BLACK OPS III – Patch 1.18 erschienen

Auch wenn Infinite Warfare bereits erschienen ist, veröffentlichte Treyarch am gestrigen Abend den Patch 1.19 für ihr Ego-Shooter Call of Duty Black Ops III. Seit diesem Patch wird auch 4K Gaming auf der PS4 Pro unterstützt

Der Patch hat eine Größe von 1,303GB und wir haben für Euch die englisch sprachigen Patch-Notes:


  • Updated visual presentation of Black Market items:
    • Not-yet-obtained Black Market items (weapons, specialist heads/bodies) will be visible in menus with no shader overlay.
    • Items will appear with a new Black Market Lock Icon.
    • Updated User Interface will be present wherever Black Market items are available (Create-a-Class, Specialist menu, Gunsmith, Paintshop, Weapon Showcase, Combat Record).
  • PS4 Pro:
    • Supports enhanced dynamic 4k gaming


  • The stats widget in the Showcase will display the correct name for all Black Market weapons.

Media Manager:

  • Fixed a number of User Interface issues that occurred within the media manager.

Shadows of Evil:

  • Resolved an exploit during the Totem Ritual part of the main EE.

Zetsubou no Shima:

  • Fixed a potential exploit with the Fan and Plane traps.


  • Fixed an issue with Apothicon Mask that occurred at high rounds.
  • Summoning Key will no longer disappear after teleporting out of the Arena.
  • Added an animation to alert the player when a Mech Z spawns.
  • Addressed a fatal error that occurred when using the Apothicon Servant at high rounds.
  • Players are no longer able to use the Anywhere But Here GobbleGum during the Dark Arena Challenge, as it was causing issues.
  • Fixed a progression break that sometimes occurred when players picked up the Summoning Key.
  • Fixed high round exploits.

Call of Duty Black Ops III erschien am 6. November 2015 unter anderem für die PlayStation 3 und PlayStation 4. Der Nachfolger Call of Duty Infinite Warfare erschien am 4. November 2016 für die PlayStation 4.

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