BATTLEBORN – Patch 1.04 ist online

Gearbox Softwre und 2K Games veröffentlichten heute den Patch 1.04 für den MOBA Battleborn. Mit diesem Patch erhielten unter anderem 3 neue Versus-Karten Einzug ins Spiel und es gibt zusätzliche Charakter-Anpassungsmöglichkeiten.

Der Patch hat eine Größe von 2,362GB und wir haben für euch die Patch-Notes:

New Content:

  • 5 new taunt customizations
  • 3 new Versus maps (Monuments, Outskirts, and Snowblind)


  • The Wound debuff has been modified
  • Wound now reduces healing, health regeneration and lifesteal received by 60%
  • Wounded targets now have a unique third person visual effect to indicate that they will receive reduced healing
  • All characters now have diminishing returns on the push of their quick melee attacks
  • Consecutive quick melee attacks push enemies shorter distances. This effect resets after a short amount of time
  • All Bots now sprint more frequently


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Increased Alani’s base damage by 20% (52 to 63 at level 1)
  • Increased Alani’s sprint speed by 10%
  • Alani’s level 7 Left Helix Augment, Pressure Wash no longer increases Osmosis stack generation
  • Swapped the Helix locations of Alani’s level 3 Left Helix Augment, Whitewater and level 3 Right Helix Augment, Go With the Flow with her level 7 Left Helix Augment, Pressure Wash and level 7 Right Helix Augment, Overflow
  • Reduced the duration of Geyser’s bind effect from 2 second to 1.5 seconds
  • Reduced the radius of Geyser by 15%
  • Reduced the Damage Shared to Nearby Targets of Alani’s level 2 Right Helix Augment, Surface Tension from 30% to 15%
  • Fixed an issue that caused Riptide to end prematurely after selecting Alani’s level 4 Right Helix Augment, Ride the Wave and level 9 Right Helix Augment, Water Proof
  • Damage Reduction gear and augments no longer reduce Alani’s healing

Description changes:

  • Changed the name of Alani’s level 2 Left Helix Augment from Diffusion to Pressure Gradient
  • Changed the description of Alani’s level 4 Left Helix Augment, Wet Blanket to reflect the duration of the Slow debuff
  • Fixed a minor text issue with Alani’s level 2 Right Helix Augment, Surface Tension
  • The description of Alani’s level 3 Right Helix Augment, Go With The Flow now displays the correct cooldown reduction in the Command Menu
  • The description of Alani’s level 5 Right Helix Augment, Full Saturation now displays the correct damage reduction in the Command Menu
  • The description of Alani’s level 5 Helix Augment, Karakafruit Express now displays the correct damage increase in the Command Menu
  • Changed the description of Riptide when viewed in Character Select to better reflect the skill’s functionality.
  • Fixed a minor text issue with Alani’s level 7 Right Helix Augment, Overflow

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Changed the requirement of Alani’s “Another Million and We’re Even” Lore Challenge from “Kill Ambra 25 times” to “Participate in killing Ambra 5 times”
  • Reduced the number of games required for Alani’s “Helician Hellraisers” from 5 to 3 games
  • Reduced the number of Riptides required for Alani’s “The Lifeguards Have Given Up” from 50 to 25
  • Alani’s quick melee now properly displays on the Death Recap Screen
  • Alani’s level 2 Right Helix Augment, Surface Tension no longer drastically increases the stat “Enemy Players Hit by Geyser”

Visual and Audio Effects:

  • Fixed a visual issue with Alani’s Osmosis bubbles when playing Split Screen
  • Made a minor adjustment to Alani’s main menu animation


