BLACK OPS 3 – Patch 1.07 erschienen

Treyarch hat soeben das Update 1.07 für Black Ops 3 zur Verfügung gestellt. Wir haben wie immer alle Patchnotes für euch.


  • Addressed issue where earned Dark Matter camos were not appearing on Black Market weapons.
  • Resolved bug where Players were unable to unlock Gold/Diamond camos on the Marshal16 and MX Garand if they earned Weapon Class Mastery before TU5.
  • Updated visuals for Prestige Kill Counter and Clan Tag.
  • Resolved issue where the wrong image would appear when a Player received the Reaper Geist Specialist theme in a Supply Drop.
  • Addressed bug where the NX ShadowClaw’s Bayonet would display the wrong image if banned or protected in Arenas.
  • Fixed issue where the wrong image was displayed for the LRX3 in the Custom Games Protect/Ban menu.
  • Updated Official Custom Variants for CWL Competitive Game Modes.
  • Added a Live Event viewer to allow Players to watch the Call of Duty World League games from the Main Menu.

General Gameplay

  • Fixed issue where a white image was appearing in the Killfeed for Fury Song kills.
  • Corrected bug where the Fury Song icon would display in the Killfeed whenever a Player received a kill with the Combat Knife.
  • Added ricochet damage for Care Package owners in Hardcore Modes.
  • Added ricochet damage for Players planting or defusing bombs in Search & Destroy in Hardcore Mode.


  • Wraith
    • Addressed issue where the Wraith was being destroyed by one less rocket than intended.
  • Rolling Thunder
    • Fixed bug where the Rolling Thunder could be seen on the mini-map by enemies who were not using the Engineer Perk.


  • Combine
    • Addressed exploit where players could mantle onto rocks near Start spawn and get outside of playable area.
  • Fringe
    • Addressed exploit where Players were able to gain an unfair advantage by standing atop invisible collision near Red Barn.
  • Infection
    • Prevented Player from escorting Safeguard robot from inside building.
  • Redwood
    • Spawned model near S&D Bomb Site B to prevent bad line of sight.
  • Skyjacked
    • Prevented Players from escorting the Safeguard robot from 2nd floor of buildings.
    • Adjusted Hardpoint Zone so players are unable to hold it from outside the building.
  • Splash
    • Spawned in additional collision to prevent Yellow Tube exploit.
    • Carved out collision in the Red tube to allow for better Player movement.


  • ICR-1
    • Increased accuracy. Now has less recoil.
  • Iron Jim
    • Fixed consecutive attack speed to be consistent with other melee weapons.


  • Fixed issue where Players were unable to earn progress towards the Chameleon camo if the Varix 3 was attached.
  • Addressed bug where the Marshal 16’s progression would count towards the MR6’s stats if using the Dual Wield attachment.
  • Resolved issue where the “Run and Gun” Prestige challenge would not track if Players gained kills using the Dual Wield attachment and the Gung-Ho Perk.
  • Addressed bug where Players were unable to earn progress towards the Chameleon camo if the Dual Wield Perk was equipped.


  • General
    • Improved matchmaking in Arenas.
    • Fixed issues where Parties would occasionally be split when searching for a new Arena match.
    • Added neutral state to ban/protect options.
    • Players are now able to continue editing classes and streaks after pressing ‘Done.’
  • Custom Games
    • Added NX ShadowClaw to custom game competitive options.
  • Social:
    • Fixed issue where reporting a Player would not update with the correct name.



  • Addressed exploit in Daily Challenge system.
  • Fixed issue where Player could trigger the rocket shield functionality and/or GobbleGums when the scoreboard was on screen.
  • Fixed issue where a blank Daily Challenge card would appear in the after action report at the end of a local/offline Zombies game.
  • Fixed issue where Double Weapon XP meter did not accurately reflect the amount of XP earned after a match.
  • Alternate ammo types have received a balancing pass.

Der Eisendrache

  • Fixed multiple Zombie pathing exploits on Der Eisendrache.
  • Addressed a variety of exploits where Players were able to exit the playable area on Der Eisendrache.
  • Fixed issue where the Death Machine wasn’t doing appropriate damage at higher rounds.
  • Resolved bug around the Ragnarok DG-4’s slam ability.
  • Fixed bug where the Ragnarok DG-4’s FX would not turn off correctly when two were planted in sequence.
  • The Panzer Soldat has received a balancing pass.
  • Fixed issue where Players were able to duplicate upgraded Bows.
  • Addressed several bugs surrounding the main Easter Egg quest.
  • Addressed invisible collision issues during the Keeper battle.
  • Resolved bug with the plunger melee weapon.
  • Fixed issue where the jump pads would not activate.
  • Resolved issue where in-game characters could be heard speaking to one another during cinematic sequences.

Dead Ops Arcade II

  • Fixed a bug where Firepower fate weapon did not upgrade to purple version.
  • Eliminated a very small time window where Player exiting a vehicle was vulnerable to damage.
  • New pickup added post round 24; Coat of Arms.
  • Increased Siegebot Player vehicle time by 10 seconds for balancing purposes.
  • Increased the health of the Golden Egg by 3x.

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