benötigte Guthaben bei der Maze Bank für eine Registrierung als VIP auf 50.000 $ gesenkt.
Euer unterirdisches Versteck verfügt auch über eine Vielzahl von Annehmlichkeiten und Optionen. Sobald ihr euch bei Maze Bank Foreclosures eine passende Immobilie ausgesucht habt, könnt ihr einen von verschiedenen Stilen auswählen. Fügt einen Schießstand hinzu (und tretet dort gegen bis zu drei andere Spieler an), Privaträume, einen Waffenschrank und auf eure Bedürfnisse zugeschnittene Beförderungsmittel.
Wenn ihr bereit seid, eure Operation auszudehnen, kann der Bunker auch eine komplett straßentaugliche mobile Kommandozentrale beherbergen. Diese massiven, rollenden Festungen sind bei Warstock Cache and Carry erhältlich und fungieren als weitere Immobilie in eurem Portfolio. Die Kommandozentrale bietet Platz für drei Module; diese können für technische Zwecke genutzt werden, etwa für ein Befehlszentrum, für persönliche Annehmlichkeiten wie Privaträume, oder für interne Werkstätten wie die zwei Module umfassenden Waffen- & Fahrzeugwerkstätten oder das bescheidene Lagermodul für das persönliche Fahrzeug.
Eine brandneue Klasse motorisierter Chaosstifter. Sechs bewaffnete, für militärische Zwecke geeignete Todesmaschinen geben euch eine breite Palette kreativer Lösungen an die Hand, um eure Gegner in jeder erdenklichen Kampfsituation in die Knie zu zwingen. Jedes der Fahrzeuge kann mit exklusiven Modifikationen aufgerüstet werden, die durch euer Forschungspersonal freigeschaltet und über das Fahrzeugwerkstatt-Modul installiert werden:
MTW – Ein robuster, bewaffneter Truppentransporter, der mit einem Geschützturm ausgestattet ist, dessen Geschosse durch Metall gehen wie ein heißes Messer durch Butter. Dank der Schießscharten können bis zu vier schwerbewaffnete Söldner Handfeuerwaffen zum Einsatz bringen. Die gepanzerte Wanne kann überall im Kampf zum Einsatz gebracht werden, sowohl zu Lande als auch im Wasser. Verfügbare Upgrades umfassen eine Boden-Luft-Batterie und die Möglichkeit, Annäherungsminen abzuwerfen, die dann von Verfolgern entdeckt werden können.
Dune FAV – Dieser leichte, gepanzerte Sandrail-Buggy verfügt über ein auf dem Armaturenbrett montiertes Maschinengewehr. Er wurde speziell für postapokalyptische Weltuntergangsfanatiker konzipiert und ist genau die Art von stylischem Transportmittel, das bei den Typen auf dem Parkplatz des Yellow Jack Inn für offene Münder sorgt. Zu den Upgrade-Möglichkeiten zählen ein Granatwerfer 40 mm, eine Minigun Kal. 7,62 und Annäherungsminen.
Halbkettenfahrzeug – Wer sagt denn, dass man nur ein Vierfach-MG haben kann, wenn man dafür auf alles andere verzichtet? Macht euch die Geländefähigkeiten eines Panzers zunutze, aber verzichtet gleichzeitig nicht auf die Vorteile eines Riesentrucks: unkompliziertes Fahrverhalten, ein geräumiges Führerhaus und viel frische Luft für den Durchgeknallten hinten am Kaliber-.50-Geschütz. Tauscht in der Fahrzeugwerkstatt eurer MKZ das Kaliber .50 gegen eine Vierfach-Flak 20 mm und fügt Annäherungsminen hinzu.
Oppressor – Ein fliegendes Motorrad. Falls ihr tatsächlich noch mehr wissen möchtet: Dieses raketengetriebene Hyperbike vereint alle vier Prinzipien des Fluges in einem Paket – Schub, ausfahrbare Flügel für Auftrieb und Luftwiderstand und ein vorne angebrachtes Maschinengewehr, damit der Spaß nicht zu kurz kommt. Kein Zielwasser getrunken? Tauscht das Maschinengewehr gegen Raketen aus.
Bewaffneter Tampa – Der allseits bekannte Muscle-Car wird einem Waffen-Facelift unterzogen und verfügt jetzt über ein auf dem Dach montiertes Maschinengewehr und industrielle Panzerung. Zu den Upgrades gehören ein frontaler Raketenwerfer, ein Heckmörser und Annäherungsminen.