  • Added support for Bot Alani in Versus Private games


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Melee strikes that consume Heat reduce the cooldown of Sunspot by 1 second
  • Melee strikes that instantly deplete all Heat due to Ambra’s level 7 Right Helix Augment, Radiant Spear reduce the cooldown of Sunspots by an increased amount
  • Attacks that deplete Heat do not reduce the cooldown of Sunspots after selecting Ambra’s level 7 Mutation, Radiant Halberd
  • Reduced cooldown of Sunspot from 12 seconds to 8 seconds
  • Increased Heat generation of the Staff of Radiance life drain attack by 100%
  • Increased the amount healed by Sunspots by 80% (18 to 32 at Level 1)
  • Reduced the maximum healing of Ambra’s level 2 Right Helix Augment, Solar Burst from 280 to 133
  • Reduced the maximum damage of Ambra’s level 2 Mutation, Soothing Sunlight augment from 280 to 133

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of enemy kills required by Ambra’s “The Winds of Change” challenge from 500 to 100
  • Fixed a minor text issue with Ambra’s “Staff of the Silent Sisters” Lore challenge


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Increased Attikus‘ base health by 20% (2033 to 2439 at Level 1)
  • Hedronic Arc now applies a 60% Wound debuff for 4 seconds
  • Pounce now silences enemies for 1.5 seconds instead of knocking them back
  • Increased the damage of Pounce by 33% (75 to 141)
  • Decreased damage of Charge Hook by 18% (153 to 125 at level 1)
  • Changed Pounce to feel more responsive and controllable
  • Fully charged Hedronic Eruption now slows enemies instead of knocking them up
  • Reduced the directional variance of Hedronic Eruption
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Hedronic Arc from consistently chaining to enemies when fully charged while Attikus‘ level 9 Right Helix Augment, Hedronic Chain augment is active

Descriptions changes:

  • Hedronic Arc now displays the correct damage value in the Command Menu

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of Charged Hook critical hits required for Attikus‘ “In His Face” challenge from 12 to 1
  • Attikus‘ “Defender, You Have Become Defenseless” Lore challenge now displays correctly after unlocking

Visual and Audio Effects:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Attikus‘ stun animation from playing when stunned while using Pounce
  • Attikus no longer sees Hedronic Charge notifications when dealing a killing blow an enemy after dying
  • Hedronic Arc no longer obscures the affected player’s vision


  • Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:
  • Increased Benedict’s base health by 20% (830 to 983 at Level 1)
  • Increased the damage of Rocket Launcher by 15% (184 to 211 at Level 1)
  • Benedict’s level 7 Mutation, Multiloader now functions properly if it is selected while dead

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number kills required for Benedict’s “Help for a Ground Recruit” challenge from 50 to 10
  • Reduced the total fly time required for Benedict’s “Rocket Jump Professional” challenge from 3 hours to 1 hour
  • Reduced the number of games required for Benedict’s “The Tour” challenge from 5 to 3
  • Reduced the number of rockets per match required for Benedict’s “So Many Rockets” challenge from 425 to 300


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Boldur’s level 5 Mutation, Desperate Rage mutation no longer grants damage reduction when Rage is not active
  • Boldur’s level 8 Mutation, Knockout Punch now functions properly against shields

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Renamed Boldur’s “The Unbearable” Career Challenge to “Gathering No Moss!”
  • Reduced the number of kills required for Boldur’s “Gather No Moss!” challenge from 1,000 to 100
  • Boldur’s “The Dwarf’s Favorite Axiom” Lore Challenge now displays correctly after unlocking


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Energy Blade now applies a Wound debuff for 2 seconds
  • Fixed an issue that gave Caldarius‘ level 9 Mutation, Rangefinder unintended functionality

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of kills required for Caldarius‘ “The Arena and You: Partners in Freedom” challenge from 750 to 500


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Increased the attack speed of Deande’s Tessurim War Fans melee attacks by 15%
  • Changed the transition between Tessurim War Fans melee and ranged attacks to feel more responsive
  • Burst Dash no longer knocks enemies back
  • Increased damage of Blink Storm by 35% (63 damage per hit to 85 damage per hit at Level 5)
  • Deande’s level 3 Mutation, Uppercut  now applies a Wound debuff for 1.5 seconds instead of knocking enemies into the air
  • Deande can no longer gain permanent clones by using Holotwin immediately after Blink Storm while Deande’s level 10 Left Helix Augment, Doppelgangüp is active

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of kills required for Deande’s “Cloak and Dagger” challenge from 500 to 100
  • Reduced the number of games required for Deande’s “The Seeds of Secret Orders” challenge from 5 to 3

Visual and Audio Effects:

  • Deande’s Tessurim War Fans now appear correctly with her Saboteur skin

El Dragón

Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Bicycle Kick is now properly interrupted by Reyna’s Photonic Ward

Description changes:

  • El Dragón’s level 5 Left Helix Augment, Heavyweight and level 5 Right Helix Augment, Welterweight now correctly refer to his passive Undisputed Champ
  • Fixed a minor text issue with El Dragón’s passive Undisputed Champ
  • Challenges and Statistics:
  • Reduced the number of kills required for El Dragón’s “Fired Up” challenge from 50 to 20
  • Reduced the number of games required for El Dragón’s “Armed and Handsomest” challenge from 5 to 3
  • Reduced the number of kills required for El Dragón’s “The Fall of the Luchador” challenge from 1,000 to 100
  • The unlock requirement for El Dragón’s “The Rise of the Dragon” no longer appears cut off


  • Bot El Dragón will no longer attempt to Clap enemies outside of his range


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Reduced Galilea’s LEVEL 1 Right Helix Augment, Calamity Wound debuff from 100% to 60% for 5 seconds to align with new Wound debuff
  • Reduced Galilea’s level 2 Right Helix Augment, Mark of the Feeble Wound debuff from 100% to 60% for 5 seconds to align with new Wound debuff
  • Reduced the maximum number of projectiles spawned by Galilea’s level 3 Right Helix Augment, It’s Dangerous to Go Alone from 5 to 3

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Changed the requirements of Galilea’s “Frienemies” Lore Challenge from “Kill Ambra 25 times” to “Participate in killing Ambra 5 times”
  • Reduced the number of games required for Galilea’s “Sisterhood” challenge from 5 to 3


  • Bot Galilea will no longer stand in place after using Abyssal Form


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Changed Ghalt’s level 3 Left Helix Augment, from Slug Rounds to Barrier
  • Barrier gives Ghalt +240 Shield Strength and +105 Shield Recharge per Second
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Ghalt’s level 7 Right Helix Augment, Both Barrels Blazing from functioning
  • Ghalt no longer has a chance to become stuck when silenced during The Hook
  • Reduced the likelihood that The Hook will pull enemies behind Ghalt

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the First Blood requirement of Ghalt’s “The First Battleborn” challenge from 10 to 1
  • Reduced the number of games required for Ghalt’s “First Round Draft Picks” challenge from 5 to 3


  • Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:
  • Omega Strike now has a 40 second duration.
  • Reduced the duration of ISIC’s level 4 Left Helix Augment, Hold it Right There! }:O stun from 2 seconds to 1 second
  • ISIC’s level 5 Mutation, Stopping Power wink now applies a Wound debuff for 1 second instead of a slow
  • Increased the damage of Charged Cannon on Overcharged attacks from 175 to 177

Description changes:

  • Changed the description of Omega Strike to allow the Overcharged effect to be visible when viewed in the Helix menu
  • The description of ISIC’s level 10 Left Helix Augment, Shield’s Up!  😀 augment now displays the correct Damage Blocking amount in the Command Menu

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of games required for ISIC’s “Warning: Rogue Magnus” challenge from 5 to 3
  • Reduced the number of kills required for ISIC’s “Ocoban Mining Exploration Report” challenge from 250 to 10
  • ISIC’s “MAGNUS SELF-REVIEW: MAG_MRBX-1210” lore challenge is now properly tracked when using Overcharged Plasma Dash


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Reduced Kelvin’s movement speed bonus while he is Sublimated by 40%
  • Reduced the duration of Sublimate’s stun from 2 seconds to 1 second
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Ice Wall to prevent minions from pathing in Meltdown or Incursion
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Kelvin to gain unintended damage reduction
  • Kelvin no longer received conditional effects that activate on shield depletion by default

Description changes:

  • Changed the text of Permafrost to better reflect the skill’s functionality

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of games required for Kelvin’s “Miko Are All My Friends” challenge from 5 to 3
  • Reduced the number of stuns required for Kelvin’s “The Best Defense is De Fence” challenge from 100 to 50
  • Reduced the number of stuns required for Kelvin’s “Micro Macro Mist Me” challenge from 25 to 10


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Increased Kleese’s base health by 88% (from 773 to 1,456 at Level 1)
  • Increased the projectile speed of energy blasts from Wrist Cannon
  • Reduced the damage of Wrist Cannon after selecting Kleese’s level 3 Mutation, Quantum Precision by 30% (384 to 281 at Level 3)
  • Kleese’s level 3 Right Helix Augment, Don’t Tase Me Bro no longer allows Shock Taser to damage stealthed enemies
  • Shock Taser can now damage Ghalt’s Scraptraps
  • Energy Rifts no longer have player collision
  • Black Hole now deals a single combined instance of damage instead of two separate instances of damage

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of kills required for Kleese’s “Slow, Not Dead” challenge from 500 to 50
  • Reduced the number of damaged enemies required for Kleese’s “A Shocking Message” challenge from 250 to 100

Visual and Audio Effects:

  • Kleese’s Tactical Battle Chair Energy no longer appears incorrectly after Kleese has died and respawned
  • Kleese’s minimap death icon is no longer larger than intended


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Reduced the bonus damage of Eins, Zwei, Die from 50% to 25%
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Marquis to damage a Sentry’s health using its shield hit box
  • Marquis‘ level 4 Left Helix Augment, Time Killer now consistently damages enemies within Temporal Distortion regardless of terrain

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of games required for Marquis‘ “Hobo Eradication Protocol” challenge from 10 to 5
  • Reduced the number of games required for Marquis‘ “Overprotective” challenge from 5 to 3

Visual and Audio Effects:

  • Fixed a visual issue with Predatory Strike owls when they are affected by certain third person FX
  • Bindlebane attacks no longer trigger critical hit sound effects on Immune targets


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Reduced the duration of venom from 8 seconds to 4 seconds
  • Increased the damage of venom by 50% (12 to 18 at Level 1)
  • Spike now applies a 60% Wound debuff for 4 seconds to enemies that are covered in venom

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of kills required for Mellka’s “Spaceborne Malady” challenge from 500 to 100
  • Reduced the number of games required for Mellka’s “Heeding the Call” challenge from 5 to 3
  • Mellka’s “Best!” stat now properly increments after completing the Prologue


  • Reduced the camera shake when using Mellka’s melee combo


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Reduced Miko’s base health by 16% (1,220 to 1,046 at Level 1)
  • Reduced the movement speed gained from Miko’s level 1 Left Helix Augment, First Responder from 30% to 15%
  • Reduced the movement speed gained from Miko’s level 7 Left Helix Augment, Fight or Flight from 30% to 15%
  • Miko’s level 7 Left Helix Augment, Fight or Flight no longer refreshes when Miko is damaged while the effect is active

Description changes:

  • Biosynthesis now displays the correct value in the Command Menu
  • The description of Fungus Among Us now properly updates after activating Miko’s level 10 Right Helix Augment, Vicious Strain

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of games required for Miko’s “Two’s a Crowd” challenge from 5 to 3

Visual and Audio Effects:

  • Fixed a minor visual issue when Miko’s level 4 Mutation, Sticky Spores sticks to a recently revived player
  • Fixed a visual issue when Miko receives a movement speed increase from level 1 Left Helix Augment, First Responder or level 7 Left Helix Augment, Fight or Flight
  • Fixed a visual issue with the green heart icon on the player’s HUD when being healed by Miko’s level 2 Left Helix Augment, Regenerative Aura


