FOUR KINGS CASINO & SLOTS – Patch 1.05 erschienen

Digital Leisure veröffentlichte am gestrigen Abend für ihr Free-2-Play-Casino „The Four Kings Casino & Slots“ ein neuen Patch, der unter anderem ein neues Apartment mit einem neuen Spiel in das Spiel intrigiert, welches für 12,49€ gekauft werden kann.

Im folgenden haben wir die Patch-Notes für Euch:

Space Station

The Four Kings has finally completed its latest research project – an orbital research lab in geosynchronous orbit with the casino! Now is your chance to join the crew! Check out the new Escapes store to take a tour of the Space Station. You will be able to earn chips just for taking the tour!

Once purchased you will be able to invite your friends to your personal orbital platform, as well as earn all of the exclusive space station themed rewards.

Added the Space Station to the Escapes store.
Once purchased you can go to the space station from the ‘Escapes’ section of the map.

Added Nobility 7 Reward – Elvis Suit!

Bug Fixes

  • 400k and 150k packages will now show up properly in the Cashier
  • Made changes to the Go To Friend function to prevent leaving geometry
  • Fixed an issue in poker where the dealer chip would not always move properly
  • Poker tables with 2 or less players will now always have their timer reset to 4 minutes. Once there are 3 or more players, they may choose to hurry up the game by selecting ready
  • Rejoining poker will immediately place you at the table. Leaving will cause you to quit the game
  • Fixed a bug which would sometimes set your waiting status to Ready in Poker
  • Fixed an issue with displaying the new Road Rage biker gear thumbnails/item names
  • Improved loading time on Crown Jewels and Royal Reserve
  • Minor Bug Fixes

Außerdem haben wir ein Trailer für euch zum Apartment und Spiel:

The Four Kings Casino & Slots erschien am 23. Februar 2016 für PlayStation 4.

28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei