FOUR KINGS CASINO & SLOTS – Patch 1.08 erschienen

Digital Leisure veröffentlichten für ihr Free-2-Play-Casino „The Four Kings Casino & Slots“ ein neuen Patch, mit dem unter anderem das Spiel 3 neue PSN-Trophäen spendiert bekam

Wir haben für Euch die Patch Notes in englischer Sprache:

Huge UI Overhaul:
We want to make your Four Kings experience as clear as possible so we felt it was time to freshen things up. Today we’ve released the first in a series of UI updates to the Main Menu, VIP, Rewards, Store and Tasks. Future updates will include the wardrobes, clothings stores, maps and more!

New Daily Reward Calendar
Load up the new Tasks menu to see an all new way to earn free bonuses. Simply select the next available day on the Reward Calendar and earn a reward – it’s that easy. Returning every day will have you winning bigger value prizes. Make sure you login and click to redeem your daily prize. Bonuses include Chips, RP, VIP Access and even extra Daily Slot Spins all yours simply by returning each day.

Fresh Trophies
Three new trophies have been added to Four Kings for those trophy hunters out there. The latest theme is Blackjack, and all the details can be found in your Trophies section.  — Good Luck!

Store Update
Check back next week (December 13th) for details

Additional Notes:
•Two NPCs added
•Nobility 8 Added — The Wizard
•5 new Bonus Reward Easter Eggs
•Some Holiday Cheer to be release before the New Year
•Various other bug fixes – Thanks for all your help

Known Issue:
•If you have over 100 Casino Friends, you make experience issues attempting to Gift Chips. This will be resolved in our January Update.

The Four Kings Casino & Slots erschien am 23. Februar 2016 für PlayStation 4

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei