Für die Social VR Erfahrung Rec Room ist ein neuer Patch verfügbar der Euch unter anderem einen neuen Spielmodus bringt.
Die Entwickler von Against Gravity lassen uns ihre Version eines Battle Royale Modus an diesem Wochenende testen. Mit erscheinen des knapp 1,3 Gigabyte großen Patches 1.43 kann man nun den Rec Royale Modus bis zum 27.Mai testen. Die finale Version von Rec Royale wird dann ab dem 7. Juni verfügbar sein.
Was sich sonst noch mit dem Patch 1.43 in Rec Room verändert hat zeigen Euch die (englischen) Patchnotes :
- New game mode – Rec Royale! All right scouts, get ready to do battle on Frontier Island. It’s everyone for themselves in this 16-player battle royale mode. The only way to win is to be the last scout standing!
- This is a preview release… you can play Rec Royale this weekend (5/25-5/27), after which we’ll switch it off for adjustments and tweaks based on your feedback! So be sure to let us know what you think…
- You can choose play Rec Royale with or without walking (smooth locomotion) – choose the mode that suits your comfort level. There are separate lobbies for both.
- New hang glider flying mechanic – that’s how you get onto Fronter Island! If flying makes you uncomfortable, try the (very experimental) „TV Mode Vehicles“ setting in Watch/Settings/Gameplay/Comfort Options.
- New holstering mechanic – attach items you find on Frontier Island to your hip for quick access…
- New backpack gesture – grab your map by reaching over your shoulder
There’s also some new stuff for Custom Rooms:
- New programmable Disco Lights to bring the party to life!
- All sandbox objects now fully support cloning (with all their settings intact) and moving with the Maker Pen.
- Make Pen shapes now have sane density settings – choose 1, 10, 100, 1000, or 10000 kg/m3.
- Circuits – RNG chip now supports a momentary output mode.
- We fixed several issues with trigger volumes – they are now much more reliable.
Rec Room ist für die Playstation VR Brille gratis im Playstation Store erhältlich.
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