VIKINGS: Wolves Of Midgard – Patch 1.04 „Couch-Koop“ erschienen

Kalypso Media hat gestern schon den Patch 1.04 für Vikings: Wolves Of Midgard veröffentlicht. Wir reichen euch die Patchnotes nach, da ab sofort ihr zu zweit auf der Couch zocken könnt:

Couch Coop
Console: 2 players can play at the same time on the same console!

Game+, Replayability and Grinding improvements

  • Game+ mechanics significantly revisited
    – Players don’t lose items with each Game+
    – Each Game+ offers higher challenge to the players
  • Player can play hunt maps after completing the game
  • Bosses added to Hunt Maps
  • Difficulty changed and rebalanced
  • Added more randomization effects for loot drop

Improved Trials

  • Rebalanced
  • Boss enemies to each Trial

Several new features requested by players

  • Talismans became charged items and are part of the random loot
  • New effects for Legendary items
  • Stash added to the village. It is shared between characters
  • Player can share items with companion during multiplayer game
  • Improvements of several boss fights, mainly the final boss fights

Several other improvements for stability, GUI and performance based on the feedbacks from the players

Multiple localization issues, especially Spanish

Improvements for sounds and voice overs

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