H1Z1 – startet zum Launch mit dem Patch 1.30 durch

DayBreak Games haben ihren Battle Royale Shooter H1Z1 mit dem Patch 1.30 auf die finale Version geupdatet und verließ somit die Open Beta Phase. Wir haben für euch die Patch-Notes des 219,6MB großen Updates:

Battle Pass

Battle Pass

The Battle Pass is a new feature where you can earn brand new rewards (such as new skins and new emotes) from regular gameplay and completing your Daily Challenges. Earning 10 Battle Pass Medals will increase your Battle Pass tier by 1. There are three different Battle Pass lines: Free, PlayStation Plus, and Premium.

Every player is automatically granted the Free line of the Battle Pass. If you are a PlayStation Plus member, you will automatically be granted the PlayStation Plus line as well. You can purchase the Premium line of the Battle Pass for 500 Crowns through the in-game Battle Pass menu, or for a similar amount of your local currency from the PlayStation Store (note: the PlayStation Store version of the Premium line includes an extra bonus item!).

Launch day marks the start of Season 1 for the Battle Pass, with Season 1 ending on Tuesday, October 16. For more details on the Battle Pass, check out our FAQ here.

Season Level

Matches now provide XP for the current Season and your new Season Level. As you level up during a Season, you will earn Battle Pass Medals. The start of a new Season will reset your Season Level back to 1.

For more details on Season Level as it relates to the Battle Pass, check out our FAQ here.


Your Skulls have been converted to Credits at a ratio of 50-to-1 (rounded up). Your purchasing power with Credits remains the same as it was with Skulls, as item prices have also been adjusted to reflect the change – you can read more on that here.

There is now a Marketplace with new items available where you can spend your Credits. Items available in the Marketplace can be purchased for Credits OR Crowns. The items available in the Marketplace rotate at various times, on a 24 or 72 hour schedule.

Weapons & Game Balance

  • The M40 Sniper will now kill an opponent in one shot to the head regardless of helmet. To help balance its power a bit, chambering a new round will pull you out of scoped view. The M40 can now be found in Gold airdrops.
  • The AR-15 can now be found as regular ground loot.
  • Explosive Arrows have had their splash damage toned down.
  • The Crossbow has been moved into Green airdrops.
  • The Hellfire SMG now has an increased damage dropoff so that it is not nearly as effective at medium to long range.



New Weapon – M1 SOCOM

The SOCOM is a new sniper rifle that is available in Purple airdrops. It is a semi-automatic sniper and fills a similar role that the M40 used to.


New Weapon – RPG

Found in Gold airdrops, the RPG is the preeminent anti-vehicle weapon. Rockets shoot in a straight line once you fire them (they are not guided or fly-by-wire), so skill will be required to hit fast-moving targets.



The Armored Recon Vehicle is now available! It is the toughest but also the slowest moving vehicle in the game. It features an open hatch on top that allows a player to stand up and rotate 360 degrees to fire in any direction. Crouching will pull the player back into the cabin. It is a rare spawn in the world or can drop during both Green and Purple airdrops, so be on the lookout!

Gameplay Updates

  • The weapon wheel now has a colored outline that represents the weapon’s rarity.
  • Combat Boots now show up as Green (Level 1) as they provide a boost in speed.
  • Military Crates have been swapped to a different model.
  • There is a new option available to set ADS to a toggle instead of holding it down.
  • To provide more feedback, vibration has been added when your Armor or Helmet breaks.
  • The vehicle HUD has been updated with a cleaner and more legible look.
  • Trophies have been added!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where vehicles would not start burning until they were at 18.5% health instead of the intended 20%.
  • Fixed a rare issue where players could be killed by the environment when a teammate was downed.
  • Fixed an issue where the client could lock when entering a vehicle that was just exited.
  • Player no longer occasionally swaps to a different throwable type after throwing.
  • Attempting to throw a grenade (when the user has no throwables) no longer cancels reload.
  • Weapon reload audio now plays only once per reload.
  • Coughing sound effects no longer persist after exposure to a gas grenade ends, and no longer play when entering a vehicle after being hit by a gas grenade.
  • Damage is now refreshed when moving out of one gas grenade into another. Damage does not stack, however.
  • Airdrop Crate interaction animations now match the game timer and respect interrupts and restarts.
  • Remote players now display the correct weapon stance.
  • Revive prompt now displays the target’s name correctly (unpluralized).
  • Button prompts on the radial menu are now hidden when a player is downed.
  • The M40 now reloads automatically after emptying the clip.
  • The Message of the Day image no longer occasionally flickers on the Main Menu.
  • Tutorial Challenge #5 „Find a Rifle“ no longer occasionally fails to complete on the first attempt. Finding a shotgun also no longer grants credit for this Challenge.
  • The M9 and Magnum are now properly in view when previewing these weapons.
  • Play Again search timers are no longer inverted.
  • Hat skins can now be previewed after equipping any helmet.
  • Switching Rides slots in the Customize menu no longer causes tints to skin over incorrect vehicle types.
  • Confirmation box added to „Restore All Defaults“ in Settings.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the game music to play twice.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur after exiting a match.
  • Fixed several inconsistencies in the Controls UI.
  • Fixed several issues with item naming, rarities, and auto-skinning.
  • Fixed several minor issues in the UI such as incorrect icons and highlighting.

H1Z1 war seit dem 22. Mai 2018 in der Open Beta Phase auf der PlayStation 4 kostenlos im PlayStation Store erhältlich und verließ am 7. August 2018 die Open Beta.

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei Play-Experience.com