ATOM UNIVERSE – Patch 1.38 / 0.16 ist verfügbar

Atom Republic haben am Wochenende den Patch 1.38 / 0.16 für ihre Free-2-Play Game Atom Universe veröffentlicht.

Wir haben für euch alle Details zum Patch:

The new build 0.16 is now live and that means the Mikart Racer in the Hub has opened its doors for the 1st time. Yay! This is 1.0 version of minikarts you can test drive around the race track. SO LET’S GOOOOOO!

Minikart Racer is Live!

WelcomeScreen_Minikart There are 6 minikarts parked on the Race Track.

Use R2 / L2 to drive forwards and backwards, Right Analog stick (Camera) to steer & X-Button to boost.

00s Dance Moves

00sDances copy To complete our collection of decades‘ dances, we bring you 4 dance moves inspired by the Noughties era: Modern Country, Heel-Toe Step, Krumping & Pop, lock and drop it. The new dance pack will be available in June.

Floss Dance

TheFlossDance copy The Floss Dance is the new viral craze and you can now dance it in Atom Universe! Brought to you by our 3rd party developer Ashley.

Fear Me December

da54ce_89795d239f4449c78e2b99cc90c01056~mv2_d_6000_4000_s_4_2 Please welcome our new band – Fear Me December. Fear Me December is a spectacular, stunning and unique power Rock Band based in Manchester. They will be featuring in our playlists very soon.

Atom Universe ist seit dem 29. September 2016 auf der PlayStation 4 im PlayStation Store erhältlich.

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei