Das lang erwartete Unity-Update für Fade to Silence wurde von THQ Nordic nun veröffentlicht.
Entdeckt die Geheimnisse der neuen Zone Das Wrack in Fade to Silence. Das Gebiet rund um Das Wrack war vor der Apokalypse ein beliebtes Erholungsgebiet mit faszinierendem Blick auf das Flussdelta. Jetzt thront ein riesiges Frachtschiff auf dem Kamm, die alten Container liegen verstreut umher und haben ein verwinkeltes Labyrinth geschaffen. Eine Todesfalle für jene, die sorglos hindurchwandern.
Ihr müsst Euch den Gefahren Des Wracks aber nicht alleine stellen: Ein neuer Begleiter betritt die Bühne: Ryme! Ryme bewegt sich still und heimlich wie ein Schatten durch die Wildnis, sodass kaum ein Monster sie bemerkt. Ihr könnt viel von ihr lernen, wenn sie bei euch ist, vermeidet Ihr die Entdeckung durch Monster und Jagdbeute.
Neben Ryme taucht nun auch Alice im Spiel auf. Bislang habt Ihr von ihr nur kurz ihre Stimme vernommen. Alice ist die Tochter von Ash und der Grund, warum er nach wie vor den Willen hat gegen die Dunkelheit, die grausamen Monster und den harschen Winter anzukämpfen. Ash und alle anderen Überlebenden müssen sich um Alice kümmern. Als Kind kann sie nicht die selben Aufgaben und Pflichten wahrnehmen, wie die Erwachsenen, braucht aber dennoch Nahrung und lebensnotwendige Ressourcen.
Natürlich haben wir noch die (englischen) Patchnotes für Euch:
Change-Log Build [1.0.747]
Added Features
- Introducing Alice, Ash’s daughter.
- Updated introduction cutscenes (requires you to start a new game).
- New follower: Ryme.
- New Recruitment Scene.
- New region: The Wreck, including new POI, events and outpost.
- Gear equipped to your character no longer takes up space in player inventory.
- Multiple performance improvements.
- Multiple UI and HUD improvements.
- Interface – Crash – Main Menu (Interface part right) is crashing the game.
- Interface – Construction – Only 1 follower is displayed in the construction info also if you have assigned two followers to the building.
- Interface -Resolution 1280×1024 (5:4) – different interfaces not working because a part is cut or elements are misplaced.
- Interface – Resolution 1024×768 (4:3) – different interfaces not working because a part is cut or elements are misplaced.
- Interface – Keyboard & Mouse input – Construction Menu – The input of clicking on building names is not picked up by the game.
- Interface – Inventory – Crafting – Campfire – Campfire being used up unnecessary.
- Interface – The <Select> button is not functional in the <Available Workers> screen.
- Interface – The <Remove/Assign> and <Clear Expedition> buttons are not functional in the <Expedition> screen.
- Interface – The <A> controller button pictogram is displayed after selecting the construction edit mode.
- Interface – The user is able to spam the <Sled has not been unlocked yet.> notification.
- Interface – The <Inventory> and <Loot> tabs are inverted in the looting screen.
- Interface – Hunger notification and green icon highlight are not dismissed after consuming food .
- Interface – The frame from the follower status notifications is missing the feather effect.
- Interface – Cut-off text displayed within the Keyboard Assignments submenu.
- Interface – The <LS>, <B> and <A> controller pictograms are displayed in the <Available workers> tab when using a keyboard and mouse as input.
- Interface – The radial menu appears on a black screen before the menu in reached.
- Interface – The <Drop item> button related to the <Inventory tab> is also displayed in the <Unlocks> tab.
- Interface – The <LS> controller pictogram is displayed in the <Event Log> tab when using a keyboard and mouse as input.
- Interface – The <LT> and <RT> controller pictograms are present in the <Unlocks> and <Overview> tabs when using a keyboard and mouse as input.
- Interface – Incorrect icon representing War Arrows in the overview interface.
- Interface – The recruit marker is still present on the map after rescuing a recruit.
- Interface – Gamepad button <A> is incorrectly displayed when using a keyboard.
- Interface – The items from the Inventory are incorrectly displayed after spamming the equip/unequip button.
