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Demnach soll der erste DLC „Outer Rim“ am 12. März erscheinen. Dieser bringt Karten wie Tattooine „Jabba the Hutt’s Palace“ und Sullust mit sich. Dazu soll es zwei neue Spielmodies geben. Invasion mit 30 vs. 30 und Scramble mit 12 vs. 12. Neben neuen Karten soll es Waffen, Fähigkeiten und neue Farzeuge für die Rebellen geben.
Star Wars Battlefront ‘Outer Rim’ will be released on march 12th, 2016. Fight among the factories of Sullust and battle within Jabba the Hutt’s Palace on tattooine. 2 new game modes will be introduced in this Expansion pack, along with new weapons and abilities.
Invasion: Will be the the largest multiplayer mode in the game. In this 30v30 match, Players will fight as Rebels or Imperials on the outskirts of Sullust. This game mode will be similar to Walker Assault but include more vehicles for the Empire and New Vehicles for the Rebels. The objective for the game is for the Empire to recapture the factories of Sullust that have been overrun by Rebels. The Empire will have 4 on rail AT-AT’s, 2 will be playable at the start of the match with another 2 joining the match based on the rebels ability to defend.
Scramble: In this 12v12 Match, Fight as Rebels and Imperials through the secret passages of Jabba the Hutt’s Palace. This game mode will be introducing new Star Cards and both sides may use traps to fool the enemy. But be careful, Jabba’s Rancor will be hostile to both sides.
Bounty Hunt: Play as iconic Bounty hunters in this hunt or be hunted. Locate Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker before the escape.
Full details about this expansion are not known to me, as i have not been updated with the chosen pathways.
What i do know is that there will be a new game mode that is a space related battle, reenacting the famous destruction of the Death Star as seen in the movie. This expansion pack will support all of the smaller game modes.