HORIZON ZERO DAWN – Patch 1.43 veröffentlicht

Sony spendierte heute Horizon Zero Dawn den Patch 1.43. Mit diesem Patch werden weitere Probleme in The Frozen Wilds behoben.Im folgenden haben wir für euch die Patch-Notes:


  • General fixes in ‘The Frozen Wilds’ quest storyline.
  • General improvements for ‘The Frozen Wilds’.


  • Fixed an issue in “The Shaman’s Path” where some players would experience not being able to jump onto the safety handhold under the helipad by jumping onto it from under it.
  • Fixed an issue where some players would experience losing the DLC license during their playthrough and receive negative XP.


  • Fixed a progression issue in “The Shaman’s Path” where some players would not be able to enter Ourea’s retreat because they were blocked by an invisible wall and get the ‘Can’t Enter This Location’ message near the Helipad after solving the first power puzzle and saving the game.
  • Fixed a progression issue in “The Shaman’s Path” where some players would experience the objective not being changed after fast-traveling immediately after solving the second power puzzle.
  • Fixed a progression issue in “The Forge of Winter” where some players experienced that your allies would not follow you after moving quickly through the area before the ‘Recycling Area’.

Horizon Zero Dawn erschien am 28. Februar 2017 exklusiv für PlayStation 4.

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