US-PLAYSTATION STORE – viele tolle Angebote

Im US-Store gibt es zum 20. Geburtstag viele tolle Angebote. Ob diese oder ähnliche heute auch bei uns reinkommen, da heißt es abwarten. Viel Unterschied wird es aber nicht geben.

PS4 Abyss Odyssey: Extended Dream Edition $8.99 $14.99
PS4 Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Digital Pro Edition $68.99 $99.99
PS4 Call Of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition $58.99 $99.99
PS4 Dark Souls II Scholar Of The First Sin $30.00 $59.99
PS4 Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition $26.99 $29.99
PS4 Daylight $7.49 $14.99
PS4 Diablo III: Reaper Of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition $34.79 $59.99
PS4 Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn $11.99 $19.99
PS4 Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collectors Edition $31.99 $39.99
PS4 Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition $7.50 $14.99
PS4 Knack $20.00 $39.99
PS4 Metro 2033 Redux $10.00 $24.99
PS4 Metro: Last Light Redux $10.00 $24.99
PS4 Prototype Biohazard Bundle $37.49 $49.99
PS4 Red Goddess: Inner World $7.50 $14.99
PS4 Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 1 PS4 $3.00 $5.99
PS4 Rocksmith 2014 Edition $35.99 $59.99
PS4 Shantae: Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut $5.00 $9.99
PS4 Sound Shapes Add-on Bundle (PS4) $4.99 $9.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Future Funk 3000 Sound Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Lizzywanders Art Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: 80s Sound Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: 8-bit Sound Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Acoustic Sound Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Brass Sound Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Car Mini-album & Entity Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.99 $1.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: City Art Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Drum Kits Sound Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Dubstep Sound Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Hohokum Sound And Art Pack (PS4) (Cross-Buy) $0.99 $1.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Nature Art Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Old School Sound Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes: Vocoder Sound Pack (Cross-Buy) $0.49 $0.99
PS4 Sound Shapes Ultimate Bundle $9.99 $19.99
PS4 The Crew: Bronze Crew Credit Pack $8.99 $9.99
PS4 The Crew: Gold Crew Credit Pack $20.09 $29.99
PS4 The Crew: Platinum Crew Credit Pack $29.99 $49.99
PS4 The Crew: Silver Crew Credit Pack $14.99 $19.99
PS4 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts Of Stone $8.49 $9.99
PS4 War Thunder: Attacker Starter Pack $8.99 $17.99
PS4 War Thunder: Guards Starter Pack $4.99 $9.99
PS4 War Thunder: Il-2 Avenger Starter Pack $8.99 $17.99
PS4 War Thunder: M3a1 Stuart Starter Pack $2.49 $4.99
PS4 War Thunder: Scout Starter Pack $7.49 $14.99
PS4 War Thunder: Shielded Kv-1e Starter Pack $8.99 $17.99
Seit Anbeginn der Datasette von Computergames begeistert. Spielt alles was sich bewegt und für Atmosphäre sorgt. Nimmt gerne Peripherie unter die Lupe und auch auseinander, es bleiben immer Schrauben übrig. Germany 48.406558, 9.791973