Auch wenn es um den MOBA Battleborn ruhig geworden ist, veröffentlichte Gearbox Software am gestrigen Tag um 23:00 Uhr den Patch 1.05. Wir haben für euch die Patch-Notes und die wichtigsten Neuheiten vom Patch in diesem Beitrag zusammengefasst.
Kommen wir erstmal zu den wichtigsten Neuheiten und weitere Pläne von den Entwicklern.
DLC Story Operation
In der 1. Story DLC Operation schließt Ihr euch dem Battleborn Helden Attikus an, während er den dritten Aufstand der Leibeigenen, die die Revolution innerhalb des Jennerit Reiches angezettelt haben, erneut durchlebt. Spielt allein als irgendeiner der Battleborn Helden oder verbündet euch mit zwei Freunden und kämpft euch mit ihnen durch die Straßen und über die Dächer der Tempest Slums in “Attikus und die Leibeigenen Rebellion.”
Alle fünf der kommenden Story Operationen sind im Season Pass und den Digital Deluxe Editionen von Battleborn enthalten. Falls ihr noch nicht an Bord für den DLC seid, könnt ihr euch auch jede Story Operation einzeln für 700 Platinum im In-Game Marketplace kaufen.
Schaut euch diesen Post an, um einen genaueren Blick auf die erste Story Operation zu werfen.
Open Beta Spieler: Solltet ihr im April auf der PlayStatio 4 die Battleborn Open Beta gespielt haben, bekommt ihr die erste DLC Story Operation “Attikus und die Leibeigenen Rebellion” nach dem Release, und außerdem einen Helden Schlüssel, wenn ihr euch die Retail Version von Battleborn kauft!
Neuer Competitive Multiplayer Modus
Außerdem erschien gestern der brandneue kostenfreie kompetitive Multiplayer-Modus, Face-Off, in Battleborn! Kämpft gegen ein gegnerisches Team und die eindringenden Varelsi-Truppen in diesem harten, mehrstufigen Modus.
Schlagt, schlitzt, sprengt und quetscht euch euren Weg durch die Varelsi und sammelt die Masken, die sie fallen lassen, auf. Tauscht die Masken gegen Punkte. Das erste Team mit 500 Punkten hat gewonnen. Natürlich macht es die Varelsi wütend, wenn ihr sie tötet. Bereitet euch darauf vor, dass die Varelsi stärker werden und macht euch auch auf Boss Kämpfe bereit, wenn sie versuchen, eure Pläne zu durchkreuzen.
Face-Off ist gratis für jeden, der Battleborn besitzt. Erfahrt mehr über diesen neuen Multiplayer Modus in diesem Post.
Schaurige Skins
Habt eine schaurige und spaßige Zeit mit diesen Battleborn Spooky Skins! Diese Skins für Alani, Deande, Pendles und Reyna werden das Highlight eures Monster Mashs sein und sind heute zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt im Battleborn In-Game Marketplace erhältlich.
Was gibt es sonst noch Neues?
Seit Battleborn im Mai veröffentlicht wurde, haben Gearbox Software neue Inhalte rausgehauen. Bisher haben sie neue Helden, mehr PVP Karten, in-game Events und alle möglichen Hot Fixes und Anpassungen herausgegeben. Unten seht ihr eine kurze Auflistung dessen, was bereits veröffentlicht wurde:
- Drei neue kostenfreie Helden — Alani, Pendles und Ernest — und zwei weitere sind auf dem Weg zu euch! Bedeutet also: 30 spielbare Helden für jeden, der Battleborn gekauft hat.
- Besondere Erlebnisse wie Hardcore Spotlight und Chaos Rumble.
- Übertragungswerkzeuge.
- 3 neue PvP-Karten, eine für jeden Modus: Monumente (Überfall), Randgebiet (Schmelze) und Schneeblind (Capture).
- Challenge Updates der Überlieferungen.
- Helden-Balancing.
- Wöchentliche Hot Fixes.
- Laufende Anpassungen der Spielersuche.
- Battleborn Marketplace mit einer Fülle neuer Skins und Taunts.
- Doppelte XP, Doppelte Credits und “Spielt mit den Entwicklern” Events.
- Shift Codes für Skins und Beute-Packs.
Hier nun ein Blick darauf, was als nächstes kommt:
Gratis DLC
- Zwei weitere Helden, insgesamt dann also 30
- Kid Ultra
- Battleborn #30
- Ein weiterer neuer PvP-Modus
Premium DLC
- Früher Zugang zu Kid Ultra & Battleborn #30, jeweils mit einem Helden Schlüssel
- DLC 2 Story Operation “Tobys Freundschaftsangriff”
- DLC 3 — 5 Story Operationen
- Mit jeder DLC Story Operation werden neue freischaltbare Skins, Taunts und Titel veröffentlicht
Marketplace Inhalte
- Mehr Skins und Taunts
- Konsumierbare XP Booster
Wie oben bereits erwähnt haben wir für euch die Patch-Notes. Der Patch 1.05 ist 9,090GB groß und im folgenden seht ihr die Patch-Notes in englischer Sprache:
- Removed collision with allied players
- Attempting to stand inside an ally will gently nudge the players apart
- Bullets and projectiles also pass freely through allied players
- Benedict
- UPR-SM23 Rocket Launcher rockets can no longer deal critical hits
- Boldur
- Boldurdash now activates Rage
- Boldurdash no longer stuns Battleborn when they are knocked into other Battleborn
- Increased the Rune Power damage over time of Boldurdash by 300% (from 48 to 202 at level 5)
- The Rune Power damage over time of Boldurdash now scales with level
- Slightly increased the distance traveled with Boldurdash
- Made minor adjustments to improve the feel of Boldurdash
- Reduced the damage reduction of Rage from 35% to 25%
- Reduced the amount of health received from blocking damage with the Ekkuni Greatshield while Runes of Power is active from 50% to 25%
- Increased the cooldown of Runes of Power by 67% (from 30 seconds to 50 seconds)
- Swapped the Helix locations of Level 2 Left Helix Augment Aegis of Anger and Level 8 Left Helix Augment Long-Distance Dash
- Increased the damage of Level 4 Left Helix Augment Hatchet Man by 500% (from +48 damage to +240 damage)
- Changed the functionality of Level 5 Right Helix Augment Berserker Rage
- „Increases the duration of Rage. +25% Duration“
- Changed the functionality of Level 8 Left Helix Augment Aegis of Anger
- „Increases the effect of Rune Power on Boldurdash. +20% Rune Power Effect“
- Boldur’s Level 7 Right Helix Augment Dwarven Constitution now increases Health Regeneration per Second by an additional +7 for a short period of time after hitting an enemy with a melee attack
- Increased the base Health Regeneration of Level 7 Right Helix Augment Dwarven Constitution by +7 Health Regeneration per Second
- Reduced the bonus damage of Level 10 Left Helix Augment Axe Mastery by 60% by increasing the current health threshold (from 2% per 100 Health to 2% per 250 Health)
- Caldarius
- Caldarius can no longer use his Gravitic Manipulators while slowed
- Changed the functionality of Level 9 Left Helix Augment Phasebang
- „Flashbang’s cooldown is reduced for each enemy hit. -0.5 Seconds Cooldown per Hit“
- Deande
- Increased base health by 250
- Increased the duration of The Element of Surprise by 66% (from 3 seconds to 5 seconds)
- El Dragón
- Reduced base health by 138
- Reduced the damage of M-RBX Cybernetic Arms melee combo by 21% (from 57 to 47 at level 1)
- Reduced the damage of M-RBX Cybernetic Arms Clap attack by 35% (from 78 to 58 at level 1)
- Reduced the attack speed of M-RBX Cybernetic Arms Clap attack by 20%
- Reduced the damage of En Fuego by 54% (from 207 to 96 at level 5)
- Removed the damage over time component of En Fuego
- Reduced the duration of Dragon Splash’s stun while En Fuego is active from 2 seconds to 1 second
- Reduced the damage of Level 2 Left Helix Augment Splash Damage by 50% (from 480 to 240)
- Decreased the radius of Level 2 Left Helix Augment Splash Damage by 33%
- Increased the damage of Level 10 Right Helix Augment Dragonfire by 11% (from 82 to 91)
- Ernest
- Reduced the area of effect of UPR-G73 Grenade Launcher grenades by 10%
- Galilea
- Increased base health by 300
- Increased the Health Regeneration of Level 5 Right Helix Augment Last Light by 425% (from +4 to +21 Health Regeneration per Second)
- Ghalt
- Scraptrap now slows enemies for 2 seconds instead of stunning them
- Increased the damage of UPR M8-R Revolver Shotgun by 15% (from 136 to 156 at level 1)
- Reduced the damage of quick melee attack by 20% (from 104 to 84 at level 1)
- Kelvin
- Increased the duration of Sublimate’s stun from 1 second to 2 seconds
