H1Z1 – Patch 1.15 für den Battle Royale Shooter erschienen

DayBreak haben in dieser Woche den Patch 1.15 für den Battle Royale Shooter H1Z1 veröffentlicht, der einige Fehler behebt und Anpassungen vornimmt.

Auch wenn der Patch gerade einmal 56,76MB klein ist, fallen die Patch-Notes groß aus:

  • Fixed several client crashes.
  • Adjusted Fire Threshold to be more responsive. Your weapon should fire without having to pull the R2 trigger so far back.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing team members to be split apart when entering Fort Destiny.
  • Additional logging added to track down other causes of why team members are being split up.
  • Adjusted the minimap so that your arrow is always on top of the arrows representing your teammates.
  • Adjusted Match Start times to allow for players on different hardware to load in before spawning everyone into parachutes. This should prevent some of the times when you bypass spawning into the Fort and go right into parachuting.
  • Loot bags no longer contain shirts, hats, gloves, leggings, eyeglasses, or face items.
  • Adjusted the amount of Bandages and First Aid Kits that can be carried:
    • No Backpack: 5 Bandages, 3 First Aid Kits
    • Backpack: 10 Bandages, 6 First Aid Kits
    • Military Backpack: 15 Bandages, 10 First Aid Kits
  • Medical items can now be dropped by holding down the appropriate D-pad button for 0.25 seconds.

H1Z1 ist seit dem 22. Mai 2018 in der Open Beta Phase auf der PlayStation 4 kostenlos im PlayStation Store erhältlich.

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei Play-Experience.com