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Montana’s level 10 Right Helix Augment, Instant Payback no longer lasts until death if Montana is stunned while activating Mansformation
  • Montana’s level 4 Right Helix Augment, Firestorm damage-over-time effect is no longer affected by Attack Damage gear
  • Montana’s level 4 Right Helix Augment, Firestorm direct damage is now affected by Skill Damage gear

Description changes:

  • Fixed a minor text issue with Montana’s level 7 Mutation, Barrel Cooling to better reflect the functionality

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of games required for Montana’s “War is Bliss” challenge from 5 to 3


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Improved Paradigm Shift’s hit detection
  • Orendi’s level 1 Right Helix Augment, Burned and Busted now reveals cloaked enemies near her instead of enemies in her Shadowfire Pillar
  • A new effect is played on Orendi and on revealed victims when the ability is active

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Orendi’s Lore Challenge “That’s a Very Nice Hat Trick” will now increment properly when the Skill Activation Style is set to Instant
  • Reduced the number of games required for Orendi’s “That’s a Very Nice Hat Trick” challenge from 10 to 5
  • Orendi’s Nullify is now properly displayed on the Death Recap Screen
  • Orendi’s Lore Challenge “Very Morphic Pillars” will now increment properly

Oscar Mike

Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Reduced the projectile speed of the child grenades from Oscar Mike’s level 2 Right Helix Augment, Nades on Nades resulting in a tighter explosion area
  • Reduced the detonation time of the child grenades from Oscar Mike’s level 2 Right Helix Augment, Nades on Nades while the level 1 Left Helix Augment, Impact Trigger augment is active

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of games required for Oscar Mike’s “From Yer Best Bud” challenge from 5 to 3

Visual and Audio Effects:

  • Oscar Mike’s level 1 Right Helix Augment, Sneak Attack no longer applies third person FX to Oscar Mike when using Stealth Generator
  • Oscar Mike’s level 2 Left Helix Augment, Fragcendiary Grenade no longer applies first or third person FX to allies


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Increased the projectile speed of the rapiers from Blade Rush
  • Phoebe’s level 6 Right Helix Augment, Disruptor Blades now applies a Wound debuff for 3 seconds instead of giving Blade Rush shield penetration
  • Phoebe’s Phasegate damage is now affected by Skill Damage gear
  • Fixed an issue that caused Phoebe’s level 10 Mutation, Stormbringer to reduce the damage of Blade Cascade excessively

Description changes:

  • Changed the description of Phoebe’s level 4 Right Helix Augment, Raddoppio to better reflect the augment’s functionality

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of games required for Phoebe’s “My Butler Buddy” challenge from 5 to 3
  • Reduced the damage required for Phoebe’s “Addonexus” challenge from 2,000 to 1,800

Visual and Audio Effects:

  • Phoebe’s level 3 Mutation, Crosscut should now have sound effects
  • Phoebe’s level 5 Left Helix Augment, Passata Sotto should now have sound effects
  • The volume of Phoebe’s “Conductor” taunt is now controlled by the Sound Effects Volume audio option instead of the Music Volume audio option


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Changed Rath’s level 3 Left Helix Augment, Terror From Above to make his double jump feel more responsive and controllable
  • Increased the cooldown of Dreadwind from 54 seconds to 75 seconds

Description changes:

  • Changed the name of Rath’s “NOT A VAMPIRE” title to “Blademaster”

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of games required for Rath’s “Sustained Across Time” challenge from 10 to 5
  • Reduced the number of games required for Rath’s “Thank You Letter” challenge from 5 to 3


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Increased the push distance of Photonic Ward
  • Reyna’s level 10 Mutation, Huddle Up now grants her a Failsafe Overshield when an ally receives a Shield Booster Overshield from Photonic Ward

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of kills required for Reyna’s “The Best Defense” challenge from 1,000 to 100

Shayne & Aurox

Description changes:

  • Made a slight adjustment to the unlock requirement text for the „Are TOO Detectives!“ title

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of games required for Shayne & Aurox’s “Mentor for Monsters” challenge from 5 to 3
  • Reduced the number of kills required for Shayne & Aurox’s “Isn’t This a Buddy COMEDY?!” challenge from 200 to 100


Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of kills required for Thorn’s “Daughter of Shadows” challenge from 500 to 100
  • Reduced the number of kills required for Thorn’s “Spry Sprite Spray” challenge from 20 to 10
  • Reduced the number of kills required for Thorn’s “Vengeance for the Lost” challenge from 1,000 to 500
  • Reduced the number of games required for Thorn’s “Granddaughter of Stone” challenge from 5 to 3


  • Reduced the performance impact of Thorn’s arrow effects at long distances


Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Increased the damage of Core Discharge by 15% (313 per second to 406 per second at Level 5)
  • Increased the damage of Core Discharge after selecting Toby’s level 10 Left Helix Augment, Triple Charge by 25% (375 to 563 at Level 10)
  • Fixed an issue that allowed allies to gain permanent health regeneration from Toby’s R2 Best Offense augment

Description changes:

  • Changed the text of Toby’s level 3 Left Helix Augment, Targeting Overlay to better reflect the augment’s functionality

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Reduced the number of kills required for Toby’s “Temper, Temper, TA-BOOM” challenge from 20 to 10
  • Reduced the number of double-kills required for Toby’s “Killing on Rails” challenge from 10 to 1
  • The “Core Discharge Damage” Accomplishment increments properly when using Toby’s L10 Triple Charge augment


  • Reduced the controller vibration while using the UPR H8-MS Custom Railgun

Whiskey Foxtrot

Skills, Augments, and Balance changes:

  • Reduced the fire interval of the UPR-SL3 Tactical Rifle from .08 seconds to .07 seconds
  • Scrap Cannon can no longer be primed
  • Scrap Cannon now applies a 60% Wound debuff for 4 seconds
  • Reduced the cooldown of Scrap Cannon from 12 seconds to 10 seconds
  • Increased the number of ricochets from Scrap Cannon from 2 to 4
  • Increased the bonus UPR-SL3 Tactical Rifle damage granted by Whiskey Foxtrot’s level 2 Left Helix Augment, Swiss Cheese from 15% to 25%
  • Increased the duration of Whiskey Foxtrot’s level 2 Left Helix Augment, Swiss Cheese from 4 seconds to 8 seconds
  • Fixed an issue that allowed additional MIRV grenades to spawn after selecting Whiskey Foxtrot’s level 4 Mutation, Sticky MIRV
  • Whiskey Foxtrot’s iron sights now provide a small zoom while aiming down the sight

Description changes:

  • Changed the text of Whiskey Foxtrot’s level 3 Left Helix Augment, Red Dot Sight to better reflect the augment’s functionality

Challenges and Statistics:

  • Changed Whiskey Foxtrot’s “Going Alone” Lore Challenge from “Kill Oscar Mike 25 times” to “Participate in killing Oscar Mike 5 times”
  • Reduced the number of knock backs required for Whiskey Foxtrot’s “Some Find Me Repulsive” challenge from 2,500 to 500
  • Reduced the number of kills required for Whiskey Foxtrot’s “Say Mike Again” challenge from 500 to 100


  • HUD elements no longer overlap when killed immediately after being revived

The Saboteur

  • Various changes were made to improve performance on The Saboteur
  • Reduced the number of dynamic lights in The Saboteur
  • Improved mesh culling at extreme distances in The Saboteur
  • Reduced the performance impact of loot containers on The Saboteur
  • Reduced the performance impact of all exploding shard barrels in The Saboteur
  • Fixed several issues that allowed players to skip objectives in The Saboteur
  • Fixed several issues that prevented certain skills from being useable when at certain areas
  • Thrall Shift Supervisor Varl now always leaves the Control Room
  • Fixed an issue with enemy pathing at the Foundry
  • Replaced a trap buildable with a turret buildable at the Reactor Facility
  • Fixed an issue with players becoming trapped in certain area of the map
  • Fixed a text issue with the “Pulverize” map challenge
  • Fixed a typographical error in one of the objective descriptions