- Mellka
- Changed the name of Mellka’s Level 2 Right Helix Augment to Altitude Sickness
- Montana
- Lumberjack Dash no longer stuns Battleborn when they are knocked into other Battleborn
- Oscar Mike
- Reduced the damage and duration of Level 2 Left Helix Augment Fragcendiary Grenade from 720/6 seconds to 328/4 seconds
- Phoebe
- Increased base health by 200
- Reduced the cooldown of Blade Rush by 15% (from 20 seconds to 17 seconds)
- The silence from Level 1 Right Helix Augment Preparation now applies on any primary Five Virtues melee attack
- Reduced the slow duration applied by Level 2 Right Helix Augment Phase Distortion by 50% (from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds) so that players who exit the Phase Distortion field return to normal speed more quickly
- Rath
- Increased base health by 200
- Reduced the duration of Dreadwind by 25% (from 4 seconds to 3 seconds)
- Reduced the damage of each Dreadwind strike by 18% (from 115 to 94 at level 5)
- Reyna
- Reduced the duration of the Slow applied by Level 2 Right Helix Augment Lockdown to make it more challenging to consistently Slow enemies for the full duration of Priority Target
- Slightly increased the explosion radius of Level 3 Left Helix Augment Plasma Burst
- Shayne & Aurox
- Shayne and Aurox now receive 20% damage reduction while their shield is active
- Stealth Strike now slows enemies when Shayne and Aurox exit stealth
- Increased the damage of Level 1 Left Helix Augment Aura of Annoyance by 34% (from 201 to 270)
- Changed the functionality of Level 2 Left Helix Augment Wait for the Drop
- „Intensifies the slowing effect of Stealth Strike. +100% Slow“
- Changed the functionality of Level 2 Right Helix Augment Surprise Party
- „At the conclusion of Stealth Strike, Shayne and Aurox’s attack speed is increased. +15% Attack Speed for 5 Seconds“
- Increased the duration of Level 5 Right Helix Augment Don’t Stop Running by 167% (from 1.5 seconds to 4 seconds)
- Changed the functionality of Level 10 Left Helix Augment Aurox Hungers
- „When Tag Team ends, a portion of the damage dealt is returned to Shayne as health. +35% Damage Returned as Health“
- Reduced the area of effect of the pull effect of Level 10 Right Helix Augment Aurox Beckons to match the area of effect of Tag Team
- Thorn
- Increased the accuracy of Thorn’s bow, Kreshek
- Reduced the time required to charge arrows with Nature’s Curse by .25 seconds.
- Reduced the damage of Blight by 33% (from 63 to 43 at level 1)
- Reduced the area of effect of Blight by 31%
- Slightly increased the spread of Volley arrows. Level 4 Mutation Focused Volley is unaffected by this change
- Toby
- Changed the name of Toby’s Level 1 Left Helix Augment to Remote Detonation
- Whiskey Foxtrot
- UPR-SL3 Tactical Rifle now continuously fires bursts when holding down Primary Attack button.
- Reduced the duration and slightly increased the damage per second of Level 6 Mutation Napalm (from 520 damage over 6 seconds to 360 damage over 4 seconds)
- Minions now become stronger every 120 seconds after the match begins in Incursion and Meltdown
- Significant revisions have been made to Bliss Golems in The Algorithm, The Void’s Edge, and The Sentinel
- Golems can now be damaged at any point of their body, but receive significantly more damage at their cores
- Reduced the effectiveness of circle-strafing around Golems
- The Algorithm
- The Galactic Emperor now damages melee players more consistently
- Frigid Guardians can no longer burrow underground
- Increased the number of attacks capable of destroying the Frigid Guardians while they are deploying during the Galactic Emperor encounter
- Improved the hit box of the Galactic Emperor’s ice armor
- The Sentinel
- Guardian Vyn and Guardian Arc no longer regenerate their core armor
- The Void’s Edge
- Reduced the number of enemies that spawn during the third force field defense
- Improved S1.Wolf’s pathing to prevent him from getting stuck
- Increased the amount of loot in the locked armory rooms
- Activating the jump pad to go around the third force field no longer requires players to continuously stand on its capture pads
- Significantly reduced character selection load times for players with a large number of loadouts
- Improved lighting performance in Prologue.
- Significant performance improvements in Snowblind, Monuments, and Outskirts
- Blissbeast Skull Plate: Changed the functionality of the Legendary effect from conditional damage reduction to conditional health regeneration
- Boots of the Brute: The Legendary effect no longer slows multiple targets when using area of effect attacks
- Bunker Buster: The bonus damage of Bunker Buster’s Legendary effect no longer increases penetrative health damage
- Executive Insurance Policy: The Legendary effect now activates when players receive full shields due to shield healing
- Lorrian Purse Cutter: Players can no longer steal shards from non-player characters with the Legendary effect
- Veil Manipulator: Increased the maximum health regeneration per second granted by 50%.
- Voxis Core: The Legendary effect now affects non-Battleborn enemies
- „White Lightning“: Uncommon variants of „White Lightning“ now give -CC Duration while all skills are on cooldown instead of + Sprint Speed after collecting a pickup
- Players now receive an „Annihilation!“ gameplay notification when all players on the enemy team are dead simultaneously
- Increased the readability of the minimap for Broadcasters, in Story, and in Versus
- Players can now expand their maps while waiting to respawn in Versus games
- Players can now view other players‘ gear loadouts post-match
- Players can now choose how Health and Shield Regeneration values are displayed by changing the „Regen Text Display Mode“ in the Gameplay Options menu
- „Always Display Regen“ – Regeneration values always reflect the potential health and shield regeneration, even when not currently regenerating
- „Only Effective Regen“ – Regeneration values reflect the current health and shield regeneration, and are not visible when not currently regenerating
- „Never Display Regen“ – Regeneration values are never visible
- Players can now sort their titles and challenges by their completion percentage
- Players can now clear all Command menu unlock notifications in the Gameplay Options menu
- Improved UI support for 21:9 „Ultra-wide“ resolutions in the Gear menu
- Players can now save multiple loadouts simultaneously
- Selecting a random character no longer automatically selects a skin, taunt and gear loadout on occasion
- Added a „Left Match Early“ report option for players who have abandoned the match
- Removed the ability to report players for „Frequently Idle“ or „Cheating“ prior to a match’s start
- Splitscreen players can no longer be removed from two-player games due to inactivity
- Added a training hint about teleporting when players are low on health
- Banned users now receive additional information when attempting to connect to a game
- Added in support for Logitech ARX Control
- Added vertical movement control while in free camera mode
- Improved the smoothness of third person camera mode.
- Broadcasters can now see gear that has not been activated by players on the Scoreboard
- Inactive gear appears grayed-out to Broadcasters
- Removed black-and-white filter when Broadcasters exit the confines of the map
- Added gameplay notifications for Broadcasters
- Holograms of unpurchased Buildables now appear for Broadcasters
- Improved the visibility of player outlines through terrain
- Hiding the Broadcaster hotkey interface also hides the F1-F10 player selection hotkeys.
- Added a Broadcaster section to the Options menu
- „Camera Clipping“ can be changed to prevent third person cameras from clipping into geometry
- Broadcasters can select whether or not the Death Recap screen appears by default
- Players can now select a specific server region when entering a private match.
- Ultimate skill voice over lines are now audible by all players regardless of distance.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain sounds to only utilize rear audio channels in surround sound audio configurations
- General:
- Fixed an issue that allowed characters with damage-blocking shields to absorb more damage than intended.
- Fixed several visibility issues with certain FX
- Characters:
- Ambra: Fixed an issue that caused enemies to be highlighted indefinitely when damaged by a Sunspot while Level 6 Left Helix Augment Agile Anomaly is active
- Ambra: The description of Extinction Event now correctly reflects the damage it deals
- Attikus: Fixed an issue that prevented Level 9 Mutation Greased Lightning from increasing the damage of Hedronic Arc
- Marquis: Fixed a visual issue with Temporal Distortion on PC clients when Particle Detail Mode is set to Minimum
- Pendles: Changed the Command menu portrait background color to match other Rogue characters
- Orendi: Fixed an issue that allowed Level 5 Right Helix Augment Prognosticombo to benefit from the second Shadowfire Pillar of Level 4 Right Helix Augment Encore
- Orendi: Fixed an issue that prevented „Very Morphic Pillars“ challenge from incrementing when hitting more than three enemies with Shadowfire Pillar simultaneously
- Reyna: Fixed an issue that allowed Reyna to damage herself with Level 3 Left Helix Augment Plasma Burst
- Shayne & Aurox: Fixed an issue that prevented Level 4 Mutation We’ll Take Everything from functioning consistently
- Shayne & Aurox: Fixed an exploit with Level 5 Left Helix Augment The Immortal Aegis when using the Standard or Quick skill execution style
- Toby: Fixed an issue that prevented „Killing on Rails“ challenge from completing when getting more than two kills with Core Discharge
- Toby: Fixed an issue that prevented Level 3 Left Helix Augment Targeting Overlay from consistently highlighting enemies
- Toby: Level 9 Left Helix Augment What’s Mine Is Yours no longer increases the Arc Mine Area of Effect Radius by more than the described amount
- Campaign:
- Fixed a very rare issue that allowed players to gain permanent damage immunity in Story missions
- Fixed an inconsistency in the Total Team Score caused by non-player Battleborn
- The Algorithm: Fixed an issue that allowed Frigid Guardians to jump out of the Galactic Emperor’s boss arena
- The Algorithm: Fixed a rare issue that caused the Galactic Emperor’s frozen ice spikes persistent indefinitely
- The Heliophage: Fixed a visual issue with Rendain during the boss rush
- The Sentinel: Fixed an issue that resulted in The Old Sentinel gaining permanent damage immunity when the recharging shards were destroyed too quickly
- Versus:
- Temples: World team colors now display the correct team color
- Gear:
- Fixed an issue that prevented conditional stats which activate „after assisting in killing a player or major enemy“ from functioning
- Burning Sunset: Fixed an issue that granted players damage immunity against minions after activating the Burning Sunset Legendary gear
- Go-Go Juice: Fixed an issue that caused the first stack of the Legendary effect to apply immediately after sprinting
- Go-Go Juice: Fixed an issue with the Legendary effect that prevented 5 stacks of sprint speed from accumulating
- Veil Manipulator: Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving the correct amount of health regeneration per second.
- Interface:
- Fixed a soft lock issue when opening the command menu on Xbox One
- Quality of Life:
- Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented players from receiving the „Coopetition“ title
- Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented Steam avatars from appearing when matchmaking on PC
- Broadcaster Mode:
- Fixed an issue that prevented Broadcasters from viewing gear loadouts on the Scoreboard
- Fixed a rare issue with the game score HUD element not displaying for Broadcasters
Updated text throughout the title for increased clarity and consistency.
- Characters
- Alani: Level 6 Right Helix Augment Refresher, Level 8 Mutation Pressure Valve, and Level 10 Left Helix Augment Transpiration
- Ambra: Extinction Event, Level 1 Left Helix Augment Sunspotter, Level 1 Right Helix Augment Illumination, Level 4 Right Helix Augment Searing Wind, Level 6 Mutation Solar Anomaly, and Level 8 Left Helix Augment Bask in the Light
- Attikus: „Rise of the Thrall“ lore challenge, Hedronic Arc, Level 3 Left Helix Augment Brawler’s Boon, and Level 4 Left Helix Augment Dampening Field
- Benedict: Level 3 Mutation Rejiggered Ordnance
- Boldur: Level 3 Left Helix Augment Stunning Blows, Level 3 Right Helix Augment Deft Defender, Level 6 Mutation Salt the Wound, Level 7 Left Helix Augment Wildblood, Level 8 Left Helix Augment Aegis of Anger, Level 8 Mutation Knockout Punch, and Level 9 Left Helix Augment Death and Axes
- Caldarius: Level 5 Left Helix Augment Gravitic Ascent
- Deande: Tessurim War Fans, Level 1 Mutation Wonder Twins, Level 3 Right Helix Augment Leechsteel, Level 5 Right Helix Augment Roguelike, Level 6 Mutation Ire’s Echo, Level 7 Right Helix Augment The Culling, and Level 10 Left Helix Augment Doppelgangüp
- El Dragón: Undisputed Champ, Level 1 Right Helix Augment The Comeback, Level 3 Left Helix Augment Deafening Applause, Level 6 Left Helix Augment Hang Time, Level 6 Mutation Unstoppable, Level 9 Right Helix Augment Lifeline, and Level 10 Right Helix Augment Dragonfire
- Ernest: „Wings of Valor“ lore challenge
- Galilea: Level 3 Mutation Gashing Bash, and Level 10 Left Helix Augment Deeper Than Doubt
- Ghalt: „The First Shots of the Solus War“ lore challenge, and Level 9 Right Helix Augment Easy Target
- ISIC: Level 2 Right Helix Augment This Might Sting! :O, Level 3 Left Helix Augment Not Dyin‘ Today!
, Level 4 Left Helix Augment Hold It Right There! }:O, Level 6 Left Helix Augment Burlier Wards! :D, Level 6 Right Helix Augment Let’s Hug It Out <3, and Level 7 Left Helix Augment Bring It On!
- Kelvin: Ice Fists
- Kleese: Level 1 Left Helix Augment Shocking Twist, Level 1 Right Helix Augment Shocking Pulse, Level 3 Left Helix Augment Chair Slam, and Level 4 Right Unstable Rifts
- Mellka: Level 3 Left Helix Augment Air Stall, Level 3 Right Helix Augment Frag Canister, Level 5 Mutation Venom Contagion, Level 5 Right Helix Augment Eldrid Rhythm, and Level 8 Left Helix Augment Thrill of the Hunt
- Miko: Level 4 Right Helix Augment Sporeshock
- Montana: „Fireside Sing-Along“ lore challenge, Level 5 Left Helix Augment Cold-Blooded, Level 5 Right Helix Augment Hot-Blooded, Level 8 Left Helix Augment Too Big to Fail, Level 9 Left Helix Augment Bullet Buff, and Level 10 Left Helix Augment Big Payback
- Oscar Mike: „I am LITERALLY made for this“ lore challenge, R2 Nades on Nades, and Level 6 Left Helix Augment Far-Flung Frags
- Pendles: Level 9 Left Helix Augment Relentless Strikes
- Phoebe: Five Virtues, Level 3 Right Helix Augment Sharpened Blades, Level 3 Mutation Crosscut, Level 5 Right Helix Augment Blade Sweep, and Level 10 Mutation Stormbringer
- Rath: Level 1 Mutation Concussive Smash, Level 5 Mutation Swordsman’s Salve, Level 5 Right Helix Augment Not a Vampire, and Level 7 Right Helix Augment To the Point
- Shayne & Aurox: Fleet-Footed, Level 3 Helix Augment Boomerang Bounce, Level 3 Right Helix Augment Hulk Out with Your Djinn Out, Level 3 Mutation The Power of Two, Level 4 Left Helix Augment What’s Yours Is Mine, Level 5 Right Helix Augment Don’t Stop Running, and Level 7 Right Helix Augment Bigger, Badder Djinn
- Thorn: „Granddaughter of Stone“ lore challenge, Level 2 Mutation Blightbrawler, Level 3 Right Helix Augment Burst Propulsion, Level 6 Left Helix Augment Brutal Blight, and Level 10 Left Helix Augment Wild Judgment
- Toby: Level 4 Mutation Arc Vortex, Level 7 Mutation Self-Destruct Sequence, Level 9 Left Helix Augment What’s Mine Is Yours, and Level 9 Right Helix Augment Primed Catalyzers
- Whiskey Foxtrot: Level 4 Left Helix Augment Triple Threat, Level 4 Right Helix Augment Stick ’n Sap, Level 6 Right Helix Augment Napalm, Level 7 Left Helix Augment Duct-Taped Mags, and Level 8 Right Helix Augment Long-Distance Flak
- Gear
- Bunker Buster: Added a value to the description of the Legendary effect
Battleborn erschien am 3. Mai 2016 für die PlayStation 4.