COD WW II – Patch 1.10 ist verfügbar

Und weiter geht es mit Fehlerbehebungen und Updates in Call of Duty WW2 denn Patch 1.10 möchte von Euch heruntergeladen werden.

Der neueste Patch ist , mal wieder, kein Leichtgewicht und kommt mit gut 2 Gigabyte daher.
Es gibt unter anderem Bugfixing im Multiplayer und der Benutzeroberfläche , aber auch neue Varianten verschiedener Waffen wie zum Beispiel des MG15 oder der Combat Shot Gun.

Die (englischen) Patchnotes haben wir natürlich auch für Euch:


  • New Resistance Weapons and Uniforms
  • 9MM SAP is now available to equip in Zombies loadouts


  • Connectivity/Spawns/Performance/Split Screen/Mechanics
  • Fixed split screen issue with players in parties trying to leave a party
  • Fixed spawning issue causing enemy and friendly tags not showing properly
  • Fixed issue in split screen where player’s avatar defaults to Desert Rat when playing as Resistance Division and upon leaving a public match
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to pause the game in Local MP match
  • Fixed issue where players were receiving the error message “Lost connection to host/server. Connection timed out.” when loading in HQ


  • Fixed issues with Prop Hunt crashing
  • Fixed issue in Demolition where there were no timers between round transitions Party System/HQ
  • Fixed issue with Mail where items were shown as placeholders
  • Fixed issue where players would be kicked out of HQ when attempting to watch a video in the Theater
  • Improved functionality of the Emblem Gallery
  • Fixed issues with party invites and loss of functionality


  • Various UI fixes and improvements (text descriptions, Dossier menus, Emblem Editor, etc)
  • Fixed issue where additional losses were being incorrectly added to player’s record, driving down the win %
  • Fixed issue where expiration time was not showing up for Resistance Bribe Contract
  • Fixed issue where some items were showing incorrect image on supply drop cardsActivi


  • Added Scrambler and Indicator toggle for Resistance Division
  • Fixed issue where players were unable to open supply drop menu after Prestiging


  • Fixed various SFX issues

Supply Drops

  • Fixed issue where Polish Underground II Uniform was appearing in supply drops


  • Adjusted Paratroopers so they no longer target enemy aerial scorestreaks and no longer select Shovels or Serrated Basic Training
  • Fixed interactions between all fire weaponry and water (Anthropoid)
  • Fixed issue where sometimes view through the scope during ADS is blacked out
  • Fixed various weapon art issues
  • Fixed various display issues with the 9MM SAP


  • Fixed issue where players kills and deaths were not properly tracking
  • Fixed various UI issues with winners’ circle, AAR, and blank AAR Stats tab


  • Fixed issue where players were not able to connect to each other to start match


  • Fixed issue where players did not get melee weapon back after losing Wonder Weapon, resulting in ability to melee with standard issue guns
  • Fixed various map exploits
  • Fixed issue where 2XP icons were not showing up in all intended locations
  • Fixed issue where some weapons were missing animated camos
  • Fixed animation issues with various Zombies

Various UI fixes and improvements

  • Fixed issue in TDS where players were unable to leave Pommel Room after obtaining the Pommel
  • Fixed issue where players were not awarded the correct amount of supply crates
  • Fixed weapon inconsistencies that occur when players bleed out with only the Ripsaw in their possession
  • Fixed an issue where zombies affected by shellshock were stunning
  • Fixed various weapon exploits
  • Fixed issue where users were unable to pause the game in Local Zombies match
  • Fixed issues various progression issues with Zombies

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