ALIENATION – Patch 1.05 erschienen

Heute ist für den Top Down Shooter Alienation der Patch 1.05 erschienen. Dieser bringt neben Verbesserung wöchentliche Missionen und Rüstungssets mit sich. Wir haben die Patchnotes für euch.

Der Patch hat eine Größe von 1,607 GB uns steht ab sofort bereit.

Changelog (patch 1.04 + 1.05)

Major additions:
– Added weekly missions.
– Added a new difficulty level.
– Added collectible armor sets.
– Added armor paint customization.
– Added option to disable World Level 2 visuals.
– Added new trophies.
– Increased Hero Level cap by 25.
– Miscellaneous bug fixes, tweaks and optimizations.

Major fixes:
– Fixed the bug that caused players who were not part of the squad when the mission started to get worse loot (and worse score in Ark Ship).
– Fixed Ark Ship score exploit bug and increased score cap for future scores. Quality of life improvements:
– Added an option to lock your favorite inventory items so that they won’t be accidentally salvaged.
– Added a possibility to drop inventory items in local co-op so that they can be collected by another player.
– Added salvage all option which salvages all unlocked inventory items in the current category.
– Legendary items show up on minimap.

– New secondary weapon: Devastator (DLC)
– New heavy weapon: Collapser (DLC)
– Start at level 15 (DLC)

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