LITTLEBIGPLANET 3 – Patch 1.23 erschienen

Sumo Digital veröffentlichte in der letzten Woche für Sackboy’s Jump’n’Run LittleBigPlanet 3 den Patch 1.23.

Der neue LittleBigPlanet Patch 1.23 ist 1,302GB groß und wir haben für euch die Patch-Notes in englischer Sprache:

New Feature – Challenges

The Challenge option is now available from the Play menu and selecting this will whisk you away to a brand-new level that will be available for a limited time to give you the chance to compete with your fellow Sackfolk to unlock some new Pins for your profile!

The current Challenge level will change every other Friday at 12:01AM…

Giving you two weeks to try and climb your way to the top of each Challenge’s Scoreboard!

Each Challenge will give you the chance to earn 6 new Pins!

Completing the Challenge with a high enough score will automatically award you with a Bronze, Silver or Gold Pin depending on the score that you achieved at the time that you completed the level.

Each of these Pins are cumulative, so if you’re a really pro-player and exceed the Gold Pin score on your first attempt; you will also be awarded the Bronze and Silver Pins for your collection.

On top of that though, there are an additional three Pins that will be awarded to the highest scoring players at the time that the current Challenge ends.

These Ranked Pins are awarded for finishing in the top 50%, 25% and finally the top 10% of the Scoreboard at the end of the Challenge!

Once again, these Ranked Pins are cumulative, so if you are awarded the 10% Pin; you will also be awarded the 50% and 25% Pins for your collection.

So there is your challenge!
You have two weeks to get the highest possible score that you can to give you the best chance of receiving one of those very rare 10% Pins!

Good luck everybody and make sure to check out the Challenge menu every two weeks to find out what the latest challenge is!

Race Gates Tweak Update – Display Score/Time

Start Gates and Top-Down Start Gates now contain a new Behaviour Tweak that will allow you to set your race to measure by either the traditional Score counter or a brand-new Time counter.

The new Time counter functionality will now allow you to provide players with a countdown timer upon starting a race with the Start Gate or Top-Down Start Gate.

Both the Start Gate and the Top-Down Gate both also have a new ‘Add Time’ input that allows you to extend the length of the Race by a time of your choosing.

For example, you could connect the Output of a Player Sensor within your level into a Race Gate’s Input to extend the length of the Race by the time of your choosing; allowing players to possibly increase their Time available back up to the Race Time amount that you allocated upon starting the race.

Community UI

Pod Music

  • The Pod Music will now play correctly when using the Pod Computer.

All About Me – My Profile

  • Custom-made Profile Pictures now display properly in the My Profile info bubble and will no longer appeared to be slightly squashed horizontally.

Friends List

  • Your Friends List will now re-populate with your current Online Friends after disconnecting from the internet and re-connecting via the My Friends button.

Pod Menu Camera

  • We have addressed some Pod Menu camera issues that were reported to us after the Game Update 1.22 to bring the camera zooms back to be more in-line with how they were prior to this update.
    • The camera will not zoom into your Planets and Moon quite so much now.
    • The ‘More Stories’ Planet will no longer be quite so zoomed out.


  • Any categories with no levels to display currently will now correctly display the text to advise you on the actions you can take to help fill them up.

Known Issue

Extended Loading Time/Lag in the Pod When Starting the Game

We are aware that since the release of Game Update 1.22, there has been an increase in loading times when spawning in the Pod at the start of the game.

Further investigation has shown us that these loading times are being caused by data being downloaded upon starting the game.

So to help ensure a smoother game experience whilst in your Pod, you can simply wait for the game to finish downloading this data and your game should begin running much more smoothly with load times returning to the same standard they were at prior to Game Update 1.22

We are still working on a solution to reducing these load times when spawning into your Pod at the start of the game and have made significant progress with a fix that we are aiming to roll-out in the next few weeks.

Ideally we would have liked to get that fix in this update but since loading data is such a necessary factor in ensuring the well-being of the game’s functionality, it is something that we didn’t want to rush out and we need just a little bit more time testing to ensure that this fix doesn’t cause any other issues.

We’re sorry if this issue has been causing you considerable grief recently but please be rest assured that a fix is on the way for this issue!

LittleBigPlanet 3 erschien am 26. November 2014 für PlayStation 3 und PlayStation 4.


28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei