BLACK OPS III – Patch 1.18 erschienen

Auch wenn die Infinite Warfare Beta noch läuft, veröffentlichte Treyarch am heutigen Abend den Patch 1.18 für ihr Ego-Shooter Call of Duty Black Ops III.

Der Patch hat eine Größe von 1,903GB und wir haben für Euch die englisch sprachigen Patch-Notes:



  • Ongoing improvements to overall game stability and network performance:
    • Identified and eliminated various behind-the-scenes errors which contributed to in-game hitching.
    • Streamlined the way textures load into the match to improve streaming performance and reduce hitching.
    • Added additional logging to assist with debugging difficult-to-reproduce hitching reported by community members.

Black Market:

  • Addressed an issue where certain promotional pop-ups incorrectly appeared.


  • Rupture:
    • Wraith Scorestreaks will properly target enemy Manticores.



  • Fixed a rare bug where players would spawn into a Zombies match with a white screen.
  • Fixed a bug which caused a promotional banner to stretch across a large portion of the screen in Dr. Monty’s Factory.


  • Improved stability with splitscreen matches on Revelations.
  • Addressed an issue which caused a fatal error at high rounds.
  • Fixed a fatal error associated with the Lightning Dark Arena challenge.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to interact with the Keeper Protector Altar.
  • Resolved issues where players would die when standing in specific locations in the map.
  • Fixed various map exploits associated with the low gravity section in the Undercroft.
  • Fixed an issue where the DG-4 would fail to recharge.
  • Fixed an issue with picking up the Summoning Key while a Pack-a-Punched weapon is equipped.

Call of Duty Black Ops III erschien am 6. November 2015 unter anderem für die PlayStation 3 und PlayStation 4. Der Nachfolger Call of Duty Infinite Warfare wird am 4. November 2016 für die PlayStation 4 veröffentlicht.

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