DESTINY – Update 2.0.1 erschienen

Bungie hat soeben das Update 2.0.1 für Destiny freigegeben. Wir haben die Patchnotes für euch.

2.0.1 – The one with Eververse Trading Company.
  • Tess Everis has returned from her vacation and is now back at her station in the Tower
    • Added a new currency, Silver, that can be purchased from console stores
    • Tess’s booth has been given a facelift to reflect her new venture with the Eververse Trading Company
  • Lord Saladin has returned from his hiatus and brings new wares for Iron Banner challengers
  • Players who may have deleted their pre-order Ghost Shells after the Taken King Launch can now obtain them again from the Speaker
  • Fixed an issue where some Taken King Collector’s Edition purchasers did not receive their Shaders
    • They can now be obtained from the Shader Collections Kiosk
  • Fixed an issue where some of the Year 1 Special Order Emblems and Shaders were not appearing in Collections
  • “Shot Package” perks have been removed and replaced on Shotguns with a non-range-boosting perk
  • Fixed an issue where Black Spindle had an unintended +20 Attack bonus
  • Fixed an issue in which Rare Sniper Rifle scope upgrades did not correctly show progress
  • Fixed an issue in which activating the „Eye of the Storm“ perk was not using correct feedback when readying weapon
  • Fixed an issue in which the “Second Wind” perk was incorrectly applying on the initial spawn
  • Players can now reroll Stat nodes and Upgrade nodes on Exotic armor via the “Twist Fate” node
    • Twist Fate will require Glimmer, Armor materials, and a Glass Needle, which will be available from Xur during his weekly visits
  • Fixed an issue where No Back Up Plans did not consistently trigger Force Barrier on Shotgun kills
  • Fixed an issue where the “Air Traffic Control” perk on Taikonaut Helm did not properly increase heavy ammo drop rate with a Rocket Launcher equipped
  • Smoke Bombs used with Sealed Ahamkara Grasps no longer costs two charges
Quests & Bounties
  • Fixed an issue where Hunter and Warlock class level-up quests were not giving rewards for the correct level
  • Fixed an issue with some Year 1 Exotic Bounty items that were causing lingering waypoints to remain over various NPCs
  • Fixed several issues where some bounties were not correctly requiring players to complete Court of Oryx encounters within the stated time on the issued bounty
    • Affected Bounties: „Challenge the Court: Reciprocal Rune“, „Challenge the Court: Stolen Rune,“ „Challenge the Court: Antiquated Rune“
  • Fixed an issue where some Vanguard bounties were incorrectly granting credit across entire Fireteams
    • Affected Bounties: “Heavyweight”, “Specialized Rampage”, “Enemy in Every Corner”, “Invincible”
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to not get charges on an Agonarch Rune if another Rune was completed in the same week
  • Weekly Heroic Playlist now shows how many Weekly Bonus Legendary Mark awards remain
  • Fixed an issue where players were not transitioning to Return to Orbit upon Phogoth’s death
  • Fixed an issue where players were not transitioning to Return to Orbit phase upon Omnigul’s death
Raid: King’s Fall
  • Increased the number of potential Shards and added additional materials in the first King’s Fall chest
  • Blighted Light explosion size has been changed to encompass the entire Arena
  • Shaxx’s Weekly Bounties now unlock across all characters after completing the Crucible Questline on one character
  • Damage curves have been adjusted for all power-enabled playlists to account for the new Light levels in Year 2
  • Distinct audio cues have been created for teammate and enemy revives
  • Weekly Crucible bounty „Featured Matches“ now properly progresses in weekly featured playlists in addition to daily featured playlists
  • Weekly Crucible bounties „Featured Matches“ and „Making an Impact“ now also count top 3 finishes in Rumble as wins, to be consistent with other Crucible quest and bounty steps
  • „Hold the Line“ bounty now only requires being near only one of your teammates (instead of two)
  • Fixed an issue where the „Largest Multi-Kill“ stat on the Mayhem scoreboard did not accumulate correctly
  • Thieves‘ Den has been removed from the Rift playlist
  • Added Twilight Gap and Asylum to Elimination playlist
  • Removed Thieves‘ Den from Doubles playlist
  • Removed The Anomaly and Firebase Delphi from Inferno Salvage and Inferno Skirmish playlists
Iron Banner
  • Iron Banner is now enabled for the week of 10/13 – 10/19
  • Requires a minimum Character Level of 40
  • Recommended Light for Iron Banner is 230
  • Game completion rewards have been reworked to be a more valid source for Iron Banner rewards
  • End-of-match rewards now include both weapons and armor (including items available on Lord Saladin)
  • New Emblems have been added to Lord Saladin’s inventory
  • Lord Saladin now has three daily bounties and three weekly bounties that award Legendary Marks
  • Gear purchased from Lord Saladin now requires Legendary Marks (instead of Glimmer)
  • Tempered buff is now automatically applied to your character and continues to grow in effectiveness each day of the event week
Trials of Osiris
  • Trials of Osiris will be enabled the weekend of 10/16-10/18
  • Requires a minimum Character Level of 40
  • Requires a minimum Light of 251; Recommended Light is 290
  • Winning teams now receive Trials gear rewards directly at the end-of-match completion
  • Players that go undefeated on their Passage will continue to be invited to The Lighthouse
  • Players may continue to play in the Trials past 9 wins (but rewards are maxed out at 9 wins)
  • Trials Passages now have a Details page containing your Boons
    • Player must now purchase Boons from the Details page on their Passage instead of from Brother Vance
    • Boons can no longer be applied to Trials passages after starting a run
  • Trials gear can be purchased from Brother Vance (including some items found at the Lighthouse)
  • Brother Vance now has Bounties that award Legendary Marks
  • Crucible Bounties can now also be completed in Trials of Osiris
  • Matchmaking has been updated to make it more competitive to reach The Lighthouse
  • Sources for Motes of Light have been adjusted:
    • From completing Public Events have been increased by approximately 100%
    • From earning XP post-40 have been increased from 3 -> 5
    • From Faction Rep packages have been reduced from 5 -> 4
    • From dismantling Rare and Legendary Items have been reduced by approximately 25-30%
    • From Daily Vanguard and Crucible Bounties have been reduced by approximately 50%
  • Sources for Strange Coins have been adjusted:
    • From Faction Rep packages have been reduced from 5 -> 4
    • From Daily Vanguard and Crucible Bounties have been reduced by approximately 50%
  • Weapon Parts from dismantling Uncommon or Rare Weapons have been reduced by around 25%
  • Weapon Part turn-ins at Factions increased from +50 Rep to +75 Rep per turn-in
  • Materials recovered by Ghost Extractor upgrades reduced (but still guaranteed)
  • Ghost Shells will now be recovered at the Postmaster in your Lost and Found, if you don’t have inventory space for them
  • Fixed multiple situations that resulted in the game client crashing, including the „Ward of Dawn” and “Firefly” crashes
  • Fixed some issues where audio would drop

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Seit Anbeginn der Datasette von Computergames begeistert. Spielt alles was sich bewegt und für Atmosphäre sorgt. Nimmt gerne Peripherie unter die Lupe und auch auseinander, es bleiben immer Schrauben übrig.