DOOM – Patch 1.05 erschienen (#Update 2)

Für das Spiel DOOM ist heute der Patch 1.05 erschienen. Dieser bezieht sich in erster Linie auf das angekündigte Free-Update 2 . Wir haben die Patchnotes für euch.

DOOM Update #2 Release Notes

Fixes and Optimizations

  • Fixed an issue where performance gradually decreased in the Polar Core level
  • Fixed an issue where the Gauss Cannon’s charged mod alt-fire did less damage than the base fire damage
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to unlock the Argent Overload achievement/trophy if they began their progress after the release of Update 1
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to unlock the Tinkering trophy if they began their progress after the release of Update 1 (PS4)
  • Fixed an issue where some users were not able to progress weapon and rune masteries after the release of Update 1.
  • The “What Else Ya Got” achievement/trophy no longer is blocked for those who have not completed the “Double take” challenge.
  • “Fixed an issue which prevented users from using Combat Shotgun mods when out of shells, with “Rich Get Richer” enabled.
  • Multiplayer damage indicators have been removed from the single player mode.
  • Fixed an issue where users experienced a crash to desktop while using current NVIDIA drivers. (PC)
  • Fixed an issue which prevented users from assigning menu-specific actions to the Steam controller. (PC)


New FeaturesAdded two new multiplayer game modes

  • Sector –  Capture and Hold
  • Exodus – Capture the Flag


Improvements to Matchmaking

  • Fixed several cases of party invites not working after the host leaves.
  • Improved host migration success rate.
  • Fixed issues with network connectivity loss resulting in being unable to join future matches when connectivity was restored.
  • Improved handling of party peers in the game lobby.


  • Fixed several third-person weapon issues (animation shaking, customization not appearing).
  • Fixed an issue with the magnetism hack module where power-items would not return to their original position if the player died while in transition.
  • Fixed an issue where taunting many times in a row could cause the player’s third-person animation to be stuck in one pose.
  • Fixed cases of loading screen tooltips not showing up correctly.
  • Fixed issue with Clan Arena and Freeze Tag showing the incorrect amount of player icons on the HUD (top-left player indicators).
  • Fixed issue with level up rewards, including level up rewards not being awarded properly).
  • Fixed presentation issue in the Intro sequence (disabling weapon GUI being displayed early).
  • First person hands customization fixes (fixed some cases where first person hands customization meshes weren’t being shown correctly).
  • Fixed duplicate selection boxes in the Challenges screen.
  • Fixed issue where the previously played map could be loaded into the playlist again.
  • Fixed issue with PS+ offer being shown at an inappropriate time (PS4).


Community HUB Improvements

  • Added Find Open Match, a public match browser displaying all available public lobbies
  • Added a Recently Played Maps list
  • Added ability to Subscribe to maps and browse them from the new Subscribed Maps list
  • Improved the Map Browser with additional sorting options
  • Added new unlockable images for customizing published maps (11 new backgrounds, 10 new mode icons, 20 new miscellaneous images)
  • Added icons on the Map Browser to identify Cloud/Local maps

Editor Functionality Improvements

  • Added God Mode and Infinite Ammo as testing settings for map authors
  • Added Movement Speed settings in the editor


Content Additions

  • Added a customizable Weapon Wheel that allows the player to hold any number of weapons
  • Added 30 new Hell themed Modules including indoor and outdoor environments
  • Increased the number of weapons available by adding the Pistol, the Chainsaw and the Static Rifle
  • Added Skull Keys, and Hell Barrel
  • Added The Unwilling to the available AI
  • Added the Mancubus as a selectable Player Demon
  • Added new Interactables including the Gore Nest, Hell Tablet, and Tripod Panel, a customizable touch screen panel
  • Added weapon-specific ammo to Pickups and AI drop tables
  • Added all new Hell Props including a giant demon skull, altars, cauldrons and more
  • Added construction props such stone blocks, rocks, columns, and arches for customizing Hell environments
  • Added Launch Pads with logic to control distance, speed, direction, and destination
  • Added new FX to accompany the Launch Pads
  • Added new Demonic and Origin Hell Voice Speakers
  • Updated Speakers to include new instrument sounds
  • Added a Switch object which triggers only one output based on a specified index
  • Added a Custom Event object which triggers all instances of an event when any instance of it is signaled
  • Added three new Filters including Equipment, Weapon, and Cached Entity Filters

Improvements to Logic and Object Functionality

  • Weapons now have a property that allows players to pick up weapons when touched
  • AI have two new properties to Set Stagger Percentage, and Enable/Disable Stagger
  • Players now have the On Health Percentage Reached output
  • New style properties have been added to Light objects to create light FX such as blinking, strobe, rotating, and more
  • Props and Player Blocking Volumes now have a Static property that will return their Network budget value, but will disable all inputs (show, hide, etc) during a match
  • Updated the Inventory entity to manage multiple weapons
  • Updated Player Loadout object to include Demon Player race selection
  • The AI Conductor behavior can now be altered when entering a module
  • AI spawning can be inhibited in a module through logic
  • Module Environments can be changed during a match with logic
  • Friendly AI health bars and POIs can be hidden or shown
  • Hazard damage can be set to a Variable
  • Color properties are now shown in a color swatch
  • A large health bar is now available as an Objective
  • Use Alternative AI Drop Table that simulates Campaign drops from demon kills


  • Fixed the Spend input to result in a Spend Failure if it causes a Player/Team Resource to fall below zero
  • Fixed Player Demon hand jittering
  • Fixed the Network cost of Lights. This may result in previous maps having a maxed network budget. Map authors may need to remove other networked objects or use the Static property on Props or Player Blocking Volumes that aren’t altered using logic.

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