Mortal Kombat X – Neuer Patch veröffentlicht

Auch bei Mortal Kombat X läuft noch nicht alles rund, es wird fleißig daran gearbeitet.
Ein neuer Patch wurde heute für die PS4 Fassung von Mortal Kombat X veröffentlicht.
Dies gab der Game-Director Ed Boon per Twitter bekannt.
Es gibt diverse Bug Behebungen, Balancing Fixes und ein Problem mit der Flugsteuerung von Ermac wurde behoben.

Nachfolgend die englischen Patchnotes :

  • D’Vorah (Venomous) – Adjusted the Poison Stack algorithm to prevent the top end from getting so high
  • Ermac (Spectral) – Fixed a bug in which he could get stuck in flight controls
  • Goro – Fixed a bug which was preventing Krush from having its landing location chosen
  • Goro – Slightly increased the input window to meterburn PunchWalk on hit
  • Jacqui (Full Auto) – Decreased the block advantage on Up Rocket by 5 and slightly increased the pushback preventing a block trap
  • Jax – Adjusted Carl Weather skin hurt regions to better match the others
  • Johnny Cage – Ultra Flipkick now uses the correct damage value from hotfix data (12)
  • Kano (CutThroat) – Adjusted the armor frames of Charge Up to compensate for the faster startup
  • Predator – Fixed a bug which allowed Predator to sometimes have 2 Smart-Disc on screen at the same time
  • Predator (Hish-Qu-Tien) – Fixed a bug which was making it so Plasma Shot was ignoring some damage scaling
  • Quan Chi (Sorcerer) – Fixed a bug which allowed him to reset the cooldown of runes after a Final Hex has run out
  • Quan Chi (Sorcerer) – Reverted the temporary change of Final Hex block damage increase (back to 3x)
  • Reptile – Turned off the ability to 2in1 special cancel into Floating Ball
  • Reptile (Deceptive) – Added a short cooldown after Invisibility to prevent players from spending multiple bars of meter if executed very fast
  • Reptile – Lowered the input priority of Floating Ball
  • Shinnok – Away+FK now auto-faces correctly
  • Takeda – Reduced the cancel advantage from Towards+FP,BP,BP+BK by 1 preventing a block trap
  • Takeda – Fixed a bug which would cause the reaction to Tri Kunai to sometimes play in the wrong direction
  • Takeda (Ronin) – Reduced the block cancel advantage of Away+BP,FP,BP+BK by 3 preventing a
  • block trap
  • Takeda (Ronin) – Kool Whip Brutatlity when in Ronin should work more consistently now.
  • Tanya (Pyromancer) – Fixed a bug which was applying the Dark Shroud & Devil’s Dust damage to her throws and other misc damage
  • Tanya (Pyromancer) – Reverted the temporary change of the Dark Shroud & Devil’s Dust damage (back to 10)
  • Tanya (Pyromancer) – Dark Shroud & Devil’s Dust now use the correct lifetime value from hotfix data (7 seconds)
  • Tremor – Some variation specific moves now have corrected values in the movelist

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