HITMAN – Prolog ab sofort kostenlos & Patch 1.26 erschienen

Square Enix hat heute den Prolog zu Hitman für alle kostenlos zugänglich gemacht. Zudem erschien der Patch 1.26.Mit dem heutigen PlayStation Store Update hat Square Enix den Prolog zu Hitman kostenlos gemacht.

Im Prolog spielt ihr den ersten Ort „Trainingseinrichtung“, in der Ihr zum Ersten Mal in die Rolle von Agent 47 schlüpft und lernen müsst, was es braucht, um ein Agent für die ICA zu werden.

Wenn Ihr Spiel gratis herunterlädt, erhaltet Ihr vollständigen Zugang zu allem, was zur ICA-Einrichtung gehört:

  • 2 Story-Missionen, eingeschlossen aller Zwischensequenzen
  • 2 Eskalationsaufträge
  • 40+ Herausforderungen
  • 17 Trophäen

Außerdem wird euer gespeicherter Fortschritt übertragen, falls Ihr das vollständige Spiel kauft.

Zudem hat Hitman PlayStation 4 Pro-Unterstützung: Mit den neusten visuellen und technischen Verbesserungen bietet HITMAN auf PlayStation 4 Pro ein ganz neues Niveau an Detailtiefe. Agent 47 sah noch nie so gut aus.


Zuguter letzt haben wir die Patch Notes zum 600MB großen Patch 1.26:


All players can now try HITMAN for FREE. The ICA Facility is available as a free download on all platforms.
Get more information at hitman.com

ICA Facility Improvements

We’ve made some changes to the player experience in the ICA Facility Location.
These include level design, AI and UI improvements in all missions and contracts in the ICA Facility.
Note: Due to these changes, previous game saves in this location will not be valid.

Global Hints

We’ve added a new system of global hints that will explain some of the game’s mechanics to new players.
These can be toggled in the settings menu and are set to ‚On‘ by default.

The Adrian Eclipse

We’ve fixed an issue that could cause this contract to be ‚failed‘ unfairly. We removed it from the game in March and now it’s back in. Find it under the Paris Destination.Bootflow Options
We’ve tweaked the bootflow of the game with a new background and shortened the time it takes to get into the game.

Suit Only, Hunted

We’ve fixed an issue that could cause the ‚Hunted‘ state to apply to 47’s suit, even if he was wearing a different disguise when compromised.

Bareknuckle Boxer

We’ve fixed an issue that could make it impossible for 47 to poison Novikov’s drink in The Showstopper during the ‚A Drink to Die For‘ opportunity.

Steam Achievement Localisation

We’ve updated the localised names and descriptions of the Steam achievements .

Menu Tweaks

We’ve made minor tweaks to the overall menus, especially the Options Menu to ensure consistency when selecting buttons.
Known Issues

Trespassing vs Hostile Area

In some locations, the mini-map status will display ‚trespassing‘ even when 47 is in a hostile area. This issue has already been fixed, but not in time to make it into this release. In our next update, this fix will be implemented and the correct status will display. Note that the set-ups for hostile areas has not changed, it’s purely the incorrect status being listed on the mini-map status.

Unconscious Witness

The ‚Unconscious Witness‘ status notification above the minimap is not shown. Instead, the ‚Compromised‘ state is shown. This is an unintended result of the UI changes made to the ICA Facility and has already been fixed, but not in time to make it into this release. In our next update, this fix will be implemented and the correct status will display. Note that this is purely a visual bug and will have no impact on the current scoring system.

What’s Next?

The June Content Schedule below shows everything planned for HITMAN in June.
Elusive Target 25 is the penultimate Elusive Target. Our July Content Schedule will include the first details of the 26th and final Elusive Target.


HITMAN: DIE KOMPLETTE ERSTE SEASON erschien am 31. Januar 2017 für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC.

28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei Play-Experience.com