Rebellion hat heute dem Spiel Sniper Elite 4 einen weiteren Patch spendiert. Wir haben die Patchnotes für euch:
New Content
- Free Elimination multiplayer mode, available on all existing multiplayer maps.
- Free Night Woods multiplayer map, supports all competitive modes including Elimination.
- Support for Deathstorm Part: 1 Inception and Night Fighter Expansion Pack.
- Updated Trophies
- Ensured saves don’t occur while the player is in mid-air. Also reduced occurrences of saves next to an exploding vehicle.
- Vehicles now resume what they were doing previously when restored from a save, and no longer persist with dead targets. Tweaked tank and pillbox vision.
- Fixed various weapon glitches and bugs to reduce chances of players or AI having no visible weapon, or weapons held in the wrong pose or using the wrong animation. Picked-up weapons now retain their skin if that was not the base model.
- Scope will no longer allow the player to see through various objects.
- Fixed binocular reticule glitch in 3D.
- Standing in a bush no longer awards a foliage kill. Also improved the detection for various other stats and shot callouts.
- AI now slightly less prone to exploitation by player during investigations. Dead bodies more likely to stop AI running into obvious death-traps.
- Applied various fixes for corrupt profiles.
- Fixed issues with various challenges:
– No Manual Reloading (Allagra Fortress)
– No Tagging (various)
– Melee Ace (Abrunza Monastery)
- Fixed miscellaneous document on Giovi Fiorini Mansion.
- Ensured Overwatch characters are restored right way round if starting from a save.
- Players will be harder to tag through objects.
- Applied various out-of-world and collision fixes to reduce exploits on all maps.