- Interface – A corrupted outpost is displayed on the map as being cleansed.
- Interface – The ‚Assign worker‘ button has an incorrect layout displayed when using a mouse and keyboard.
- Interface – Resurrect screen – not possible to click on the resurrect button with the mouse.
- Interface – Keyboard control map does not include the <I> key for Inventory.
- Interface – Map – Wrong icon used for recruitment missions.
- Cleaned up and re-fitted Follower task icons w/ proper ones.
- Updated radial menus, implemented auto-snapping as comfort feature.
- Loca and text improvements.
- Changed intro scene to include Alice.
- Outpost stash which contains extra loot now called strongbox. Added additional stashes now allow access to the refuge stash (global stash).
- Cosmetic changes the first shelter at The Veil.
- Dialog system for the camp followers + Alice.
- Ingame Kinematic system for human characters – Human characters now behave correctly on slopes and uneven ground.
- Spitters’ projectiles now home in on the player.
- Nerfed spitter rate of fire to roughly 1/3 of the previous setting. (Fighting a single spitter with a torch now is easy, but not trivial (you have to evade at least 1 shot), and fighting 3 at the same time is tough, but feasible. You should now always have enough stamina to attack and defend unless you overexert yourself (e.g. with a heavy attack that doesn’t kill the spitter)).
- Buffed ballista and mortar damage.
- Updated PC inventory: Starting pouch has now fewer slots. Equipped items are now correctly moved to the character and don’t use up inventory space anymore.
- Fixed damage zone duration and damage for corruption bulb.
- Set up and fixed deep snow stamina drain.
- Placed Fire Barrel or camp fire in every camp building / player placed buildings in the refuge.
- Refugee Stash accessible in every camp building / player placed buildings in the refuge.
Bug Fixes
- Multiple Crash fixes
- Fixed Crash – The game crashes while exploring the area near a totem and Crusher.
- Fixed Crash – The game will crash upon reaching for the first time a corrupted ground area with the sled.
- Fixed Crash – The game will crash after selecting the exit game option during a recruitment quest.
- Fixed Crash – The game crashes after selecting the exit game option under certain conditions.
- Fixed Crash – The game crashes while reaching the gates of the Northern Outpost.
- Fixed Crash – If you have physical contact with the camp crystal and you cleansing it, the game is crashing after.
- Fixed Crash – The game crashes upon attempting to access the ?Assign Worker? menu from several buildings.
- Fixed Crash – The localization build crashes when launching a saved game
- Fixed Crash – Game crashed after played ~20 – 30 minutes (+ crash on continue game several Fixed times).
- Fixed Crash – Game crashed after played the game for ~30 minutes.
- Fixed Crash – Game was crashing after built a few constructions + tried to make some leather with follower „Jin“.
- Fixed Crash – Refuge Campfire – Deprivation (Hunger) – Dying of deprivation (Hunger) breaks respawn + crash after restart.
- Fixed Crash – During the cutscene with the wolf (after cleansed a totem – outpost1).
- Fixed Crash – The game crashes after defeating Rhys.
- Fixed Crash – A crash occurs after stopping priority task to Vic.
- Fixed Crash – Main Menu (Interface part right) is crashing the game.
- Fixed Crash – The game crashed during he was in combat with 1 follower involved.
- Fixed Crash – Single event crash occurred while in construction mode.
- Fixed Crash – Game Crashes occur randomly while the character is running.
- Fixed Crash – The game crashes after cleansing the first totem.
- Fixed – Unable to continue the gameplay after the character is killed.
- Fixed – Tapping the basic/light melee button once results in two chained melee attacks.
- Fixed – The player can no longer interact with resting spots, making resting impossible.
- Fixed – The user is unable to start the gameplay from the main menu.
- Fixed – The user is unable to complete the tutorial quests.
- Fixed – follower is ignoring the „cold“ value and can get sick easily.
- Fixed – The Jin recruitment quest objective cannot be completed.
- Fixed – Resources are completely missing from the game.
- Fixed – Wolf rescue cutscene lowers the FPS until restarting the game.
- Fixed – Dead follower cannot be revived because his corpse is not visible.
- Fixed – Cleansing has no effect on Rhys during camp raids.
- Fixed – Save Game – Farmland – Save game loaded but character was falling through the ground.
- Fixed – Spitter – Not always triggering death, breaking events and objectives.
- Fixed – Followers – Already Recruited – game reset one follower from camp.
- Fixed – Crafting – Crafting buildings – NPC’s are unable to craft anything in the crafting buildings.
- Fixed – Explosion bulbs spawned by spitters spawn underground.
- Fixed – The game might freeze in the loading screen on specific configurations.
- Fixed – Unable to continue the gameplay when passing with the sled through an under construction Palisade.
- Fixed – Unable to use the teleport function due to missing button prompt.
- Fixed – Event locations terminate when the player flees.
- Fixed – Death screen doesn’t pause the game, generating potential showstopper situations.
- Fixed – Expedition – Save / Load – Follower position after loading save game is wrong.
- Fixed – Event – Outpost 1st cleansing – Possible to break Rhys recruit event.
- Fixed – Event (Rhys) – After i died during the fight with Rhys and cleansed the totem again, Rhys was doing nothing (event breaker).
- Fixed – Abnormal behaviour of the dead follower’s character model.
- Fixed – The equipped arrows are lost after loading the last saved game.
- Fixed – The followers can fall through the ground level when teleported via camp Crystal.
- Fixed – Freeze – black screen on startup.
- Fixed – The Rusher is not responding when it is attacked with arrows by the PC from a distance.
- Fixed – The user is able to avoid the Hellvines attacks by jumping on top of a corrupted totem.
- Fixed – The attacks of the Impaler monsters are not dealing damage to the playable character.
- Fixed – event not triggered when reaching an Outpost.
- Fixed – deer hunting – deer resource (loot) are increasing if you leave / enter the zone again.
- Fixed – Sled replacement option on invalid place makes it disappear.
- Fixed – Respawn Location not reset after death.
- Fixed – Construction – Unable to finish the building despite having enough resources.
- Fixed – A major FPS drop is experienced throughout the ‚Overview‘ section.
- Fixed – The attacks from Spitters are not dealing damage to the playable character.
- Fixed – Vibration Function – Keyboard & Mouse – Vibration for gamepad still active when you are using Keyboard & mouse input.
- Fixed – Floating Tentacles at road to outpost in the flats.
- Fixed – Camp – nightly raid – enemies seem to get stuck and don’t attack the camp .
- Fixed – Birds – not spawning on top of objects, and only on landscapes.
- Fixed – Streaming – outpost Streaming not working as intended – not saving progress.
- Fixed – Graphics – the bowl’s shadow is flickering in the crypt.
- Fixed – Keyboard Controls – the key assigned to „Camp Overview“ is bringing up an incorrect screen.
- Fixed – Inventory – crafting food from Grubroot will consume one campfire as intended.
- Fixed – Missing snow trail in areas with high snow level.
- Fixed – UI Expedition – The <B> and <LS> controller button icons are displayed in the <Expedition> screen.
- Fixed – A spitter remains stuck in ice at a specific POI.
- Fixed – The user is able to close the <Overview> menu by pressing the Tab key.
- Fixed – The character is able to jump the corruption fence during the <Wake Up> tutorial quest.
- Fixed – UI Unlocks – The unlock section title has different visibility.
- Fixed – The <Makeshift Shelter> can be placed under the level geometry in certain locations.
- Fixed – Corruption Roots – Player is able to stand on top of corruption roots.
- Fixed – Inventory – The <Woven Pouch> cannot be unequipped.
- Fixed – Unable to damage the Hellvines with the bow and arrows.
- Fixed – Incorrect placement for the Barrel / Shelter at South-East Outpost.
- Fixed – Storage Stack of arrows cannot be stashed if there is another stack equipped .
- Fixed – The Eclipse’s actual location is incorrectly marked in the world map.
- Fixed – After re-spawning the equipment disappears from the character.
- Fixed – The user is unable to change from the Unlocks section to Crafting or Inventory.
- Fixed – Crafting – Rhys can craft Fur even if he does not have the required skill.
- Fixed – Crafting – Vic can craft Eldritch Essence even if she does not have the required skill.
- Fixed – Crafting – Rhys can craft Leather Cord even if he does not have the required skill.
- Fixed – Crafting – Rhys can craft Processed Tainted Wood even if he does not have the required skill.
- Fixed – Crafting – Jin can craft Cooper Ingot even if he does not have the required skill.
- Fixed – The character can get stuck in a wooden enclosure near Jin’s recruitment location.
- Fixed – Invisible wall collision within the main outpost’s tower.
- Fixed – Construction – Missing collision with the stairs railing of the Crafting Shack.
- Fixed – The character is blocked inside the ruined building if placing a campfire at the entrance.
- Fixed – Corrupted tentacle has no collision with the tower’s texture.
- Fixed – Invisible collision is present on the wooden platform at the second crystal.
- Fixed – Invisible collision in the northern outpost tower.
- Fixed – Construction – Refugee Stash available in every building.
- Fixed – Crosshair is shown on HUD while melee weapon drawn.
- Fixed – Construction – Add Fire Barrel in every building and add camp stash in every building.
- Fixed – The playable character is able to exit the campsite area during the tutorial <Wake Up> quest.
- Fixed – The character can access an enclosed area within the „Construction Site“.
- Fixed – Missing collision with the makeshift shelter.
- Fixed – An invisible wall is blocking the access to lootable resources located in Farmland’s train yard.
- Fixed – Crafting – Rhys can craft Craft Wood even if he does not have the required skill.
- Fixed – No message is displayed when there is insufficient resources to craft an item.
- Fixed – Construction – Missing collision with the workbench displayed within the Medicine hut.
- Fixed – Outpost area – small area not accessible at Peaks Outpost blocking accces to loot.
- Fixed – HUD – compass icons remain in the same position when riding the sled.
- Fixed – The character is able to access a restricted area by climbing the rocks avalanche.
- Fixed – Invisible wall near Observatory blocks the path to the resource bags.
- Fixed – Campfire’s warmth radius is not active in all degrees.
- Fixed – Bag of resources near Jin’s recruitment event location is positioned inside a rock.
- Fixed – Construction – Missing collision with the wooden beds displayed within the huts.
- Fixed – Map – The icon from the Observatory’s cleansed outpost is not displayed in the map.
- Fixed – Incorrect ground collision prevents the Follower from advancing.
- Fixed – Keyboard Controls – The default keys assigned to „Block“ are not consistently displayed.
- Fixed – Graphical Issue – Eclipse – The eclipse is no longer glowing .
- Fixed – The world map is fully revealed before all zones are discovered.
- Fixed – Monsters encased in ice break ice too late.
- Fixed – Follower Vic is incorrectly placed on the ground plane.
- Fixed – Unable to skip cutscenes when using a controller as input method.
- Fixed – Keyboard Controls – Pressing <Tab> in the radial menu allows alternating between the available entries.
- Fixed – Controls are inverted during map navigation.
- Fixed – Monsters – Monsters spawned by the outpost (guardians) or mission don’t drop loot.
- Fixed – Birds shouldn’t be active in blizzards.
- Fixed – Building not enterable at the Observatory.
- Fixed – The character is unable to use the oil bin as a campfire near the bus in the Flats.
Known Issues
- Totem status (active/cleansed) might have wrong status on map.
- Corruption zone around Totem might still be active (including blocking the sled) even after cleansing.
- Fog of war on the map currently has visual artefacts depending on camera position.
- Event log temporarily deactivated.
- The ‚lock-on‘ HUD sometimes does not go away when a monster is killed.
Workaround: unequip weapon (e.g. hold <A>) to release the lock. - In certain cases teleportation prompts in outposts don’t work.
- Localization: Non-English languages are still missing translations for dialogues.
- Localization: Gender sensitive languages are still missing the proper forms. For now, it is recommended to play in English.
- Region names, player feedback about follower activities, some mission names, some reworked
- Interactables, and new or reworked menu items have not been localized, will show up in English.
- In rare cases and certain hardware types game crashes while exploring the third outposts map area.
- Corrupted area may still be present in a specific location in the Flats.
- In rare cases the Crusher can remain stuck in a specific location.
- The game becomes unresponsive if “ALT+TAB” combination is pressed during the loading screen.
- Fire barrels and Campfires in buildings don’t have the correct camera when you interact with them.
- The Spitter becomes unresponsive after getting hit by an arrow from a long range.
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