H1Z1 – Patch 1.21 veröffentlicht

DayBreak spendierten H1Z1: Battle Royale den Patch 1.21. Diesr Patch bringt u.a. 3 Snowstalker Bundle im inGame Store und Fehlerbehebungen mit sich. Wir haben für euch die englischsprachigen Patch-Notes:


  • Altered jump mechanic by maintaining your heading and velocity when you leave the ground. Now, you can freely aim or look around while jumping without prematurely shortening your leap. You still have the ability to alter your path slightly by using your left stick – for example, if you were going to overshoot a landing, pulling back on the left stick would allow you to correct this.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause weapons to lock.
  • Fixed certain Daily Challenges not getting cleared after completing them.
  • Environmental sound effects in the hospital no longer persist after leaving the area.
  • Group member indicators are no longer blocked by grid references in the compass.
  • Vehicle kills now show the correct vehicle and skin in the kill notification.
  • Cancelling queue no longer incorrectly highlights the Message of the Day window.
  • Cancelling queue now properly clears out the queue information window.
  • Removed redundant way to open Settings by pressing circle while spectating.

H1Z1 ist seit dem 22. Mai 2018 in der Open Beta Phase auf der PlayStation 4 kostenlos im PlayStation Store erhältlich.

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei Play-Experience.com