  • Reduced the performance impact of the directional damage indicator arrows


  • Gear that increases maximum health will now also grant health when activated equal to the increase in maximum health
  • Gear that increases maximum shield strength will now also grant shield when activated equal to the increase in maximum shield strength
  • Shard count feed no longer displays negative values when two pieces of Gear with shard gain effects are active
  • Gear Box should always close automatically if no more pieces are affordable
  • Fixed an issue with activated gear appearing to become unequipped after dying and respawning
  • All rarities of the Janked “Painkiller” and Janked “Sidecar” now use the Dicey (Reduced Maximum Health) flaw

Anti-Motion Brace

  • Changed the Legendary effect of the Anti-Motion Brace
  • Reduces recoil while using alternative aiming modes

Bunker Buster

  • Changed the description of the Legendary effect to improve clarity

Burning Sunset

  • Fixed an issue that prevented healing while the Burning Sunset is active
  • Added an invulnerability shield visual effect when players become invulnerable

Codex Fragment

  • Changed the secondary stat from Recoil Reduction to Maximum Health

Doomsday Key

  • Fixed an issue with the Legendary effect functionality

Emergency Auto-Medic

  • Changed the secondary stat from CC Duration Reduction to Damage Reduction

Emulan Tincture

  • The Emulan Tincture no longer uses randomized values

Energetic Refractor

  • The Legendary effect now heals Kleese for 10% of Shield Healing done to allies
  • Fixed a grammatical error in the description

Executive Insurance Policy

  • The Legendary effect will now trigger properly when shields are recharged by any source

The Finiscian Wrench

  • Updated the description of the Legendary effect from “chance to deal critical damage” to “chance to deal 50% bonus damage” to more accurately reflect the gear’s functionality
  • Updated the description of the Legendary effect to specify that it affects all buildables

Firmware Update 1.51C

  • Increased the Legendary effect trigger chance from 5-9% to 15-20%
  • Made minor grammatical adjustment to the description.

Generous Refund Policy

  • Fixed an issue with the Legendary effect functionality

Hate Reflector

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Legendary effect to trigger more frequently than intended
  • Increased the Legendary effect trigger chance from 5-9% to 15-20%
  • Reflected Pull effects now use a consistent direction

Hemsworth Sparkleshield

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Legendary effect to give a greater damage bonus than intended

Hidden Charger

  • Changed the Legendary effect of the Hidden Charger
  • Reloading your weapon reduces Shield Recharge Delay

Intermittent Angel

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Legendary effect to increase the player’s Shield Recharge Delay
  • Increased the Legendary effect trigger chance from 5-9% to 15-20%

Lorrian Skill Spike

  • Updated the description of the Legendary effect from “chance to deal critical damage” to “chance to deal 50% bonus damage” to more accurately reflect the gear’s functionality

Mag Daemon

  • Changed the Legendary effect of the Mag Daemon
  • Reloads performed while sprinting have increased Reload speed

Mini-Singularity Launcher

  • Changed the secondary stat from Attack Damage to Health Regeneration

The Modernista’s

  • Increased the Legendary effect trigger chance from 5-9% to 15-20%
  • Made minor grammatical adjustment to the description

Mossire’s Mukluks

  • Updated the description of the Legendary effect from Sprint Speed to Movement Speed to more accurately reflect the gear’s functionality

Mutated Magazines

  • Fixed a typographical error in the description

Oath of the Sustained

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Legendary effect to heal friendly Sentries

One-4-All™ Shield Array

  • The Legendary effect no longer applies to the equipping player
  • The Legendary effect can no longer be stacked

Orbital Tracking Spike

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Legendary effect to work while in motion

