BATTLEFIELD 1 – Nivelle Nights Update kommt morgen

Schon vor der E3 hat Dice und Electronic Arts die kostenlose Map „Nivelle Night“ kostenlos für alle Battlefield 1 Spieler angekündigt. Mit dem morgigen Juni-Update findet die Map ihren Weg in das Spiel.

We are pleased to announce that the Battlefield 1 Nivelle Nights map and Base Game Update will start rolling out tomorrow. While access to Nivelle Nights map will be limited to Premium Pass owners or owners of They Shall Not Pass, the download is required for all Battlefield 1 players.

The Update will be automatically deployed to your platform on Tuesday, June 20th across all platforms with the following downtimes:

  • PC: Multiplayer will be offline for 2h starting 07.00 UTC / 12.00 AM PT.
  • PS4: Multiplayer will be offline for 2h starting 9.00 UTC / 2.00 AM PT.
  • Xbox One: Multiplayer will be offline for 2h starting 11.00 UTC / 4.00 AM PT.

Die ausführlichen Patchnotes liefern wir euch umgehend nach, sobald der Patch durch ist.

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