Flak-Anhänger – Was genau ihr mit diesem Ding in rauchenden Schutt verwandeln wollt, bleibt ganz euch überlassen, und der Himmel ist da definitiv nicht die Obergrenze. Wird serienmäßig mit einem Vapid Sadler als Zugmaschine geliefert. Das Geschütz kann zu einer Doppel-Flak 20 mm oder einer Flugabwehr-Lenkraketen-Batterie ausgebaut werden.
Diese neue Art des mobilen Arsenals sorgt auch für ein ganz neues kriminelles Betätigungsfeld. Wenn du nach und nach Versorgungsmissionen abschließt und dein Waffenschmuggel-Unternehmen floriert, kannst du über die mobile Kommandozentrale mobile Operationen freischalten und starten. Schließe alle ab, um den vergünstigten Einkaufspreis bei Warstock freizuschalten.
Eine große Auswahl taktischer Modifikationen werden durch Mk-II-Verbesserungen ermöglicht, die exklusiv in der Waffenwerkstatt eurer mobilen Kommandozentrale verfügbar sind. Die Mk-II-Varianten der Pistole, der MP, des schweren Scharfschützengewehrs, des Sturmgewehrs und des Karabiners bieten eine Vielzahl von Optionen wie neue Magazine mit Leuchtspur-, Brand-, Hohlspitz- und panzerbrechender Munition und anderen Munitionstypen. Ihr könnt auch Nachtsicht-, Wärmebild- oder holografische Visiere, neue Griffe, Schalldämpfer, Mündungsbremsen, Lackierungen, Tönungen und vieles mehr hinzufügen.
In der aktuellen Saison statten euch die Boutiquen und Salons von Los Santos mit den aktuellen Trends der Söldner-Überlebenskünstler-Mode aus: Tarnparkas, Ex-Militär-Barette, strapazierfähige Kampfstiefel, blutrünstige Tattoos und kurzgeschorene Frisuren.
Auf der Event-Seite im Social Club findet ihr detaillierte Informationen zu allen Waffen-, Fahrzeug- und Munitionsrabatten in dieser Woche, sowie zu einigen freischaltbaren Kleidungsstücken wie etwa dem neuen weißen Hawk-&-Little-Hoodie (Abbildung oben) und der Ingame-Version des „Rockstar Class of ’98 Tee“, das seit kurzem im Rockstar Warehouse erhältlich ist. Auf dem Newswire erwarten euch in den kommenden Tagen außerdem Informationen zu einem Gunrunning-Snapmatic-Wettbewerb, einem Rockstar-Editor-Wettbewerb, einem Social-Club-Gewinnspiel & vielem mehr!
Zu guter letzt haben wir noch die Patch-Notes (zurzeit nur auf Englisch verfügbar) und der Patch 1.24 / 1.40 hat eine Größe von 2,214GB.
New Content – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Bunkers have been added to GTA Online. Players can purchase a Bunker from the Maze Bank Foreclosures website. Bunkers can be customized with a choice of add-ons such as a Personal Quarters, a Shooting Range, a Gun Locker and Transportation. Upon purchasing a Bunker, VIP, CEO or MC President Players will gain access to the Gunrunning Business.
- The Gunrunning Business has been added to GTA Online. The Gunrunning Business is managed via the Disruption Logistics website on the laptop inside the Bunker, and allows players to Resupply and Sell the weapons generated by their Gunrunning Business. The Disruption Logistics website is also used to manage Bunker Staff, Research and buy Bunker Upgrades.
- The Mobile Operations Center (MOC) has been added to GTA Online. The MOC is a Truck and Trailer property that can be driven in Freemode, and can be purchased once a player owns a Bunker. Players can customize their MOC with a choice of Truck Cab, Trailer Bays and Interior Color. The MOC Trailer has space for 3 different Trailer Bays which can be filled with the following:
- Weapon Workshop
- This bay includes a Weapon Workshop that gives players access to 6 new Mk II variants of existing weapons and over 80 new Mk II personal weapon mods.
- Weapon & Vehicle Workshop
- This bay includes the Weapon Workshop and a Vehicle Workshop that is used for modifying Weaponized Vehicles (this uses 2 of the 3 available bays).
- Personal Vehicle Storage
- This bay includes a storage space for one of a player’s Personal Vehicles.
- Living Quarters
- This bay includes Seating, a Wardrobe and access to the Mobile Operations app used for launching Mobile Operations.
- Command Center
- This bay includes a Wardrobe, access to the MOC Remote Turret and the Mobile Operations app used for launching Mobile Operations.
- Weapon Workshop
- Mobile Operations can be accessed through the Mobile Operations touch screen in either the Living Quarters or Command Center bays. Operations are locked until the MOC owner has completed the number of Resupply Missions required by each Operation. After completing each Operation, the featured Weaponized Vehicle in each Operation becomes available at the significantly reduced Trade price.
- Severe Weather Patterns (2-4 Players)
- Intercept and take down Merryweather air supply lines in Blaine County. Weaponized Dune FAV’s will be issued to the team and should be returned upon completion.
- Half-track Bully (2-4 Players)
- Infiltrate enemy agent base of operations and limit their power by securing a Weaponized Half-track from the enemy fleet and turning it over to friendlies.
- Exit Strategy (2-4 Players)
- Protect this nation’s important allies/customers as they try to depart LSIA by private plane and helicopter. Turreted Trailers will be provided for the purpose, and should be returned.
- Offshore Assets (2-4 Players)
- Launch a salvage operation on a downed freighter using an aquatic ATV. Once the cargo is collected from the sea bed, return it and the ATV to friendlies. Expect competition from other parties.
- Cover Blown (2-4 Players)
- A Company Mobile Operations Center has been made. Get the Ops Center to safety while maintaining a certain speed to avoid enemy missile lock.
- Mole Hunt (2-4 Players)
- Using Weaponized Tampas, destroy signal jammers to find the location of a rogue agent. Take out the agent before he defects, then deliver the Weaponized Tampas to a drop off location.
- Data Breach (2-4 Players)
- Enemy agents are using Oppressor bikes as storage devices for stolen company data. Get a hold of the bikes and deliver them to a friendly cargo plane.
- Work Dispute (2-4 Players)
- Using Oppressor bikes, take down a rogue company Mobile Operations Center at our own HQ. The target will have ground support and be utilizing deceptive techniques. Equipment should be returned on completion of task.
- Severe Weather Patterns (2-4 Players)
- 6 new Weaponized Vehicles have been added to GTA Online and can be purchased from the Warstock website. These can be modified in the Weapon & Vehicle Workshop bay of the Mobile Operations Center.
- BF Dune FAV
- Bravado Half-track
- Pegassi Oppressor
- Declasse Weaponized Tampa
- Vom Feuer Anti-Aircraft Trailer
- The following weapons can now be upgraded to Mk II variants at the Weapon Workshop of an owned MOC:
- Pistol
- Assault Rifle
- Carbine Rifle
- Combat MG
- Heavy Sniper
- Over 80 new weapon attachments, liveries and tints have been added for Mk II weapons, some of which are unlocked via Research. These include:
- A selection of different scopes for each Mk II weapon, including Night Vision and Thermal Vision scopes for the Heavy Sniper Mk II
- Heavy Barrels, which increases damage dealt to long-range targets
- Muzzle Breaks and Compensators, which reduce recoil during rapid fire
- New ammo types have been added for Mk II weapons, and can be equipped at the Weapon Workshop of an owned MOC once unlocked via Research. Held ammo capacity for these types is limited, and can only be refilled at the Weapon Workshop. The following ammo types are available:
- Tracer Rounds, which show bright visible markers matching the weapon tint
- Incendiary Rounds, which have a chance to set targets on fire
- Hollow Point Rounds, which increase damage to unarmored targets
- Armor Piercing Rounds, which increase penetration of Body Armor
- Full Metal Jacket Rounds, which increase damage to vehicles and penetrate bullet proof and bullet resistant glass
- Explosive Rounds, which create a small explosion on impact
- Over 750 new clothing items and outfits have been added to GTA Online for male and female characters.
- Over 30 new tattoos have been added to GTA Online.
- Two new hairstyles have been added to GTA Online for male and female characters.
New Features / Updates – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Bunker Series has been added to GTA Online. Bunker Series is a new Adversary Mode Series that consists of existing Adversary Modes that are set in the Bunker interior. These modes include:
- Every Bullet Counts
- Juggernaut
- Kill Quota
- Resurrection
- Slasher
- Till Death Do Us Part
- Trading Places
- A new “Hood: Up/Down” option has been added to the Interaction Menu > Style for applicable items.
- A new “Jacket: Open/Closed” option has been added to the Interaction Menu > Style for applicable items.
- Ballistic Equipment has been added to GTA Online. The Ballistic Equipment is a new set of armor that players can call in when in Freemode if unlocked via Research and purchased from Warstock Cache & Carry. Once purchased, players can use the Interaction Menu > Ballistic Equipment Services option to call it in for a fee.
- To become a VIP, players now only need $50,000 in their bank account – previously, this was $1,000,000.
- New MC and CEO outfits have been added to GTA Online.
- Multiple Special Race props have been added to Director Mode.
Rockstar Creator Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to load a previously published Stunt Race into the Creator.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in templates rising when being placed in the Creator.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in multiple Stunt props in the Creator.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the “Livery” option for the Marshall to be greyed out.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Duke O’Death being unavailable as a “Team Respawn Vehicle”.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Dubsta 6×6 missing from the Race Creator.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Track Up and Track Down props to unsnap shortly after being snapped.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the “Random” color option not working for the Duke O’Death.
- Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to delete placed capture points.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Vapid Blade being listed twice in the Creator.
Rockstar Editor Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Fixed an issue that caused the player’s online character to have the incorrect hair style when used in Director Mode.
General / Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only
- Improvements have been made in GTA Online to prevent crashes, improve the quality of matchmaking, and reduce the number of network connection issues such as disconnections and split sessions.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Cargobob helicopter accidentally dropping the Vehicle Cargo during Source Vehicle missions.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the hoods of certain vehicles not opening in vehicle modification shops and the Interaction Menu.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in checkpoints not registering as being collected in Stunt Races and GTA Races.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to complete Sell Contraband Missions.
- Fixed issues that resulted in players being unable to enter the vehicles in their Garages.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to access the map or weapon wheel after launching a Special Vehicle Mission via the Quick Job option.
- Fixed the incorrect naming of the Progen GP1 “Tuner Bumper”.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to enter their Vehicle Warehouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to skip cutscenes during Lamar’s Lowrider Missions.
- Fixed payout issues for several Race types.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to leave their Apartment after inviting a stripper.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to purchase an Office Garage with a Custom Auto Shop after using RB/R1 to cycle through the add-ons.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some players with very long Friend lists from joining Closed Friend Sessions.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in in-game voice chat dropping for some players when spectating other players in a large session.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in an incorrect ticker feed message after a player kicked another player from their own Personal Vehicle.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck in the sky after hosting a Race and then leaving.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality when trying to host a Race while on call to a Job.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in multiple hairstyles being locked when they should be unlocked.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on the end of the Race leaderboard after completing a Team GTA Race.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Custom Plate Mod Shop option to be disabled.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in UGC Races not being displayed in the “My Jobs” menu as available to play.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after accepting a Contact Mission invite.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a player’s characters wearing their second slot characters’ clothes after switching between characters.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in player’s vehicles losing all recently applied mods after exiting the Custom Auto Shop.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck respawning outside of their car during Races.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Race physics to not work as intended.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the rocket pickup in GTA Races to not spawn correctly for all players.
- Fixed issues that resulted in players being unable to deliver the product in Sell Contraband Missions.
- Fixed issues that resulted in workers in multiple businesses not moving.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to use the laptop inside the Paleto Bay Forgery Business.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to exit the Meth Lab in Terminal.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen when attempting to find a new session.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the “Zoom” function to not work inside Ammu-Nation.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players to get stuck on a black screen after modding a car then exiting their garage.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in tennis balls being invisible in Tennis.
- Fixed transaction errors that occurred when buying supplies for the Document Forgery Business.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving supplies when using the “Buy Supplies” option.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the incorrect players being represented as the winner at the end of Parachuting Jobs.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Last Team Standing Jobs not ending when intended.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in weapons not being visible on some motorcycles while performing a drive-by in first person.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Special Vehicle Mission – Arms Embargo failing immediately upon launch.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players who were passengers in another player’s Personal Vehicle getting stuck in the sky as the vehicle entered an Office Garage.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when driving into their Clubhouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in the sky after declining to join a queue for a Job.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no proximity mines added to their inventory after purchasing them.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to collect supplies in Biker Resupply Missions.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning into active Gang Attacks after finishing an Adversary Mode.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in ambient traffic to behave erratically after multiple players spawned into Freemode upon completing an Adversary Mode.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in all players losing their UI after the Beast Mode power up wore off for the player using it in Adversary Mode – Power Play.
- Fixed several issues in Adversary Mode – Tiny Racers, including ones impacting spawning, UI, weapon pickups and camera positioning.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players falling through the map after respawning in Adversary Mode – Come Out to Play.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly highlighted if a player joined the Job late and chose to become a spectator in Adversary Mode – Resurrection.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in enemy player names becoming visible through objects to the team who lost the 1st round in Adversary Mode – Resurrection.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players appearing to resurrect themselves after killing an enemy player and dying in quick succession in Adversary Mode – Resurrection.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in characters not being properly cleaned up after a player left the Job in Adversary Mode – Land Grab.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Crew emblems stretching on the Pegassi Infernus Classic.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the spawn zones remaining visible after the completion of the mission in Adversary Mode – Land Grab.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in spawn protection areas to be visible in the team selection and leaderboard screens of Adversary Mode – Land Grab.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the bottom right UI flashing when a player had been killed in Adversary Mode – Resurrection.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being invisible in Last Team Standing.
- Fixed issues with weapon pickups during Last Team Standing.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to equip certain Biker t-shirts.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to lie down next to another player in beds.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect boost recharge time when driving a Coil Rocket Voltic owned by another player.
- Fixed issues with voice chat in multiple VIP Challenges.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in vehicles in a player’s Office Garage moving to invalid spaces within the Garage.
- Fixed issues that resulted in blips not appearing during Sell Contraband Missions.
- Fixed issues with player’s Yacht defenses being active in Missions.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving the incorrect message “You have been kicked from the Job.” when trying to trying to start a Race with Aggregate Position enabled while in a solo session.
- Fixed issues that resulted in Beer Hats not being applied from the Interaction Menu > Style > Hats option.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the option to turn off Custom Vehicles in Special Vehicle Races not being available.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in various ambient gang vehicles not spawning in Freemode.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access the vehicles in their properties.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving the Office introductory cutscene despite spawning on their Yacht.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to enter their Personal Vehicle after it was impounded.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a player’s characters having no footstep audio.
- Fixed issues that resulted in LJT phone calls playing back-to-back.
- Fixed issues that resulted in audio not playing during phone calls.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in transitions out of Offices taking longer than usual.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the drop-off triggers for Vehicle Cargo Missions not being visible.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in no leaderboard being present at the end of a game of Tennis.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Special Cargo Warehouses having no entrance triggers.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in only one player being able to hear the Apartment radio with multiple players inside.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the “Request Personal Vehicle” option delivering a Special Vehicle rather than the player’s Personal Vehicle.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in various cuffs and watches being incompatible with several Import/Export clothing items.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players who had just entered a session having a quick GPS option to the VIP Work – Executive Search set as their default.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in female hairstyles not matching the one chosen.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing their hairstyle when their Organization leader changed the Organization style.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving the message “Your Personal Vehicle is being returned to storage” while sitting inside it.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some Half-Masks being unable to be equipped with some biker helmets.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving the message “You are now riding your new favorite motorcycle…” after buying a BMX and riding it out of the Garage for the first time.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players seeing a low LOD world when exiting their Clubhouse.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to enter their Custom Auto Shop from the roof of the Office.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to set their Vehicle Warehouse as a Spawn Location.
- Fixed issues that resulted in the special ability refill pad flashing repeatedly during Special Races.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving the incorrect alert screen “The session you were spectating is being assessed by Rockstar with a view to broadcasting this as an Online TV Channel.”
- Fixed an issue that resulted in random pedestrians walking out with the player as they exited their apartment.
General / Miscellaneous – PS4 Only
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the game being unresponsive after selecting an activity from the activity feed without having PS Plus.
General / Miscellaneous – Xbox One Only
- Fixed issues with a player’s Organization name being displayed despite that player having their “See and Share Content” option being set to “Blocked”.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a player’s Organization name being visible in the Office despite that player having their „See and share content“ option being set to „Blocked“.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the game from resuming after being suspended while a GTA Online session was in progress.
General / Miscellaneous – PC Only
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players playing on Windows 10 to see debug text on screen when launching the VIP Challenge – Salvage.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the ability bar of the Coil Rocket Voltic and Imponte Ruiner 2000 not to appear on the Radar at certain screen resolutions.