GRAN TURISMO SPORT – Patch 1.16 erschienen

Polyphony Digital veröffentlichte heute für ihre Renn-Simulation Gran Turismo Sport den Patch 1.16.

Wir haben für euch die englischsprachigen Patch-Notes des 107,5MB kleinen Patch:

1. Steering Controller

  • Fixed an issue where the Thrustmaster® T500RS became unusable in the 1.15 Update.

2. Sound

  • Fixed an issue where operating sounds, and sound effects such as tire screeching noise would sometimes stop working while playing.

3. Sports Mode / Lobby

  • Fixed an issue where the car is not displayed properly during pit stops.
  • Fixed an issue where the playback feature was disabled while spectating.

Other minor corrections and adjustments have been performed.

The PS4 Patch distribution uses the SIE differential patch distribution service, but we have found that this patch is currently set in the system to re-download all patches.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.
Please continue to enjoy Gran Turismo Sport.

Gran Turismo Sport erschien am 18. Oktober 2017 exklusiv für PlayStation 4.

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