FOUR KINGS CASINO & SLOTS – Patch 1.18 erschienen

Digital Leisure veröffentlichten heute für ihr Free-2-Play-Casino „The Four Kings Casino & Slots“ den Patch 1.18.

Der Patch hat eine Größe von ca. 3,059GB und wir haben für Euch die Patch Notes in englischer Sprache:

You’ve been asking and now it’s here! Upgrade yourself to Nobility 10 today, and take on the role of the King or Queen of Hearts. More Nobility upgrades will be released throughout next year so keep tiering up.


As we head towards the holiday’s, make sure you don’t forget to log back in to Four Kings. We’re having all sorts of FREE giveaways this December.
Watch for in-game messages throughout the holiday season.

Bug Fixes:
• Improved stability for Big Six Wheel
• Variety of Bingo related UI issues resolved
• Adjusted certain clothing items causing unwanted avatar adjustments

The Four Kings Casino & Slots erschien am 23. Februar 2016 für PlayStation 4

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei