INJUSTICE 2 – Patch 1.13 „Dezember Update“ erschienen

Warner Bros. veröffentlichte heute bereits das Dezember Update für ihren Prügler Injustice 2 mit dem Patch 1.13.

Wir haben für euch die englischsprachigen Patch-Notes:

General Gameplay fixes

  • General stability and Online stability improvements
  • Move list corrections and improvements to AI logic
  • Legendary Multiverse Portals are now available for Gorilla Grodd, Green Lantern, Joker, & Superman

Stage Specific Fixes

  • Atlantis – Fixed a bug where someone slamming a statue while the other player jumped off it with specific timing could cause it to be able to slammed again after being destroyed
  • Batcave – Fixed bug where the camera could lose focus on the characters after remaining idle for an extended period of time

Character Specific Fixes

  • Atrocitus – Hate Pounce now correctly gets the damage increase granted by Legendary augment “Feline Fury”
  • Black Canary – Fixed a bug where the opponent would not be grounded after hitting a Canary Drop MeterBurn when the opponent was not facing her
  • Blue Beetle – Fixed issue with several Gear Abilities not being active when equipped in conjunction with his Legendary Accessory “The Reach’s Finest Battle Scarab”
  • Brainiac – Fixed a bug where Cybernetic Charge was always keeping opponents on the same side, which could prevent it from being able to be jumped over or slide under
  • Captain Cold – adjusted the input window of Character Power special attacks and they require a more precise input
  • Captain Cold – Big Freeze MeterBurn will no longer linger it’s visual FX after hitting Hellboy while he has Broom’s Rosary active
  • Captain Cold – Fixed a bug with Len’s Thermal Motion Negating Gun Legendary item that would cause meter to drain faster than normal if the character power button was repeatedly pressed
  • Captain Cold – Fixed a bug that could prevent Captain Cold from reaching level 3 charge multiple times in a row when Len’s Thermal Motion Negating Gun Legendary item is equipped
  • Cyborg – Round win animations now use the Dark Matter effects if his Legendary is equipped
  • Cyborg – Practice mode option Character Power Quick Cooldown now works correctly even if the Mother Box attack misses
  • Firestorm – Fixed sound effect not stopping when Firestorm dash cancels Heat Wave (Away + Hard)
  • Green Arrow – Fixed a rare bug which could cause one of the arrows in Sky Alert MeterBurn to visually be missing when done twice in rapid succession
  • Green Lantern – “Street Sweeper” Gear Augment now has audio on the last volley of bullets
  • Hellboy – Fixed several attacks causing incorrect reactions when hitting Hellboy while he has Broom’s Rosary active
  • Hellboy – Fixed issues where opponent’s parries could sometimes cause an incorrect animation to play on Hellboy while he has Broom’s Rosary active
  • Hellboy – Visual effects from Broom’s Rosary will no longer sometimes linger after practice reset
  • Hellboy – Vasilisa’s Gift MeterBurn Gear Ability will no longer sometimes cause an opponent to move to an incorrect location when hitting them out of a dash
  • Hellboy – “Holy Hand Grenade” Gear Augment will no longer leave a lingering FX when a transition occurs
  • Hellboy – “Lucky Horseshoe” Gear Augment now can only activate after hitting an opponent with a 7 or more hit combo, as the text description says
  • Hellboy – “Lucky Horseshoe” Gear Augment no longer activates in practice mode
  • Poison Ivy – “Acidic Bile” Gear Augment now applies to Burrow
  • Sub-Zero – Fixed as issue where an opponent’s weapon could switch hands at an unexpected time when hit by Ground Freeze MeterBurn gear ability
  • Superman – Fixed an issue with opponent’s head tracking being temporarily incorrect after being hit by Air Heat Vision

Injustice 2 ist die superstarke Fortsetzung des Spielehits Injustice: Götter unter uns, die es Spielern ermöglicht, die ultimative Version ihrer Lieblings-DC-Charaktere zusammenzustellen und zu verstärken. Das Spiel verfügt über eine riesige Auswahl an DC-Superhelden und -Superschurken. Bekannte DC-Charaktere lassen sich mit einzigartiger und mächtiger Ausrüstung individualisieren, die im Laufe des Spiels freigeschaltet wird. Spieler können zum ersten Mal entscheiden, wie ihre Charaktere aussehen, kämpfen und sich im weiteren Spielverlauf entwickeln.

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