CALL OF DUTY WWII – Patch 1.19 erschienen

Sledgehammer Games und Activision haben heute den Patch 1.19 für ihren 2. Weltkrieg Shooter Call of Duty WWII veröffentlicht. Wir haben wie immer für euch die Patch-Notes des 4,510GB großen Updates:


  • Master Prestige Rewards
  • Added ability to view Multiplayer Collections in Nazi Zombies menu
  • Added multiple default loadout options for survivors in Infected



  • Fixed issue where splitscreen users were not able to tab past Orders tab after entering Settings menu
  • Fixed functionality issues occurring when players are invited to Custom lobbies
  • Fixed issue where players were not receiving 1 Unlock Token during first time user experience
  • Fixed splitscreen issue where players were losing Specialist Basic Training when other player was viewing killcam
  • Fixed issue where players occasionally load into matches without a HUD
  • Fixed issue where error message received when changing guns with Wanderlust Basic Training
  • Fixed issue where players were surviving getting stuck by a grenade when mantling
  • Improved hit detection consistency when using shotguns against a Cavalry Shield


  • Fixed issue on Ardennes Forest in S&D where bomb was getting stuck out of map


  • Fixed issue in Infected where if the only Infected player leaves, and a player with a Scorestreak becomes Infected, they keep and can use their Scorestreak


  • Fixed functionality issues occurring when players entered Firing Range while backing out of the Pause menu


  • Fixed issue where players were unable to customize their 15th and 16th Division spots without them automatically changing to match each other
  • Fixed UI issues experienced when players join a party after not completing all stages of the “To the Frontlines” user experience
  • Fixed issue where guest accounts could not access Leaderboards
  • Fixed Reflex Sight issue on ZK-383 Czech’d Out variant where iron sight is still shown when ADS
  • Fixed issue where character models’ legs are missing in War Mode cutscenes
  • Various UI and art fixes and improvements (overlapping text, playlist menus, Orders and Contracts, lighting and VFX, lobby count, Quartermaster navigation, emotes, Calling Card names, notifications, Paintjob and Emblem uploads, weapon names, weapon attachments, scrolling)


  • Fixed issue where the players HUD will show when switching from Skycam to 1st person when the HUD setting is off
  • Fixed issue where killcam replay models are low res when Skycam is active


  • Fixed issue where players were unable to see when ADS as the Cavalier character with the Enfield No. 2
  • Fixed issue where Contracts were unavailable from the Quartermaster menu
  • Fixed issue where the ‘American Muscle’ Stinger variant was not showing the Nydar Sight in 3rd person
  • Fixed error that occurs occasionally when players start an “Into the Storm” match
  • Fixed issue where players were unable to assemble radio on The Darkest Shore
  • Fixed issue on The Tortured Path where zombies would sometimes disappear when killed
  • Fixed issue on The Darkest Shore where the minecart can be activated without a player being attached to it
  • Fixed missing character audio lines for ability activation
  • Fixed issue where character would be facing away from the player in the AAR
  • Fixed issue in The Tortured Path where Meuchlers were registering as dead when they were really just stuck in parts of the map
  • Fixed map exploit issue during boss stage in Across the Depths
  • Decreased number of Wüstlings on all maps
  • Fixed issue with Wüstlings getting stuck upon spawning
  • Fixed issue with audio of some Hidden Characters dialogue
  • Decreased the difficulty of the final step of the “Into the Storm” Easter Egg
  • Removed wave count restrictions when upgrading Wonder Weapons
  • Fixed issue in the Survival Maps where if player drops the Sword of Barbarossa, they don’t get it back
  • Various UI and art fixes and improvements (voiceover subtitles, objective trackers, menu tabs, description text, icons, Quartermaster navigation, lobby descriptions, weapon names, VFX, environment and rune visibility)

Call Of Duty WWII erschien am 3. November 2017 für PlayStation 4.

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei