Sledgehammer Games und Activision veröffentlichten heute für ihren Ego-Shooter Call of Duty WWII den Patch 1.07.
Der Patch ist 2,310GB groß und das HQ erstrahlt ab sofort im Weihnachts-Look:
Im folgenden haben wir für euch die Patch-Notes:
WINTER SIEGE (Live Dec 8 – Jan 2):
- Winter Carentan added
- Winter Siege Gear and Weapons added
- Winter Siege Game Modes added
- Fixed issues relating to disconnect
- Improvements to partying up in custom match
- Fixed various party issues related to crashes and long load screens
- Fixed issue where party members bypass AAR
- Fixed issue where players cannot edit “Force Respawn” game option
- Fixed issue where players first entering MP are unable to select a Division
- Fixed issue where players who assign themselves to spectate in FFA actually load in as a normal player
- Fixed Prestige exploits
- Fixed map exploits on Gibraltar, USS Texas, Pointe du Hoc, Aachen, Sainte Marie du Mont
- Fixed issue allowing players to “frog jump”
- Various splitscreen improvements
- AI behavior improvements in War Mode
- Fixed issue causing error messages when loading out of War Mode matches
- War Mode Operation Neptune in-game UI improvements
- Fixed War Mode issue allowing players to build and destroy buildables outside of the objective zone
- Fixed issue in HC where players are able to steal Care Packages from teammates they kill
- Implemented “3 team kills and you’re kicked” rule in HC
- Fixed issue in HC where team kill deaths count towards KDR
- Fixed UI issue where XP earned from medals was not displaying, leading players to think they were not getting XP
- Fixed UI inaccuracies and general improvements to Divisions menu
- CTF minimap improvements
- Gridiron in-game UI improvements
- Added weapon base name and Division to supply drop cards
- Fixed new item UI
- Added progress bar for “Downloading updates”
- General UI and art fixes and improvements
- Added Mute All and Toggle Mute options in HQ
- Fixed issue where players died instantly after respawning in 1v1 pit
- Fixed issue where players can be killed and/or crash while exiting and entering HQ Firing Range
- Fixed out of world exploits in HQ
- Fixed issue where Orders and Challenges are not tracking properly
- Fixed Contract exploits in HQ
- Fixed issue where players received an incorrect error message when attempting to play a public match for a party larger than six players
- Fixed issue where in public FFA matches where players are kicked for inactivity, no forfeit timer appears for remaining players
- Fixed issue where players who should receive post-match bonuses do not receive them
- Fixed infinite Scorestreak exploit
- Fixed issue where progress for Weekly Orders not tracking
- Fixed audio looping issues after AAR
- Fixed issue where opening supply drops after selecting “Inspect Soldier” or after entering Theater causes loss in functionality
- Fixed issue where M1A1 reticle unlocked at 50 kills, instead of 500 – becomes parity with all other weapons
- Fixed issue with fire path of Panzerschreck when aiming for Scorestreaks
- Fixed iron sight alignment on weapon variant for SVT and 1911
- Decreased amount of glare when using heroic shotguns
- Fixed issue with MG-42 VFX
- Fixed ADS fire for MG-42 reticle
- Fixed hip-fire inconsistencies on STG-44 (crouching vs. standing)
- Fixed suppressor VFX
- Fixed issue where Waffe 28 Variant “Soggy” wasn’t attaching sight attachments correctly
- Fixed issues when inspecting weapon and sprinting
- Fixed issue where equipping High Caliber on a rifle blocks player from equipping Steady Aim and Grip
- Improved visibility on Throwing Knife path
- General Ranked Play UI fixes
- Ranked Play UI issues with tracking wins and losses
- General connectivity issues finding Ranked Play matches
- Ranked Play counting towards global stats
- Fixed issue where player loses partial functionality when highlighting player in lobby and then selecting “Find Ranked Game”
- Fixed issue where players are not equipped with the default Scorestreak loadout
- Fixed issue where weapons are able to be leveled up
- Team killing no longer possible
- Explosive delay changed to be 7.5 across all competitive modes
- Implemented Leaderboards
- Fixed MMR discrepancies shown in AAR
- Fixed issue where players are able to start matches with fewer than 8 players
- Fixed issue where players are placed in non-functional lobby
- Fixed issue where players who leave match early do not receive lockout message
- Further optimized matchmaking based on MMR
- Fixed issue where players kicked to HQ from Ranked Play
- Fixed issue preventing players from changing their Basic Training
- Fixed issue where Division loadout does not auto-equip a Lethal/Tactical
- Fixed issue of false “Bronze Star” icon after player backs out of Ranked Play lobby and enters private match
- Added indicators for restricted items
- Fixed issue where lockout times not displaying
- General UI fixes and improvements
- General improvements to player banning in Ranked Play
- Fixed issue that allows players to search for new match while still in one, leading to games loading with less than required number of players
- Fixed issue where players can join lobby of a game that just ended, before every player has been kicked
- Fixed post-match disband issues
- Fixed MMR displaying inaccurately for new players
- Fixed issue where players’ customized loadouts are not populating correctly if weapons or gear were not unlocked in regular MP
- General CODcaster UI and functionality improvements
- Implemented all GameBattles modes and maps in Ranked Play
- Fixed issue where winner’s circle was not populating after matches
- Fixed freezing in menus
- Implemented Leaderboards
- Fixed issue where players lose all XP upon leaving match
- Fixed issue where players cannot open supply drops after Prestiging
- Fixed error received when joining Zombies through HQ
- Fixed issue where players joining Zombies from MP are sent to empty test space
- Fixed issue where players can create custom Prologue match
- Fixed issue where team-based trophies / achievements now granted to players who joined in progress before the fifth wave
- Improved splitscreen functionality post-match when message “Host Migration Aborted” is displayed
- Fixed general issues with XP gains
- Added progress bar for “Downloading updates”
- General UI fixes and improvements
- General splitscreen fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue where players could interact with objects when dying as last standing survivor
Call Of Duty WWII erschien am 3. November 2017 für PlayStation 4.
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