The Pacifier

  • Changed the secondary stat from Shield Penetration to Maximum Shield Capacity
  • Added a numerical value to the description of the Legendary effect

Song of Vigor

  • The Legendary effect no longer applies to the equipping player

The Stable Executioner

  • Changed the secondary stat from Critical Hit Damage to CC Duration Reduction

Sustainment Well

  • Fixed a capitalization error in the description

Symbiotic Gauntlet

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Legendary effect to increase Skill damage

Symbiotic Spores

  • The Legendary effect can no longer be stacked
  • Symbiotic Spores are no longer referred to as “Spores of Mikollopria” when players receive them during The Experiment

Time Killer

  • Fixed an issue with the Legendary effect functionality

Veil Breaker Rounds

  • Changed the Legendary effect of Veil Breaker Rounds
  • The last round in a magazine temporarily prevents the target’s shield from recharging

Veil Manipulator

  • Updated the description to better reflect Legendary effect’s functionality

Vigilance Link

  • The Legendary effect can no longer be stacked

Vow of Vengeance

  • The Legendary effect can now be triggered by Quick melee attacks

Voxis Core

  • Changed the Legendary effect to no longer stack damage when hitting multiple targets with a single skill
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Legendary effect to deal damage to the initial target

Vyn’s Quiver

  • Changed the Legendary effect of Vyn’s Quiver
  • On reload, gain Health Regeneration based on the number of bullets left in the magazine


  • Added a Report Player function accessible through the scoreboard
  • Health Regeneration and Shield Regeneration values are now visible on the player’s HUD
  • The Achievements Page on Steam should display correctly (PC)
  • Text chat in the main menu no longer appears off-screen at certain resolutions (PC)
  • Fixed a rare visual issue with the text chat expand button (PC)
  • Icons will not overlap when purchasing buildables
  • Fixed sorting Gear by Rarity
  • Title sorting types are now saved
  • The scroll speed in the Gear Bank is no longer affected by the player’s sorting type
  • Sorting characters by “Unlocked” in the Command Menu will function correctly
  • Skins and Taunts now have descriptions when found in a loot pack for improved clarity
  • Fixed a minor text issue with unlocking characters with Hero Keys
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the “Mute All” button prompt on split screen clients
  • When interacting with Escort sentries‘ Power Skills Menu “Can’t Afford” text will no longer overlap prices in split screen

Quality Of Life:

  • Player Alerts should function normally, allowing players to Ping consistently
  • Fixed a rare issue that caused players to not receive Legendary gear as challenge rewards. Missing gear will be retroactively rewarded after completing a game as the affected character
  • Players no longer receive challenge progress, EC, or XP if they are not connected to the server when a game ends
  • “Num Lock” is no longer a rebindable key (PC)
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to face the incorrect direction when respawning
  • Players will no longer appear to vote for a map multiple times
  • Fixed Average Player Score tie-breaker results
  • Added an achievement for Alani
  • Skins apply correctly in the Command Menu
  • Fixed an issue when selling duplicate pieces of gear
  • Fixed text displayed when a minion kills an enemy sentry
  • Locked characters will no longer appear unlocked in the Command Menu
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect information is displayed in the command menu after unlocking a character
  • SHiFT codes will no longer appear to fail on the first try
  • Fixed an issue with “My Rewards” not functioning properly after signing in to SHiFT
  • Battleborn Support ID has been renamed to Battleborn Profile ID

Match Making:

  • Fixed an issue where the wrong map experiences appeared on the Map vote screen
  • Made a change to reduce queue times for users with exceptionally high or low Elo ratings
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause players to lose the ability to exit matchmaking properly


  • Adjusted the Music volume in The Saboteur
  • Added music to character select
  • Fixed an issue that allowed unintended audio to play during character select
  • Made adjustments to the combat music during defense waves in The Saboteur
  • Adjusted the volume of Varelsi Scaven tentacle sounds

Battleborn erschien am 3. Mai 2016 für die PS4.


28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei