BLACK OPS III – Patch 1.14 ist verfügbar

Activision und Treyarch veröffentlichten heute für ihren Ego-Shooter Call of Duty Black Ops III den Patch 1.14 und wir haben für Euch die Patch-Notes.

Der Patch hat eine Größe von 1,921GB und im folgenden seht ihr die Patch-Notes:



  • Mercenary playlist has been retired.
  • Dream Team no longer tagged by the profanity filter.
  • “Complete Your Season Pass” has been added to the In-Game Store.


  • Added support for Numpad number inputs.
  • Added support for arrow key navigation when the Player Loadout panel is up.
  • Added custom team colors to loading screen, competitive screens when viewed as a CODCaster, and End Game/Round Transition Screens.

Improvements to Player Card Readability

  • Increased the overall size of the Player’s Name.
  • Increased the height/width of the widget to allow for larger font as needed.
  • Added custom team color to the background of the team name.
  • Added a transition effect when switching to a different player.

Updates to the Player List to display Team Colors

  • Added a custom team color gradient to the background of the team name on the Player List.
  • Added a visual indication on the team that is being switched to.
  • Removed the color when the team is no longer being spectated.

Visibility updates to the CODCaster Score Panel

  • Added Custom team color to background of team that is currently being spectated, on team switch the color should disappear.
  • Added Arrow indicator to team that is currently being spectated, on team switch the arrow will switch sides.
  • Added Additional Accent Color to top area of widget, on team switch the color will disappear.
  • Added a color bar to the bottom of the team currently being spectated, on team switch the bar will disappear.
  • On team switch, the team being switched to will scale slightly larger.
  • On team switch, the team being switched to will pulse from the standard grey background to a slightly brighter version of the custom team color then settle to the normal color gradient.

Black Market

  • Latest loot items will be marked with a banner when earned and when viewed in the Black Market’s recent Contraband list.



  • Sparrow
    • Increased speed to maximum arrow charge.
    • Increased rapid-fire rate.


  • Tempest
    • Reduced beam size.


Submachine Guns

  • Kuda
    • Reduced 3-hit kill damage range.
    • Reduced 5-hit kill damage range.
  • VMP
    • Reduced recoil stability.
  • Vesper
    • Increased recoil stability.

Assault Rifles

  • Man-O-War
    • Reduced reload speed.
    • Reduced aim-down-sights speed.

Black Market Weapons

  • HG-40
    • Increased 3-hit kill damage range.
  • Garand
    • Increased reload speed.
    • Increased recoil stability.
    • Increased hip-fire accuracy.
  • FFAR
    • Increased recoil stability.
    • Increased hip-fire accuracy.
    • Increased Aim-down-sight speed.

Game Modes


  • 4 new Medals added.
    • Break The Bank: Deposit 5 or more core files without leaving the fracture site.
    • Jackpot: Deposit 10 core files without leaving the fracture site.
    • All Gone: Rapidly deny 5 or more of your team’s dropped core files.
    • Tearjerker: Kill an enemy who is carrying 5 or more core files.
  • Resolved an issue where Fracture was not counting toward objective Contracts.
  • Resolved an issue where Combat Focus was not properly increasing score for Fracture score events.



  • Out of bounds triggers added around driveway and near pool to prevent players from leaving intended playspace.
  • Collision added near art gallery door to prevent players from using an exploit.
  • Fixed an exploit where Players were able to stand on a golden eagle relief statue in one of the rooms.
  • Players are no longer able to stand on one of the fences outside of the map boundaries.


  • Adjusted Free-For-All start spawns.
  • Kill triggers added to prevent an exploit that allowed players to leave the intended playspace.


  • Adjusted Free-For-All start spawns.
  • Collision added around pit to prevent players from sitting on a wall to gain an unintended line of sight.
  • Out of bounds triggers added behind houses to prevent players from leaving intended playspace.
  • Collision added behind houses to prevent players from sitting on a wall.
  • Resolved an issue where players could unintentionally stand on a tree.
  • Resolved an issues where players could capture a Hardpoint outside of the intended capture zone.


  • Resolved an issue where AI Scorestreaks would target enemies through the bunker in the arena.
  • Resolved an issue where players were able to plant C4 behind a screen in the VIP Room.



  • Addressed exploit issues for the Killing Time, Undead Man Walking, and Fear in Headlights GobbleGums.
  • Fixed issues that could cause players to lose weapons or get duplicate weapons when using the Disorderly Combat GobbleGum.
  • Resolved a rare loss of functionality when joining on a host as they leave their lobby.
  • Added various stability fixes for Theater Mode.

Gorod Krovi

  • Addressed an issue where players could acquire unlimited points during a Valkyrie drone round.
  • Addressed an issue where players could acquire unlimited XP points when incubating the dragon egg.
  • Addressed an issue where players could acquire an unlimited Death Machine power up after riding the dragon.
  • Addressed an issue where players could interact with the Pack-A-Punch when locked during a lockdown event.
  • Addressed an issue where players could jump onto a bookcase in the Supply Depot.
  • Addressed an issue where players could jump onto a tank outside the Dragon Command.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to leave the playable space when using the Flinger trap.
  • Players can now release the dragon egg with NX ShadowClaw Dual Wield and Apollo’s Fervor ammunition.
  • Players can now receive full Draconite Controller ammunition when picking up a Max Ammo power up or when using the Cache Back GobbleGum.
  • Fixed a spawning issue when starting the Dragon Strike Controller quest at high rounds.
  • Fixed an issue where players would occasionally not obtain the Slash N’ Burn after completing the Time Attack.
  • Fixed rare progression breaks with the main Easter Egg quest.
  • Fixed issue where players could hit a death barrier upon entering the sewer under S.O.P.H.I.A.
  • Fixed a stability issue with the NX ShadowClaw Dual Wield and Apollo’s Fervor ammunition during the Nikolai Easter Egg boss fight.
  • Addressed performance issues for split screen games.
  • Improved streaming performance for various enemy types.

Der Eisendrache

  • Adjusted the pickup radius for the completed arrow of the Kreeaho’ahm nal Ahmhogaroc bow.
  • Fixed a bug that caused controller vibration to persist when prone crawling with a charged bow.

The Giant

  • Fixed a rare issue that caused Hell Hounds to become stuck in place.
  • Resolved an issue that blocked voiceover audio from playing when taking certain weapon types from the Mystery Box.

Dead Ops Arcade 2: Cyber’s Avengening

  • Reduced Night Fury damage.

Call of Duty Black Ops III erschien am 6. November 2015 für die PlayStation 3 und PlayStation 4.

… und falls ihr noch schnell Guthaben-Codes für euer PSN-Konto benötigt, bei gibt es diese schnell und unproblematisch. 

28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei