INFINITE WARFARE – Playlist Update inkl. neue Modi erschienen

Infinity Ward veröffentlichten am heutigen Freitag für ihren Ego-Shooter Call of Duty Infinite Warfare ein neues Playlist Update und führt für 1 Woche die Spiel-Modi „Reinforce“ sowie Search & Resuce“ ein.

Mit dem heutigen Playlist Update, könnt ihr in der R&R Moshpit Playlist bis zum kommenden Freitag, den 2. Juni 2017 die Spiel-Modi Reinforce sowie Search & Resuce spielen.

Im folgenden haben wir für euch den Changelog des Playlist-Updates in englischer Sprache:

General Fixes

  • T.H.O.R.: Thunderclap adjustments: Narrowed the area at which each missile can automatically acquire a target. The target will need to be within the reticle for the missile to automatically seek the enemy out.
  • Added counters to scorestreaks that fire tracking missiles. If the player is in Phase Shift, using Active Camo, or has Hardwired, these missiles will not track them. This pertains to all versions of the Trinity Rocket (except Warhead variant), AP-3X: Lockdown, T.H.O.R.: Thunderclap, and Shock Sentry: Catacomb missiles.
  • Weapon Updates:
    • Auger – Fury: Spread now becomes increasingly tighter the longer you fire
    • Volk – Side to side recoil has been toned down slightly
    • RVN – Ranges have been slightly reduced, but fire time between bullets has been reduced as well
    • VPR – brought the shortest damage range in slightly
    • Trencher – Bumped some aim down sight sway values back towards SMG characteristics. Still should feel closer to ARs in this regard however
    • Titan – Adjusted the FOV on the Epic Scout’s default sight to provide a larger view and enhanced default zoom
    • HVR Gemini –Hip fire accuracy improved slightly
  • Various map fixes
  • Prep for upcoming weekly featured mode: R&R Moshpit (Search and Rescue/Reinforce)

Call of Duty Infinite Warfare erschien am 4. November 2016 für die PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC.

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei