FALLOUT 4 – Patch 1.26 veröffentlicht

Bethesda hat Fallout 4 den Patch 1.26 spendiert.

Der Patch ist 711,6MB groß und wir haben für euch die Patch-Notes:

New Creation Club contents

Sentinel Control System Companion

Before the Great War, the geniuses at West-Tek and General Atomics International had an idea – what if they combined unmanned suits of Power Armor with an autonomous artificial intelligence? Their single, highly experimental prototype was eventually recovered by the Brotherhood of Steel, and now it’s in your hands.

Noir Penthouse

The Noir Penthouse provides a sanctum from the chaos of the Commonwealth. This stylish apartment includes over 35 new workshop items, new clothing outfits, and a new quest. It is also set up as an apartment workshop so you can modify it yourself.

Bug Fixes

  • Fallout 4 version 1.26 added minor bug fixes.
  • Added performance and stability improvements.
  • Added fixes for crashing and stuttering/lag issues.

Fallout 4 erschien am 10. November 2015 für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und PC.

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei Play-Experience.com