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Erstes kostenloses Content-Update (PS4: V1.02) ist für Desperados III ab sofort verfügbar

Desperados III Gamer dürfen sich ab sofort auf neuen kostenlosen Content freuen!

Mimimi Games veröffentlichte heute mit dem Desperados III Update 1.02 das „Baron’s Challenge Mission Pack #1“, welches neue Baron Challenges für Flagstone, Mayor Higgins‘ Estate, Eagle Falls und die Casa DeVitt enthält. Auf jeder Karte wartet eine besondere Herausforderung auf euch:

  • Vanishing Act: Ein gewisser Händler von Schlangenölen verscherbelt seine Waren auf den Marktplatz von Flagstone. Lasst ihn verschwinden …
  • Untitled Voodoo Mission: Isabelle macht sich daran, die Hochzeit von Bürgermeister Higgins zu crashen. Und sie hat eine MENGE Gedankenkontroll-Pfeile dabei.
  • Public Transportation: Zwei Tote müssen zum Bahnhof von Eagle Falls geschleppt werden. Die Wachen schießen zwar nicht direkt, aber wenn sie die Leichen sehen.
  • Bird Hunting: Doc thront auf dem Dach der Casa DeVitt mit den Taschen voller Munition und fünf Zielen auf seiner Abschussliste. Die Party läuft noch – gute Jagd!

Zusätzlich zu den neuen Inhalten hat Mimimi Games das Spiel an vielen Stellen verbessert. So ist nun zum Beispiel der Borderless Fullscreen Mode sowie der Enhanced Renderscale Support verfügbar, ebenso wie nun das Tobii-Eyetracking-Tool unterstützt wird.

Zu guter Letzt haben wir für euch die englischsprachigen Patch-Notes zum 7,2GB großen Update!

PS4 & Xbox One Patch Notes


  • Four new Baron Challenges
  • Bug Fixes
  • Stability Improvements

Performance and Stability

  • Crash Fixes: We made further optimizations to improve the overall stability of the game. Crashes should happen less frequently now, and a few crash cases should be gone completely.

New Content

  • Four new Baron’s Challenge Missions:
    • Vanishing Act: A certain snake-oil salesman is peddling his wares at the town square of Flagstone. Make him disappear.
    • Untitled Voodoo Mission: Isabelle is about to crash Mayor Higgins’ wedding, and she has brought a LOT of mind control darts.
    • Public Transportation: Two dead men must be carried to the Eagle Falls train station. The guards won’t shoot on sight, but if they see a body…
    • Bird Hunting: Doc is perched on the roof of Casa DeVitt, with plenty of ammo and five targets on his list. The party is still going. Happy hunting.

Bug Fixes

  • Main Menu Continue Button Fix: The “Continue” option in the main menu has some unforeseen special cases, which are fixed now. Users shouldn’t load into locked or broken levels anymore.
  • Cloth Simulation Fixes: The stability of the cloth simulation for all characters has been improved.
  • Mission Statistics Fixes: We made several fixes to the statistics screen. It should deliver more consistent information now.
  • UI Fixes: We fixed several minor UI issues, such as misplaced button shadows and more.

Known Issues

  • Public Transportation: The bridge explosion is falsely available in the challenge version of the Eagle Falls level. It is not needed for the challenge mission and should be avoided, as it may break the level state afterwards

PC Patch Notes


  • Four new Baron Challenges
  • Tobii Eye Tracking Support
  • Bug Fixes
  • Stability Improvements

Performance and Stability

  • Crash Fixes: We made further optimizations to improve the overall stability of the game. Crashes should happen less frequently now, and a few crash cases should be gone completely.
  • Black Screen on Mission End: Several users reported a black screen on mission end. Thanks to the help of our community, we were able to find the cause of the issue and could partially fix it. If you load save games of levels where you had this issue, it will continue to show up. But if you start a level from scratch, this should no longer happen!
  • Important: This issue was mostly caused by save files that were copied over from the demo or other versions of the game. Please don’t do this, it was never intended to work that way!
  • Bootup Video Issues: We implemented a few safety mechanics to ensure that you can enter the game, even if the video player for the logo animations is not working correctly on your system.

New Content

  • Four new Baron’s Challenge Missions:
    • Vanishing Act: A certain snake-oil salesman is peddling his wares at the town square of Flagstone. Make him disappear.
    • Untitled Voodoo Mission: Isabelle is about to crash Mayor Higgins’ wedding, and she has brought a LOT of mind control darts.
    • Public Transportation: Two dead men must be carried to the Eagle Falls train station. The guards won’t shoot on sight, but if they see a body…
    • Bird Hunting: Doc is perched on the roof of Casa DeVitt, with plenty of ammo and five targets on his list. The party is still going. Happy hunting.


  • Tobii Eye Tracking Support: You can now use Tobii Eye Tracking in Desperados III! If you don’t know what Tobii Eye Tracking is, have a look at their website.

Bug Fixes

  • Showdown Mode Pause Bug: Several users reported a major issue where characters falsely stopped moving when entering Showdown Mode even though the time freeze option was disabled. They should behave correctly now.
  • RTS Scheme Fix: We got several bug reports from users who used the RTS control schemes. We looked through the bindings again and fixed all reported issues.
  • AZERTY Keyboard Layout: We got several reports from users with a french (AZERTY) keyboard. The layout should be correct now.
  • Main Menu Continue Button Fix: The “Continue” option in the main menu has some unforeseen special cases, which are fixed now. Users shouldn’t load into locked or broken levels anymore.
  • Cloth Simulation Fixes: The stability of the cloth simulation for all characters has been improved.
  • Mission Statistics Fixes: We made several fixes to the statistics screen. It should deliver more consistent information now.
  • UI Fixes: We fixed several minor UI issues, such as misplaced button shadows and more.


  • Borderless Fullscreen Mode: You can now tab out of the game without minimizing it.
  • Exclusive Fullscreen Mode: The old fullscreen mode. Switch back to this option if you have performance issues with the new borderless fullscreen mode!
  • Enhanced Renderscale Support: Our renderscale only supported a maximum resolution of 4096 x 4096. This leads to some confusion for UHD-1 (3840 x 2160) users, who experienced nearly no graphical gain when setting the renderscale to 200%. This has been fixed now, and the users should be able to push the renderscale to 8192 × 8192. This means UHD-1 users can push it to UHD-2 (7680 x 4320) now.
  • Zoom with Ultra-Wide-Screen: We heard your feedback and matched the zoom levels for ultra-wide-screen displays to those of all others displays. This might lead to graphical glitches on map borders, but we won’t hold back what our community wants.

Known Issues

  • Public Transportation: The bridge explosion is falsely available in the challenge version of the Eagle Falls level. It is not needed for the challenge mission and should be avoided, as it may break the level state afterwards.

Desperados III erschien am 16. Juni 2020 für den PC, Xbox One und die PlayStation 4. Unsere Review könnt ihr hier lesen.

# Vorschau Produkt Bewertung Preis
1 Desperados 3 (Playstation 4) [PEGI-AT] Desperados 3 (Playstation 4) [PEGI-AT] Aktuell keine Bewertungen 19,00 €
2 Desperados III Standard | PC Code - Steam Desperados III Standard | PC Code - Steam Aktuell keine Bewertungen 39,99 €
3 Desperados 3 - Xbox One [PEGI-AT] Desperados 3 - Xbox One [PEGI-AT] Aktuell keine Bewertungen 17,73 €Amazon Prime