BATTLEFIELD 1 – Sicherheitsupdate 1.20 erschienen

Electronic Arts und Dice haben heute dem Spiel Battlefield 1 ein weiteres Update spendiert. Wir haben die Patchnotes des 669,8 MB großen 1.20 Updates.

Uns liegen leider keine detailierten Patchnotes vor, dafür aber eine Aussage eines EA Mitarbeiters im amerikanischen Forum:

After the release of Battlefield 1 Apocalypse, some players started experiencing a momentary dip in performance when making progress toward the various awards in the game. The latest addition of new assignments and rewards was the straw that broke the camel’s back, causing strain on the system and exposing the problem.

We’ve reduced the demand on the rewards system by making changes to the new Service Assignments. You will no longer need to complete 5 of the Staying Focused Assignments to begin working towards Assignments in the Climbing The Ranks category. To keep the same level of difficulty, the Service Assignments that unlock Afflictions have been moved underneath some of the Climbing The Ranks Assignments, serving as a soft gate before gaining access to the Afflictions.

Please note, any progress made on the Affliction Assignments will not be lost, and you will still have any Afflictions you have already unlocked.


  • Fixed an issue where players were experiencing a momentary dip in performance whenever earning points in a match.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hellriegel 1915 Factory was missing sights.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hellriegel 1915 Defensive was missing the optical sight

Thank you for your patience as we worked to resolve these issues and we’ll see you on the battlefield!

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