CALL OF DUTY WWII – Patch 1.17/1.18 ist online

Sledgehammer Games und Activision haben heute passend zum Release des 3. DLC-Packs „United Front“ den Patch 1.17/1.18 für ihren 2. Weltkrieg Shooter Call of Duty WWII veröffentlicht. Wir haben wie immer die Patch-Notes für Euch:


  • New Division: Cavalry – The Cavalry is an objective-focused Division that leads the way forward to victory. This new Division wields the Cavalry Shield, which offers protection against enemy attacks. The Cavalry Division also has improved objective capabilities, including capturing Domination flags faster, planting Search And Destroy bombs quicker, and swiftly building and destroying walls in War Mode. To make this the true team-play Division, the Cavalry also gets more points from objectives, and every two assists equal a kill. Lastly, the Cavalry can get back to the objective quicker (and ram enemies on the way) by entering a Shield Charge while sprinting. When used expertly, the Cavalry can change the tide of battle and get that tank across the line. See below for more details on Improved Objective Capabilities.
  • New Basic Training: Escalation – If you love rushing with an SMG, the Escalation Basic Training was made for you. After each kill, you can aim down sights twice as fast for a short period, allowing you to snap onto targets and take them down in rapid succession. Double Kills with Escalation instantly refill your magazine so you can keep slaying the opposition.
  • New Basic Training: Wanderlust – The new Wanderlust Basic Training is similar to a personal Gun Game. With each life, you respawn with a new random gun carrying up to six attachments. Also, using weapon swap will provide a new weapon. This unusual Basic Training makes each life feel unique as you use whatever weaponry is available.
  • New Basic Training: Specialist – When equipped, Specialist allows you to select three Basic Trainings to earn instead of Scorestreaks. At 200, 400, and 600 score, you unlock each Basic Training. And at 800 score, you are granted all Basic Trainings in the game. Progress resets on death, so stay alert. Specialist allows skilled players to feel the power of having multiple Basic Trainings at once.
  • Infected Mode continues! Look for it under the FEATURED tab.



  • Fixed an issue where camera is zoomed in when players load into War Mode on Operation Neptune HQ.
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to start 1v1 matches in the Firing Range.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to take on or obtain Contracts.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to edit reticles for various Division slots.


  • Various UI fixes and improvements (typos, text descriptions, error messages, notification icons, AAR, ammo counters, menu navigation, Firing Range, weapon animations, Supply Drop menus, Quartermaster menus, Ranked Play menus, floating gamertags in split screen, Calling Cards).
  • Fixed UI functionality loss issue experienced when players were in the process of Prestiging.
  • Fixed an issue where Prestige Unlock Token UI was present when it shouldn’t be.


  • Fixed an issue where audio was not present when rotating or changing Paintjob decals.


  • Fixed an issue where all players were receiving losses for Placement matches instead of a voided result when a match ended due to a disconnect.


Cavalry III Improved Objective Capabilities

  • Search and Destroy: Quick plant/defuse, Silent plant/defuse.
  • Domination: Quick capture.
  • Hardpoint: Held XP (awarded for staying in the zone).
  • Capture the Flag: Flag location on mini-map updates less frequently, plus 20 health shield when holding flag.
  • Gridiron: Ball location on mini-map updates less frequently, plus an extra 30 health shield when holding flag (total of 130 health shield while holding flag).
  • Team Deathmatch/Free-for-All: Every two assists/crossfires awards a „Cavalry Assist/Crossfire“ which equals a kill.

War Mode

  • Core Objective speed is not affected (i.e. tank push speed unaffected, objective bomb plant speed unaffected, captive-untying speed unaffected, flag raise speed unaffected, etc.).
  • Quicker Builds/Destroys (of walls, barbed wire, tank spikes, etc.).
  • Receive XP while Securing Hardpoint zones.
  • Receive XP while Escorting Tanks and at Tank Checkpoints.


  • Various UI and art fixes and improvements (Camo menus, subtitles, Supply Drop icons, description text, timers, AAR, typos, prompt messages, ammo counters, objective UI, weapon animations).
  • Fixed an issue where players were loading in with default “No Preference,” despite having selected a character preference.
  • Fixed a UI issue with chapter progress boxes in split screen.
  • Fixed an issue where players attempting to navigate Orders menu were redirected to Contracts menu.

Call Of Duty WWII erschien am 3. November 2017 für PlayStation 4.

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei