ASSASSIN’S CREED ORIGINS – der Patch 1.2.0 ist online

Zu Ubisofts neuestem Assassinen Abenteuer wurde heute ein großes Update veröffentlicht.

Knapp 3,2 Gigabyte wiegt der neueste Patch zu Assassins Creed Origins der nun erhältlich ist.
Euch erwarten unter anderem darin eine neue Quest namens „Incoming Threat“ sowie Support für den kommenden DLC „Die Verborgenen“.
Natürlich dürfen die obligatorischen Fehlerbehebungen nicht fehlen die diesmal Grafik,Sound und Animationen betreffen.

Aber natürlich haben wir auch die vollständigen englischen Patch Notes für Euch :

Patch Highlights

  • Added support for the upcoming “The Hidden Ones” expansion
  • Added “Incoming Threat” quest to the game
  • Updated item loot pool of the Heka Chest (more details in the “New Features” section)

New Features

  • Added a new quest to the world: “Incoming Threat”
  • Added the Atlas view on the World Map displaying the Sinai and the Valley of Kings regions
  • Added support for the “The Hidden Ones” expansion
  • Added the possibility to sell-back outfits to the Weaver shops
  • Added all the latest Store items from the Nightmare, First Civilization, Gladiator, Wacky, and Almighty packs to the Heka Chest
  • Added the option to toggle the visibility of inventory items on the Gear menu


  • Improved various cinematic transitions
  • Increased the resistance of Khaliset to the Overpower Ultra ability
  • Corrected the visual size of Isfet’s weapon in the quest “Lady of Slaughter” to match its collision box
  • Prevented Tahirah from following the playable character after a certain distance in the quest “Reunion”
  • Fixed various issues that might occur when skipping cinematics
  • Fixed an issue causing the stash in the quest “The Mousetrap” to float
  • Fixed an issue preventing the player from completing the quest “The Healer”
  • Fixed various situations causing Jumbe, the War Elephant, to reset in the middle of combat
  • Fixed an issue preventing the playable character from climbing and fighting while in the quest “The Final Weighing”
  • Fixed an issue allowing Thutmose to lose his felucca in the quest “Blood in the Water”
  • Fixed the delay before the Quest Completed trigger when completing the quest “A Tithe By Any Other Name”


  • Reduce the difficulty of Hippodrome races
  • Fixed an issue preventing enemies from being able to be pushed into the pit of the Duelist II Arena encounter
  • Fixed an issue where players were ranked incorrectly after completing a Hippodrome race


  • Improved the behavior of tamed animals
  • Fixed various issues on how fire was applying damage to the playable character and NPCs
  • Fixed an issue with the spawning of the playable character in the Haueris Nome
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a desynchronization when controlling Senu from a hiding location
  • Fixed the damage bonus applied by Master abilities, which was lower than designed
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Chain Attack ability to work
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Adrenaline ability to be triggered
  • Fixed the Overpower Chain Throw ability that was awarding Assassinate bonus XP
  • Fixed an issue allowing the inactive weapon to cause damage
  • Fixed an issue with the distance counter not updating correctly when NPC is outside of the field of view
  • Fixed various situation where the playable character could remain stuck
  • Fixed various issues with the animations of the playable character
  • Fixed various issues with the spawning, the reactions, and the animations of NPCs

User Interface

  • Added the leaderboard to the Horde Mode menu panel
  • Fixed an issue with the Target Menu not properly showing The Scarab after reloading the save game
  • Fixed various issues with the World Map filters
  • Fixed an issue making arrow disappear from its quiver in the gear page when using the customization options
  • Fixed an overlapping issue with Custom Markers when playing in Traditional Chinese
  • Fixed an issue where the „Bathhouse Towel“ outfit would appear as new every time the playable character exits the bathhouse
  • Fixed a mistranslation on a Papyrus puzzle when playing in Russian
  • Fixed an issue with the distance counter not updating correctly when NPCs are outside of the field of view
  • Fixed some discrepancies in the Quest Log
  • Fixed various typos
  • [Xbox One X] Fixed the user associated with the “Best Score” in the Arena leaderboard after having switched profile in the main menu
  • [PC] Added a message telling players to restart their game after acquiring new downloadable contents
  • [PC] Added the ‘Hide Icons’ action to the Eagle section of the Customize Controls option menu
  • [PC] Fixed the Fast Travel action in the World Map


  • Fixed the models of the Level 10 gears (bracers visual known issue)
  • Fixed an issue with Weaver shops selling the same outfit more than once
  • Fixed an issue with cages that could open by themselves when they had a prisoner
  • Fixed several areas where the playable character could go through collisions

Graphics & Audio

  • Balanced the audio volume level in different areas
  • Fixed an issue when the playable character could continue to talk after dying
  • Fixed various visual issues that could occur when transitioning from indoor to outdoor
  • Fixed an issue with the intensity of the red when in HDR


  • Improve overall stability of the game application
  • Fixed various infinite loadings and black screen hangs
  • [PC] Fixed game freeze after minimizing all tabs in Windows 7
  • [PC] Improved Performance Metrics graphs functionality

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