HITMAN – Patch 1.17 erschienen

Square Enix hat heute dem Spiel Hitman einen weiteren Patch spendiert. Mit über 6,9 GB ist der Patch 1.17 auch nicht gerade klein. Wir haben die Patchnotes für euch.

Known issues from Episode 5

– Agent 47 no longer gets stuck in small bushes on the “Freedom Fighters” mission in Colorado.

– Inconsistent objectives for “The Audition” opportunity are no longer an issue.

– An issue that was causing weapons to be lost when swapped, no longer occurs.

Other improvements for Episode 5

– Fixed an issue that was causing the game to crash when loading specific save games.

– Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after an extended combat state.

– Fixed an issue that could cause ‘aim assist’ to be inconsistent on certain characters.

– Fixed an issue where performing specific actions could lead to an extended loading state.

– Fixed an issue that prevented the “Haymaker” challenge from unlocking in the Sarajevo Six contract ‘The Mercenary’ (PlayStation 4 only)

Fixes for other locations

– Bangkok: Playing the “Man Machine” opportunity could turn Agent 47 invisible if the drums are approached from a specific angle. 47 is no longer *that* much of a silent assassin.

– Sapienza: Agent 47 is no longer ‘enforced’ by Francesca De Santis whilst wearing the golf coach outfit and blending in during the By Candlelight opportunity.

– Sapienza: The Biolab Keycard and Mansion Keycard are no longer missing the relevant item icons.

Other General Fixes

– Minor issues relating to kill conditions in Contracts Mode have been fixed.

– Issues with the ‘Let the Game Begin’ challenge unlocking have now been fixed.

– Multiple issues relating to various game crashes have been fixed.

– Opportunities that have been missed or failed are now greyed out in the menu.

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