Für das kostenlose Playstation Plus Spiel Hardware Rivals ist ein neues umfangreiches Update erschienen. Wir haben es uns einmal näher angeschaut und zeigen es euch in einem Video.
Spannende neue Inhalte im aktuellen #HardwareRivals-Update ? https://t.co/Lpcq6hXX10 #Digi_Tal #PS4 pic.twitter.com/svbUME3Lhg
— PlayStationDE (@PlayStationDE) January 22, 2016
- Two new vehicles: Barbarian Tank and Scarab FAV
- New add-ons for all vehicles
- New game modes and events added
- Autoplay reinstated – players will continue to play together for consecutive rounds.
- Visual tweaks to in-game SP and XP and end-game screen
- Small tweaks to the Tutorial
- Additional “Basic” control scheme added for new players
- Improvements to networking and matchmaking
- General bug fixes
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